
The Life of Kenshiro Senju

I am not the writer! The author goes by the online name Kestix. I just thought that it would be a shame for this gem to rot out there forever. Author: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/16399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kenshiro Senju, son of Iria Senju and Daikuma Senju Kenshiro Senju, that is now my name. It has not always been... Once I have been named differently, by another mother, in a different world. I had grown up in a different world, have lived a different life, and have done things way differently. My story started like so many other isekai self-insert stories. Well, at least I think my death has been a little bit more on the strange side. Author of the cover; https://www.pinterest.de/mliannaphilisa/

RandomSwordsThief · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 23

Tsunade's POV;

No way! I must have imagined this. My brother did not just tell Jiraiya in detail what kind of breasts he likes the most.

I pushed myself away from the wooden wall and stared at it with pure shock. I would have never thought my brother would have such a clear picture of a topic such as this. He always acts proper and cool. He can't be a pervert, he never stares at girls or raves about their body.

"Who would have thought that Senju-sama has these preferences," whispered Vira with barely contained glee, she is the girl of the third Genin team. She was also looking down at her own chest, a moderate chest with pale skin and pink nubs.

I narrowed my eyes and gave her a strong glare. If she thinks she is good enough for Ken-kun then she has something wrong with her head. She is way too weak and she is a fangirl on top of that.

The Uchiha bitch was also looking down, a contemplated expression firmly set on her face. She was pushing her small tits up and around. I know what she was thinking and I won't let it happen. Ken-kun will not get together with an Uchiha. Come heaven or hell!

"Did you know about that Senju-hime?" Asked Vira me with an excited smile. I'm sure she would jump over the fence to Ken-kun if there weren't other boys present, almost like a lusty bitch in heat.

"Of course I knew, he is my brother, my twin," I lied swiftly and with a knowing expression. Inwards I am cursing up a storm for putting myself into that position. Had I not told Ken-kun that I hate perverts he would have told me about his likes and dislikes.

I realized that I have grown apart from him without seeing it. And it was my fault!

"Senju-hime?" Asked Vira again, this time unsure and with concern. I looked at her in confusion. "Have I said something? You are crying," she continued. I put a hand to my face and there were indeed tears coming out of my eyes. Am I crying because I have lost my closeness to my brother? Is there a way for me to fix our relationship?

I hastily rubbed the tears away and was about to tell her that I had just gotten something in the eye when there were loud crashes and painful cries coming from the other side.

"Damn you Jiraiya, don't try to hug me!" Shouted Ken-kun over the fence. A pained groan answered him.

"I think it would be in his best interest to get out now. I'll take the idiot and let him cool down," said Orochimaru suddenly. In an instant, all three of us were back on the fence and listening in to their talk.

"Yeah, Faro and I need to leave as well. We have to prepare our tools for tomorrows test," said suddenly the teammate of Vira.

"Vira?! Faro and I will go out, can you meet us in the lobby?!" He then shouted over the fence and Vira had to hastily answer, before she needed to leave as well.

"How long are you staying there?" Asked Ken-kun his teammate. Sakumo must not have resurfaced yet. He's good that, have been close to 20 minutes now. Now only the Uchiha bitch, Sakumo, Ken-kun and me were left.

"Oy Sakumo, how long do you plan to stay underwater?" Asked Ken-kun again. I looked at the Uchiha bitch and hoped that she would leave as well, but she had no reason to.

A light splashing noise rang through the fence, followed by someone sucking in a deep gulp of air. "Hehehe, a lot longer if they hadn't left. Why did you answer Jiraiya anyway?" Questioned Sakumo.

"Thought it was a good way to bond with the other teams. We may be enemy Genin teams during the exam, but that won't be the case once we leave. They won't trust me if they know nothing about me. Giving them this kind of detail can't hurt me and shows that I am sharing some trust with them," explained Ken-kun. It made me realize that even now he was thinking things through. Ken-kun is just this awesome.

"If you want to, not my ideal idea of gaining trust, but whatever. I think those of your sister are still the best," said Sakumo. He laughed loudly at the end before we heard someone jumping out of the water.

"You better not repeat that or you might lose a limp," threatened Ken-kun in my stead. He is the best kind of brother after all. Still, he could have hit Sakumo for saying that.

"You can't maim me, I'm your best friend and who else would distract Ariha-chan whenever you want to train some of your more destructive Jutsu?" Countered Sakumo. We heard him leaving while laughing loudly.

"That's why Sakumo always asks me about Fire Jutsu whenever Kenshiro-kun leaves," mumbled the Uchiha bitch. For a moment we stayed silent, listening for any sign of Ken-kun leaving as well. There came none, he was still inside the water and relaxing.

I glanced at the Uchiha bitch, she did the same to me. I'm sure she would have tried something if I wouldn't have been here. Sucks to be you bitch!

"Shouldn't you go out as well? Your team will wait for you," suggested the bitch.

"They can wait, I'm not finished. What about you, Hatake-san might feel lonely without you," I countered. She growled lightly, paused and then, strangely enough, decided to leave for real. I waited for a few minutes, trying to sense or hear her coming back, but she did not.

This is my chance!

I silently pulled myself out of the water and climbed up the fence. Ken-kun was still inside, with no one else around. He had his head leaned backwards, on top of a stone and his eyes closed.

I swiftly and soundlessly got down from the fence and into the water. A quick check told me that my towel was still in place and covered my body. "Tsu-chan, it isn't nice to bully your teammates into doing what you want," said Ken-kun suddenly.

I froze mid-step and felt as if I was small again, where Ken-kun and I have tried to steal cookies, only for Mom to catch us and then give us a lecture. "Why do you think I have done such a thing?" I asked instead of admitting.

"Jiraiya asking us about our preferences wasn't too much out of line for him, but Orochimaru answering. That gave you away. Orochimaru would only say something like this if it was part of a mission and what kind of mission would need this information? Neither of them would profit from this, which leaves only you. But why did you want to know something like this?" He opened one of his eyes and looked at me.

His eye went over my whole body, sure it was hidden by a towel, but the towel was wet and very form fitting. And yet, it did not feel like Jiraiya, who was looking at me with lust. It did also not feel like the men who were lately turning their heads to stare at my behind.

It felt as if he would love me no matter what I look like. That my body was not what he was seeing, but me. His twin, his younger sister, someone he loves. It made me feel even worse for bringing a wrench between our relationship.

I felt how I started to cry again and the expression of Ken-kun became concerned. He was one moment sitting on a stone and the next in front of me, hugging me. "What's wrong Tsu-chan? What has made you sad?" He whispered into my ear.

I latched on to him and tried to explain, but it came out as babble and between sobbing. I don't know how much he understood. "Jiraiya always says that big breasts are the best, but you are never looking at the girls with big breasts I bring over and it made me realized that I don't know what you like. It reminded me that you've made this strong Jutsu that harms yourself without telling me and that I might not know as much about you as I like to. And what if I don't know something and do something which you don't like and then you stop liking me as well because I did something that made you not like me..," the rest got swallowed in a hiccup attack.

Ken-kun listened and was rubbing my back soothingly. He waited patiently until I have stopped my embarrassing breakdown and calmed down enough to stop crying. He never stopped circling his hand on my back.