
when we first met

I'm with mommy and daddy on a big boat today. Mommy and daddy are talking to there "friends" that's just what mommy said though. they said that daddy's "friend" has a little boy that I have to marry when I'm older but I don't want to.... Da-daddys "friend" pulled out something from his jacket. And mommy said to RUN!!!. I ran as fast as I could and hide under a table I found. I'm so scared i keep hearing loud noises. A little boy about my age is with me under the table he looks just as scared as I am. mommy said that when someone is scared that if you hold there hand it will make them feel better so I'm holding on the the little boys hand. I think it made him feel better! Hello my name is Angel and I'm five years old what's your name?. he didn't answer. and know there's is black liquid coming from outside to the underneath of the table. The little boy is crying. shhhhh it's ok we'll be ok I promise. The little boy nodded. we just have to stay here ok! "Angel pushes out a smile and gives the little boy a hug". Minutes Crypt by like hours, it felt like we were there for days. Eventually people came the people were wearing camouflage and had these big guns. The little boy would not let go of my hand and I his. that's all I can remember from back then scary right.I still think about that boy every once and again, I don't know who he is even till this day. but anyway I'm twenty three this week. After that day I went to live with my aunt Elena. she has always been so nice to me and I love her with all my heart. Right now I'm in my last year of college and I just got an internship at my dream job you the kind of thing that only happy in fiction. Oh ya and I my dream job is to be an animator. sadly I'm only an assistant to the manager. But I'll get there... I'm full of determination I can do it!

hi im supergirlf6 and im an aspiring writer I hope you like it ?

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