


I woke up as I heard a voice talking, I stood up and met macy

"Aunty I heard about what happened to you, how are you feeling now?" She asked pouting

"I'm better now no worries. How was your class?" I asked her

" it was okay " she said suddenly smiling

I checked the time on my phone and it was past 3

Oh I forgot about the party to be held this evening

" Macy where is the party being held ? " I asked her " oh it's in our house , it's starting by 7 they have started doing the decorations " she said cheerfully

" alright I think I'll start getting aunty caroline ready then when I'm done I'll get you ready is that okay by you" I asked

" yes and oh I want to still learn how to paint a face" she said grinning

" alright let's go see aunt caroline ." I said as we both exit the room on our way to Caroline's room.

I knocked on the door and she asked us to come In so we went in she had just finished taking her bathe " hey Karen how are you doing? " she asked

"I'm good caroline you've taken your bathe right?" I asked

" yes I have we can start right about now " she said

"Alright come sit at the vanity" I told her.

She already had everything for her makeup so when I was coming I was asked not to come with my make up box .

Macy sat and watched every step I took

Soon I was done with her make up and I asked her to go put on her dress before I can dress her hair .

She came out and her dress was lovely

She wore a red gown with one sleeve hand and the other hand sleeveless , with a slit that stopped at her mid thigh

" you look amazing " I gushed

" awww thank you " she replied

So she sat and I straightened her curly hair after combing and applying hair lotion.

And I'm done she's ready and by the time its already 6 .

" Thank you Karen and I'll like you to attend the party and don't worry about not bringing suitable clothes the cook has already dropped a clothe on your bed "she said

" thank you for that I'll meet you at the party " I said as i and Macy left the room.

" Macy dear did you learn how to paint face?" I asked laughing

" hmmm a little but it was confusing " she said scrunching her face

" don't worry when you grow up I'll teach you well" I said

" promise?" She asked as she showed me her pinky " yes I promise " I said smiling

We entered her room cause I want to get her dressed for the party her room is nice everything is painted violet hm she must like violet colour.

I asked her if she would want me to give her a bathe and she nodded her head .

So I helped her off her clothes and took her to the bathroom. I filled her tub with water and soup as I wanted to give her a bubble bathe after that I got her dressed . Her dress was Disney's princess Sophia's dress and flat so I braided her hair into two paths as she hugged me " thank you aunty " she said smiling

" aww you are welcome my angel now you can go to the party make sure you stay by granny's side I need to get dressed " I replied as I exited the room to mine.

I got to my room and quickly took my bath because I'm sure the party must have started.

I put on my dress and it was my perfect size , it was a knee length black gown with straps , I decided to go with white canvas shoe , I curled my hair and did little make up as I drew my eyeliner. I must say I'm smoking hot.

I walked down the stairs to see the party has already started so I scanned through the crowd to find anyone I know until I sighted granny and Macy. As I walked towards them.

" Karen you look beautiful " granny gushed

" thanks granny you look good too " I replied

I lot of persons were present and there were all drinking. I was feeling left out as I climbed the stairs Adrian appeared from no where and said" you going to sleep already?" " yes I'm bored and there is nothing for me to do" I said .

" let's get a drink and go outside " he suggested as we both went down he got two glasses and a bottle of wine as he led me outside to a garden and we sat down . He opened the wine poured for himself and also for me . We started sipping the wine "uhm thank you about earlier " I said

" it's no problem I just couldn't see you like that " he said

" at first my opinion of you was that you were a spoilt jerk no offence though " I said laughing

" none taken " he said laughing also.

We drank the full bottle as we talked about everything and nothing at the same time,and I must say I was quit tipsy .

Then I noticed him staring at me , I don't know if it was the wine but I moved and kissed him when I noticed what I was doing " I'm so sorry ….." I couldn't finish my apology when he claimed my lips and I kissed him back after a while I pulled and looked into his eyes

" I wasnt sorry about that common let's get you to bed you are quit tipsy " he said as we stood up and he held my hand to steady me as we climbed the stairs. I got to my room " goodnight " I said to him " goodnight Bambi " he said smirking

Hm that's new but I like it . He shut the door I started smiling to my self as I replayed the kiss I my head . I took off my clothes and went to sleep. Today was quit eventful.