


"A month!!! Like firbthe full month?" Adrian said suprised

"Yeah babe I wanna help Nessa I can't rest till my mums death is avenged " I replied determined.

"Karen you're not the detective let them do their job " he said with concern

"Its my late mum we're talking about here i can't let my mums killer roam around freely so i wanna help my sister and we must bring the killer to book" i assured him

"What if you get hurt i can't lose you" he said holding unto my hands

"You won't i promise"

"Fine but call me when you need anything i mean anything " he reassured

"Ok boss" i said in giggling as he gave me the side eye for calling him boss. Lol

"When are you leaving?" He asked as he went in front of the mirror combing through his hair with his fingers.

"Tomorrow " i replied blinking rapidly

"What tomorrow?" He asked

"Yup" i replied popping the 'p'

"Ok fine fine I can't stop you " he replied.