


We got to work and I went to my office.

"Hey Nessa , how are you doing" MK said as soon as he saw me.

"I'm Good just tired" I replied as I went in and sat down . I'm confused that bite mark is obviously not humans ohh the bodies were sent for autopsy.

I think I need to call them soon. I brought out the printed picture of the bite Mark's and continued to observe it huh it's not like I have magical eyes to see whatever or whoever bit them.

But I keep wondering how the receptionist managed to escape I really need to question her .

My phone rang pulling me out of my thoughts " Detective Vanessa speaking how may I help you?" I said as I answered the call " hello detective I'm calling from the autopsy centre, we conducted the autopsy on the bodies and have gotten the result if you don't mind I'll like you to stop by whenever you srw free to see the result if your self." The lady at the other end of the phone said.


I got to the airport and moved my little luggage with me . I wonder how Nessa is doing, I will have to call her as soon as I land.

Few minutes later we were already on board and soon we landed at the airport in New Zealand as I brought out my phone to call a phone number given to me by Mimi my boss , I was asked to call the person when I landed so I opted to dial the number " Adrian on the line who I'm speaking with?" A Male voice said from the other end of the phone " uhm I'm Karen the make up artist for the wedding I was asked to call you…" "Oh don't sweat it I know you already just wanted to pull your legs" he said in Mockery interrupting me. Huh what a jerk " alright just turn and you'll see me" he said as I turned around to see a handsome guy when I say he's cute , trust me he is cute! "You done eye raping me?" The guy said walking towards me " sorry about that so where to next?" I asked " well let's go to the car , for the three days you would be staying with us so shall we? He asked as I followed him to his car how rich are those people .

We rode in, comfortable silence cause I don't really know what to say. We got to the house, or will I call it a mansion as he swerved swiftly into the parking lot. We both came out as I stood and watched him bring my luggage out of the trunk and he pushed it to me, what a mean jerk he couldn't even help me he then said I should follow him as we both went inside through the front door.

" aunt they are here they are here!! Uncle Adrii is here with a cute lady" a little girl came out and started yelling as she went to give Adrian a hug. " oh baby how are you ?" He asked her " I'm fine uncle Adrii " she said grinning so wide. We finally got to the sitting room and I met some persons sitted awwww what a cute family. A lady came and gave me a hug " oh you must be Karen right thank you for coming at such a short notice I'm caroline the bride to be " she said smiling as I walked to the older woman " hello Mrs " I said it of courtesy " oh come on give me a hug " she said as she pressed me against her self

" I'm Caroline's granny and oh you must have met Adrian, he is Caroline's brother " she said

Oh that was why he was being a jerk I had thought he was a body guard opps!! my bad.

" caroline please show her to her room" granny said

So I dragged my luggage up the stairs with caroline in front considering I don't know the way, we walked through the corridor then she opened a door and said " this is you room I hope you like it" " yeah it's nice thank you " I said smiling. " so I'll leave you to get settled and freshen up before dinner ,if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me or Adrian cause his room is nextdoor " she said as she quietly left . Wow this room is big, it has queen size bed , a walk in closet well it's not like I'm going to unpack my bag because I'm staying for just a few days . Then I walked to the other door inside the room and the bathroom is nice the bathtub looks comfortable and vanilla soup and shampoo scent filled the bathroom. I'm gonna make the most of my stay here.

So I stripped of my clothes and took my bath. I came out and decided to just wear shorts and a maroon coloured shirt with some flipflops considering its just downstairs and to eat dinner I'll just call Nessa when I come back to the room I reasoned as I charged my phone and went down the stairs.

I got to the dining table and met everyone sitted already granny sitting at the head of the table, caroline at her left hand side , the little girl who I later found out that her name was Macy was sitting at granny's right hand side , Adrian wa sitting beside Macy leaving me to sit beside caroline which is opposite Adrian. " Karen dear how do you like our house?" Granny asked " oh your house is nice thanks granny " I said earning a scoff from Adrian as I said granny what a stupid jerk.

We began to eat in silence , the food is delicious its pasta and meat balls when I was done" thank you everyone for the meal "I said as I took my dishes to the kitchen, it wasn't hard to locate the dish washer so I did my dishes and went back to my room . I'm so bored there is nothing for me to do and its past 8 I can't possibly sleep now though I'm tired from the flight. A knock sounded interrupting my thoughts as I heard the pitter patter of a feet it was Macy the little girl "hey Macy aren't you feeling sleepy yet" I asked her as she sat on my laps "no aunty I'm bored I have no one to play with granny is tired and sleeping, aunt caroline is on a phone call and uncle Adrii well I think he is busy" she said " ohh so why don't we play questioning game "I suggested and she obliged "Macy how old are you?" I asked " I'm 5 years old and you "she said " that's nice I am 22 " I said grinning "yahh uncle Adrii is older he is 24 and aunt caroline is 27 "she said cheerfully "really that's nice so we are the younger ones left" I said fake pouting "yes that means we can play" she said "yes dear" I replied " Aunty I heard you do make up and granny said make up means painting of face and I'll like to paint granny's face one day will you teach me" she said with lleafjng eyes "yes I'll teach you all you have to do is stay by my side tomorrow evening cause I'll make up aunt caroline for a small party tomorrow " I said "okay thanks " the door opened with Adrian poking his head " hey baby it's time for bed " he said "okayy thank you aunty for talking with me " Macy said as she went out the door. " thank you for looking after her " Adrian said smiling as she shut the door.

I lay on the bed grinning just because Adrian smiled at me and I went into dreamland that was how my plan of calling Nessa went down the drain.