


Well everything still feels surreal , we haven't finalised any any plans yet but mum took Zeke to the underworld where he is kept in confinement .

I still feel a war is coming but I hope not.

I haven't gone to work for two days now cause I don't know how the hell I'm going to face Shawn.

That monster I swear I'm going to end him.

"Nessa what's going through your mind ?" MK said suddenly breaking my thoughts. Just have been to lost in my thoughts not to know when he entered.

"Nothing really have you been able to go to work?" I asked

"Yes I did and i acted normally same as Shawn " he replied

"I'll go to the office tomorrow we wouldn't want to be suspicious would be ?" I said

"Nahh but do you think he would have caught on ?" He asked

"I honestly dont know. "

"I'll go freshen up before going to bed " I said as I went to my room.


So its morning now and I took my bathe, got dressed and came down the stairs for breakfast.