


Aknock sounded on my door bringing me out of my thoughts .

I'm not expecting visitors any time soon not like I have friends who will come and visit me unexpectedly who must that be?

I unlocked my door and saw MK, Zeke and Yvonne.


What the hell are there doing here, I knew Yvonne was coming but I didn't expect her to come so soon .

"Are you going to let us in?" Zeke said smirking

"Yeah… Uhm sorry come in " I said opening the door wide enough for them to get in.

"So Nessa you didn't tell me you had a female friend and you chose to hang out with her after taking a day off at work. I'm greatly offended "MK said fake pouting

Uhh such a cry baby.

"Ohh dear I'm actually her sister " Yvonne said proudly.


"Wait what!!"

The two boys said at the same time. Yeah you can guess who said each word.

"Oh now I'm greatly offended, you lied to me" MK said

while Zeke stood fielding his hands while looking from me to Yvonne and back and forth.