


"Aunty wake up its time for movie " a voice said with a soft hand.

I rubbed my eyes as I finally opened it to meet Mauvie.

"Hey what's the time ?" I asked

"Its 8pm already. Mum said I should wake you up to come watch a movie since you weren't hungry for dinner" she said

"You guys do movie night ?" I asked

"Yes every friday we have movie night " she said smiling.

"Okay tell mummy I'll be down shortly " I said to her as she skipped out of the room in excitement.

Yeah like you guessed, I had already gotten to mum's house, I came in an our ago while they were eating dinner , I didn't feel like eating so I decided to go take a nap . I was taken to the room I had woken up in the other day .

I fell on the bed and slept off almost immediately

I changed clothes and went down the stairs in flip flops.

"I had no idea that they would be a movie night " I said as I walked to sit beside Yvonne