


I woke up in a strange room .where the hell I'm I, this isn't my room . Where I'm i? I walked to the door and found it opened so I went out.

"Aunty you are awake, mum said you are her sister so that makes you my aunt" she said smiling

I really need an explanation to all these it's all so confusing.

"Pretty girl what's your name?"I asked her

"My name is mauvie" she said giggling

"Alright can you tell me where you Mum is " I asked her

"They are at the garden let's go " she said tugging at my dress

Wait I was just putting on shorts and how come I'm wearing a dress

Oh they've got a lot of explaining to do.

We got to the garden and saw the both of them sitting in silence .

"Hey take a sit "vonne said pointing at the only available sit left.

I walked forward and sat down.

"Mauvie dear go play with your toys" Yvonne's mum said.

No one should judge me for saying it like that I mean my mum is dead I can't just believe what a stranger said.