


The next day, I got dressed for work made breakfast and after eating I went to work.

I got to my office and started going through my files and documents when my phone rang .

"Detective Vanessa, I am calling from the hospital to let you know that the receptionist from the inn had been discharged yesterday " she said "ok alright thanks" I replied as I ended the call

On my way to look for Zeke my phone rang again

" hello detective Vanessa I'm calling from the autopsy centre about the bodies that were brought in yesterday noticed some things I'll like to to stop by " she said

"Ok thanks I'll definitely do that.

I locked my office and walked out to find Zeke .

" hey Nessa how you doing it's been long we sat together and talked " MK said pouting

" I'm so sorry MK its because of this case am really stressed out, I promise to make it up to you " I said

" alright Nessa no problem " he said

" have you seen Zeke?" I asked

" he went to the coffee machine " he said" alright thanks ".

I walked to where he is and tapped him saying " hi Zeke we have two places to be which do you think we should go to first "

" what places?" He asked

"The hospital called and told me that the receptionist was discharged yesterday and so she is home now and also the autopsy centre called me and said they found something " I said

" I think we should go to the autopsy centre " he said

" alright hope in the car and let us go" I commanded

" I'll be back let me get my uhm… Phone" he stammered

So I waited and he came back 5 minuteslater and we zoomed off to the autopsy centre.


We got there and I showed the lady at the desk my ID and she asked us to follow her .

We got to an office and I knocked " come in please " a lady said

So I and Zeke went into the office.

" we conducted autopsy on the bodies and we found claw Mark's on one of the kid please come with me " she said as I and Zeke went with her to to the room she led me to the other day , she took me to one of the kids body and I was give a magnifying glass and I could see the claw Mark's on her hands . I quickly wrote my observations in my diary then Zeke said " that means the killer has claws "

" yes we can conclude that " the lady said

" at least that is a lead for us " Zeke said .

" thank you so much ma " I said

" no worries I am glad I could be of help " she said smiling.

" so let's go to the receptionist house , I got her address from NYPD " I said talking to Zeke

So with that we got into the car on our way to the receptionists apartment.

I knocked on her door no reply as we brought out our guns and went into the apartment

" hello is anyone here?" I yelled no reply

So I signalled Zeke to check the kitchen while I went into the bed room. I walked with my gun already cocked ready to shoot at anything I see I entered the room and searched it was empty so I opened the bathroom and I found her dead in the bathtub bite Mark's still I'm her neck and visible claws on her arm "Zeke !!" I yelled as he hurriedly ran into the room

" Tf " he said as he turned his face the other way

I brought out my phone took pictures and then I called the ambulance to come pick up the body.

Again Zeke said he was going back to the office and I decided to go home cause I need to look into this matter more seriously and I bid him goodbye as I drove home.

I got home and brought the files out the

The pictures I got from the autopsy of the kid with claw Mark's , I pinned it on the wall it's time to analyze this.

Ok let's say the kid was in the room then person climbed through her window, don't know how though the he entered and tried to bit her then maybe she started struggling and that was how the claw Mark's appeared on her hands. That's a point.

Then for the receptionist, I think she saw the person and he doesn't want her to reveal what she saw so he came to her house, though I don't know how he opened it , went to her bathroom maybe she was taking her bathe considering her being naked in the bathe tub then maybe she tried struggling hence the claw Mark's on her arm and face . Point 2.

There've got to be something I'm missing anyways I can think about it later .

I just finished making dinner when my phone rang it was Mrs kay my foster mum and Karen's birth mum.

" hello mum how are you doing it's been long" I said

" I'm good dear it has indeed been long

How are your doing Nessa I called Karen the other day and she said She's in New Zealand so how are you coping alone?" She asked

" I'm doing okay mum " I said

" i just had CCTV installed in the house just for security purpose even at the bakery I had it also installed there " she said I can almost hear her smiling.

" ok mum I'll see them when I and Come visit" I told her

" bye love you " she said as she ended the call

Wait CCTV that's it that's the missing point yes I got it the inn is likely going to have a CCTV camera.

How come I haven't thought if it huh mum is life saver . I'll ask for the footage tomorrow and with that I think we'll get a lead. I thought about these things till my stomach rumbled and I remember I made dinner I have to eat.