
The Liabilities of a Wizard

After Voldemort's death, a lasting era of peace begins. The heroes of Hogwarts; Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are hired into the Ministry of Magic and Minerva McGonagall becomes the headmistress in Hogwarts. Everything is fine for the wizards, this is their golden age. Or so they thought... Author Notes: I do not own J.K Rowling's fictional universe and characters.

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20 Chs


Slowly, but surely, Noah opened his eyes. Sunlight came from an open window, blinding him momentarily. Immediately, he put his frail arms to barrel off the invading light, forcing his eyelids apart.

The first sight that greeted him was the headmistress and 3 other teachers staring at him from head to toes, as if examining a magical beast. He glanced back at them, wondering why they were acting weird. Before he could ask anything though, Minerva said in a low voice:

"How did you survive?" She muttered as if pondering it by herself.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Where am I?" He pretended to be oblivious - no more than a mere student who survived by a miracle, that was his tale. His body was weak (why he didn't know), that's for sure, but his act never lost its former glory.

"A miracle! A true miracle." One of the teachers exclaimed in joyful commemoration.

"You are alive!" The other two said in clear bewilderment. Meanwhile, Minerva stood at the back, muttering things by herself.

"What are you people talking about?" He turned his head in askance.

"You don't remember?" They asked, "After you broke your mana core, it was assumed inevitable death. No human could survive it after all, even today. And that's what happened, or so we thought..."

The other one nodded, continuing to explain, "3 days ago, your body started to convulse erratically - head banging back and forth in the mattress. The nurses rushed in to check your heartbeat - no reaction. They've tried to reanimate it for 5 minutes straight, but there was no feedback. When we thought it was the end, it started to beat again, literally making a bang sound run through the nursery."

"Ever since then we've been watching out for new developments." Minerva finished, "Now, I know there is something else you are not telling us. You must be tired, I know, but this is important for your security as well as ours." She said slowly, carrying out every single word carefully, "Is there anything else other than what we've just told you?"

He swirled his head right and left, staring directly at Minerva's eyes.

"Well, then there is nothing else for us here. Now rest, you need it." She said before going away, the professors right behind.

"By-" He bit onto his words as he felt something trying to pry inside his mind. Looking at Minerva, he felt some sort of connection to the attack. Before it could go any further, he sent a mana signal right back, lacking in any finesse but having a lot of mana behind it. A brute response, but effective for sure.

He had too many secrets for someone to discover them, and he was already fed up with people messing up with his head.

Minerva tumbled slightly on her walk, confirming his doubts.

'Great, now I have the headmistress watching me. Well, fair enough. I deserve a little misfortune.'

Just as they left him alone, he made an attempt to stay up from the stretcher. In less than a second, his legs trembled upon the pressure applied by his full body weight, his skin paled even further and his eyes swam in a nauseous feeling. He quickly put his arms over a cupboard behind, avoiding to pass out by milliseconds.

"Fuck." He groaned before searching for any more changes.

'What the...' he made a fist with his hands, the skin he saw was pearly white. Perhaps he applied to much strength upon his hands or they were just too frail, but a thin trail of blood dirtied his nails as he closed them.

"Arggh..." He grunted as he sat down onto the mattress, eyeing the vibrant blood in his nails... strange.

'I feel something... almost like my blood is alive.' With a thought, he sent a ping like he often did with his mana... and he felt it again.

'Let's try a spell.' He gambled.

"Lumos." He muttered while imagining a light sphere on top of his palm. And there it was! He felt energy pulsate through his heart as if following his blood vessels to the outside of his blood. A strong light formed upon his hand, and he opened his mouth agape in shock.

"Bloody Merlin." He whispered as he felt light-headed. His body changed, and now it acted as a conduit for mana.

'A freaking walking wand.'