
Vol. 6 - Chapter 8: The Chief and the Bounty Hunter

Part 1 – Near the Native Village

Johanna and Uriel are coming closer to the lake where the key is located. Uriel feels even weaker. Johanna stops the horse as she says to Uriel; "I think we are being followed."

Suddenly the natives surround them. They are riding horses and pointing with bows and arrows. Johanna comes down the horse; however Uriel with no strength falls off the horse to the ground.

"Wait we just want to investigate the lake." Johanna says as she grabs Uriel, one of the natives screams; "Silence you liar, prepare to die."

"WWWWAAAIIIITTTT" Baishan screams causing everyone to stop. He runs and stand in front of Johanna and Uriel extending his arms to the side and says: " I owe my life to this people, stop it please."

One of the natives comes down of the horse and asks; "Is this true Baishan?"

"Yes chief, he saved me from Coyote." Baishan says to the chief with confidence. The chief sighs with his eyes close and orders his men to withdraw. They help carry Uriel and take both of them to their village. Their village had tents made of fur; they surround a special fire made of woods and rocks.

"AAAAHHHH" Uriel screams as the natives try to cure him using Eternal Life flowers molded and turned into liquids. They apply them into Uriel's back making feel pain however; they are curing his back with alarming speed. After the curing process is completed, the natives cover Uriel with bandages once more.

Uriel and Johanna eat some food that the natives gave them. They sit around the campfire. The village chief has brown skin, yellow eyes, black hair. A well build muscle body, he is wearing a large crown of feathers and has painting from different colors in his face.

"My name is Apache, I am the leader of this tribe, nice to meet you; Uriel and Johanna I thank you for saving Baishan."

"You are welcome." Uriel says to Apache, Apache begins to explain about the effect of the Eternal Life: "these flowers can help in curing the body. The man named Sundance made a consumed the first flowers causing him not to age, he gave those flowers to his Granddaughter causing the same effects as well."

"Sundance says that he needs the golden key to break the curse, why is that?" Uriel asks Apache, Apache continues to explain: "The truth is that the key does not solve anything, the only thing to do is take the key out of the seal tomorrow night and the curse will be broken. The case of Sundance and her granddaughter is that they have a special seed in their bodies that causes them to cure instantly, we don´t how they them but the ghost of a white woman might be to blame, she was with Sundance on the day of the invasion centuries ago."

"I see, so if we remove that seed, they will turn to normal again?" Uriel asks Apache, he nods in sign of agreement. Uriel stands up and says; "Very well, I will tell Coyote and we could avoid any fighting."

Johanna stands up and puts her hand on Uriel´s shoulder, Uriel feels a sting in his shoulder and asks Johanna; "What´s wrong Johanna?"

"Uriel you just had your injuries cured by the Natives, stay here at the Natives camp. I will go and grab Cassidy and Coyote and bring them here." Johanna explains to Uriel, he refuses at first but feels very weak. Apache suggest Uriel to stay as well, with Uriel finally agreeing. Johanna smiles at Uriel saying:

"I will be back at no time."

Johanna grabs a horse and leaves the village. Uriel passes out and Apache has his men carry him to a tent where he could rest.

Part 2 - In the town

On a certain cave near the town, there is a small fire lighting the cave, sitting next to the fire a there is a silhouette of a young man. In his side, he left the skeleton mask with green stipe. He is now wearing a Mariachi suit. He puts on a mask that covers his hair all the way down to his nose. He has two holes for his eyes however; the fire does not reach the eyes. The young stands up and puts a charro hat. He begins to say:

"It's show time, gentleman"

The fire extends lighting the whole cave where around 20 corpses of Natives were lying in the ground. The young man throws a black ball with green light. The ball extends and disperses itself into several pieces, those pieces attached themselves to the corpses, and the green veins extend to the corpses causing them to move. They begin to walk slowly outside the cage. The young man dressed up as El Charro Negro gets into the horse and begins to head to the town where coyote was located.

Meanwhile Sundance walks down the road of the village thinking about the past, h begins to remember how everything was 130 years ago, his son, his daughter, his grandchildren. He begins doubt and asks himself; "Was this all worth it?"


Suddenly a house explodes at the end of the road. People begin to panic; the fire shocks Sundance. He looks at the sky and sees several green-lighted missiles heading to the town.


The missiles destroy multiple houses including Sundance's house.

"JJJOOOSSSSIIIEEE, CCCCCAAASSSIIIDDDYYYY" Sundance begins to run towards the house however a missiles attacks as well. Fire begins to illuminate the town, Sundance is in the ground bleeding, and he looks up and sees several man appear. The Charro appears in his horse along with 20 natives. The Charro does not show his eyes, Sundance gets furious and screams:


The Charro smiles and orders the natives to attack. Sundance takes out both of his guns and begins to fire t the natives.


The natives explode with the bullets; El Charro disappears from Coyote's sight. Coyote begins to run towards his house, however the natives grabs his leg and begin to pull him.

"Damn it, let go I must get Cassidy"

El Charro appears before him and says; "Old man, your time is up." He kicks Coyote with great force causing him to fly to a house collapsing it.


In the house where Josie and Cassidy were located. Johanna appears between the flames screaming:


"HERE, PLEASE HELP US." Cassidy response as there are located in the second floor. Johanna runs upstairs and find out that Josie was beneath the rubble unconscious. Cassidy tries to pull her out with no success.

"Help me Johanna please" Cassidy cries trying to pull out Josie, Johanna tries to help her but they cannot pull her out. Cassidy passes out because of the smoke. Josie regains consciousness and says to Johanna:

"Johanna, take Cassidy and leave me, after all I really don't exist in this world. My life does not matter."

Johanna nods at Josie, Josie smiles as she sees Johanna run with Cassidy, she says in a low tone: "Good bye, my great-granddaughter." Fire consumes the house causing to collapse with Josie on it.


Johanna barely made it out with Cassidy. Johanna coughs because of the smoke she breathed earlier. Suddenly El Charro appears before Johanna. Johanna is shocked and asks:

"Uriel, is that you?"

"No, I am not Uriel." The young man takes his hat off causing Johanna to be surprised. She smiles and says; "I see, so you are El Muerto"

"That is correct nurse, now give me the girl and I won't have to kill you." The young man says to Johanna, she holds Cassidy tighter and says:

"I refuse; you see Uriel wants to save this girl."

Three missiles formed on top of Johanna as the young man replies: "This is not a negotiation, that girl has connections to the golden key."

"I see, so you are after the golden key eh, well I can help you with that, right now the Natives trust us, I can get close to them and reveal the position of the golden key, after that I will make sure Uriel does not interfere." Johanna says to the young man. He makes the missiles disappear and asks:

"Why should I trust you, you are after the keys as well."

"Well technically, I must investigate, not capture, those were not my orders, and do we have a deal?" Johanna replies to the young man. He begins to leave as he says; "Well then I will be waiting for the key, nurse."

The man on the town see El Charro riding into the flames as he screams; "I AM EL CHARRO NEGRO REMEMBER ME; I AM THE ONE WHO WILL KILL SUNDANCE"

Sundance rises out of the ruble; he looks at his town peoples and screams:


"YYYEEEEAAAHHHH" The people begin to scream in favor of Coyote. He runs to his house but cannot find Josie or Cassidy. He finds a note that says:

"Your wife is dead, but I have your granddaughter, come to the lake and we will settle things there. El Charro Negro."

Sundance destroys the note and with great fury, he screams; "Uriel, I swear I will kill you!"