
The Legendary yonnin of konoha(Dropped)

This the story of an orphan who at his third birthday misteriously gain knowledge an experience of the ninja life from nowhere ! Chakra control ? perfect . Kekkai genkai ? check . Ninjutsu ? check. This is the story of an orphan named Zao who gets adopted as the brother of tsunade-chan who just lost everything and her family , both having 3 years old get found by a old man in white and red clothes with a red hat ! giving them a house and monthly money to make a living .

Adam_Simard · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

The beginning

A young boy woke up in an orphenage, the bky name was Zao and he was 3 years old. When he woke up he had got a lot of knowledge and experience as if a great jonin that died gave him everything . He had knowledge about how to Awaken his chakra alone, about how to train his chakra control and the experience of doing it ! he had the experience of doing fuinjutsu but only a single seal named Gravity seal ! he had knowledge about some low ranking jutsu like , shadow clone, body flicker , clonage, henge , replacement and some other low level element jutsu, like if everything highter than what he can practice was removed !

Zao ,then decided to awaken his chakra directly before leaving the orphenage ! He had sucessfully got a High student worth of chakra in his body ! Right after he left the orphenage not bothering about it anymore since he was always bullied by others and the woman there was just laughing at his face. While running in a street he saw a little girl about to be killed by a man in black. He instinctively Made hand sign and used a [lavaball jutsu] that burned the man. He then looked at the scared cute blonde girl ans told here everything was alright now. then he looked through the man things and found Some kunai and chakra paper , he took them then took the girl toward the hokage tower. on the way he began speaking to her !

Zao- My name is zao an orphan but i left the orphenage because i was bullied .

Girl- I am tsunade senju but just now my family was killed by this man and if you did not come i would be the same !

Zao- don't worry we can ask to talk to the hokage !

fifteen minute later, they were allowed in the hokage's office.

Zao- hokage-sama i want to report that i killed a man in black that was trying to kill my new friend that i saved, tsunade senju ! i don't know how but i instinctively made handsign and breathed a big fireball at the man !

Tsunade- hokage-sama the man killed all of my family ! only grandma is left but she said me brutally to fuck off that because of me all the senju died wuuuuuhhhhhhh !!

Hokage- Poor child ! this old man will give you a house and money to live each month tsunade ! as for you kiddo go back to your orphenage !

Tsunade- Nooo ! i want my friend with me ! he is bullied at the orphenage and just left it prepared to like on the street because of that ! i want him to live with me ! he is my savior , also i kinda l..i..ke h..im ...

Tsunade said the last sentence in a low tone but it still caught the hokage ears who giggled which made her blush madly .

Hokage- alright little tsunade . as for you boy your problem with ninjutsu should be coming from a ninja that died there is not long and his experience and knowledge must have entered you ! treat it as benediction and become a strong ninja to protect konoja and its will of fire ! Toad go with them to their house to show them where it is ! tsunade and boy take this money this will be your money for this month , this pouch contain 25 000 ryo.

Zao- Thank you hokage, don't worry i will protect konoha and over all i will protect tsunade with my life from now on ! she is my first friend and the first one to show me kindness so i will protect her for ever !

Hearing this tsunade jumped of joy but also blushed madly !

Tsunade- Zao ..... you BAKA !!!!

Then The ANBU showed them to a appartemnt having a room ,a kitchen and a bathroom.

Tsunade- why is there only a room ?

ANBU- well you both are 3 years old so you can sleep together ! and it is better is a smaller space , it is easier to keep clean !

Zao- It's alright tsunade we will be able to cuddle to sleep and will not feel alone anymore !

Tsunade hearing this blushed madly again but was happy too ! but she did not show it and began yelling for the form !

Tsunade- You BAKA !!!

Zao- Tsunade why did they actually try to kill you?

Tsunade- i discovered i could make plant grow, then an old man named danzo came to ask my family to hand me over ! my family naturally knew that it was not on the hokage's order so they refused !

Zao- alright come sleep with me ! tomorrow we will go back to see the hokage !