
The Legendary Sword God Reincarnates

Chisuke was the number one assassin in the northern land. His skills and knowledge in the field of assassination and warfare were unmatched, his achievements unprecedented, and his reputation terrified the seven great continents. However, during a journey to find new power, an accident occurred... Now known as Ahmya Debol, a sixteen-year-old with a high level of debauchery, he is the second son of the declining aristocratic family Debol. A family of brave swordsmen, of which only an elderly grandfather, a disabled uncle, a beautiful young woman, and a wasteful second heir remain! Accepting the criticisms and cold stares of this world with a smile, he begins his new journey! His life will be marked by his own will! Will he rise to the top? The Sword God? With this cup, I toast to those I killed in my past life and those I will kill in this life. Forgive me, but there is no chance for you to take revenge. *Gulp!*

Pk_Kenja · Fantasie
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Chapter 0 The Demon God of the Sword

Chisuke woke up suddenly. His right hand instinctively tapped the ground softly with the intention of jumping to his feet even before his eyes opened. This was a dangerous place where life and death were just a step away. Escape, get up immediately! That was the first thought that came to his mind upon waking up, a state of mind that had become part of his instincts as an excellent assassin and swordmaster. As his body began to rise slowly in the air, suddenly his arms felt weak, his body fell, he tried to get up again but his arms were no longer able to support the weight of his body. Chisuke fell into a state of extreme shock for a moment. What the hell is happening to me?

Chisuke opened his eyes. It was then that he realized his body was actually lying on a soft bed. He started to look around, in the process he found himself lying in a magnificently decorated room. However, the room was empty, except for a set of chairs and a circular table; everything around was completely empty. The only other object in the room was the giant bed he had collapsed onto. What happened? Shouldn't I be in the middle of a fierce battle? How did I end up in a bed? These hands…? Chisuke's mind activated his memories, memories he had before waking up in bed, or, more precisely... the last memories he could retrieve from his past life.

Chisuke was a sword master belonging to an organization of assassins by profession, a particularly exceptional Diamond Black rank assassin. Since his debut, 10 years ago, there had been no place where he couldn't sneak in; his success rate on a mission was one hundred percent. It was something none of his predecessors could achieve or imagine. Diamond Black class assassins were known as the "Primordials" or "Demons of the Abyss," and in the world, there were only 7 Primordials, and Chisuke was one of them, to be exact, he was number 1. Yes, he became the number one assassin on the hierarchical list of assassins. Likewise, the nickname "Sword God" rose to the top of the best experts of the 7 great continents. He also occupied the honorable first place in the reward offered for his head. In fact, the reward offered for him was number one among the global reward rankings for a good 8 years. Not that anyone was willing to accept this request; rather, there was no one capable of carrying it out! No one possessed the skills and ability to confront this almost legendary assassin face to face, much less take his life without risking their own. Once, hundreds of third, second, and first-class assassins boldly accepted the job, thinking it would be easy if they attacked in groups, but the only payment they received was regret and instant death, while the "Demon Sword God" survived each encounter and expanded his name further. A wealthy person from "Continent Z" once offered a scandalous reward of 500 million gold for the life of the "Sword God." The only ones who accepted this task were three assassins who were equally well-known as the "Demon Sword God," calling themselves the "Demon Trio," ranked 4th, 5th, and 6th on the assassin list, but little was known about these assassins after they accepted the mission until three days later when news of their death spread. Since then, no one with conscience dared to take on that suicidal mission. Even after the reward was increased numerous times, no one was willing to step forward and risk their life. No matter how wonderful the money is, what's the point of having money if you're dead? After all, only the living enjoy the money. Moreover, the nickname "Demon Sword God" became a taboo on the reward list of the 7 great continents. The nickname "Sword God" became a symbol of fear for prominent figures in the cities of each continent.

There might be many who knew of the existence of this "Sword God," but none of them knew what this Assassin King looked like. What kind of person is he? What kind of character does he have? Is he really human? Chisuke's character is fitting for his name. To sum it up in one word: Demon! He always acted alone, refusing to work with anyone. At this point, it's unnecessary to clarify that he had no friends. When he accepted missions, he would not only be extremely demanding towards his clients but also towards the mission itself! In the event that a client, whom he found detestable, offered him a huge reward to assassinate innocent women and children, he would refuse without hesitation.

However, when he saw someone who deserved to die, he would willingly step forward to kill that person. Among the great continents, news spread that Chisuke completely wiped out a large family, eliminating any living being carrying his surname or having a friendly relationship, thus creating a sea of blood. Additionally, it was rumored that... on one occasion he eliminated a high-ranking person, to be exact, a general from continent "A" for being a human trafficker, but was unable to find any evidence. Without seeing any other solution, he changed his target to destroy the general's mansion and erase his involvement. His character and behavior left the organization's leader and division members dumbfounded... Another rumor that spread was... one afternoon as he was walking through the forest, a large dragon crossed his path, but since he was in a hurry, he cut it in half with a single motion and continued on his way.

Regarding the reason... That day, he received a mission to eliminate the second elder of the Red Moon sect before he allied with the major sects; in just three nights, he could cross a continent and complete the mission. However, he fervently believed that his greatest weakness lay in being a person who devoted much time to his work, as well as not being a very patient person. Considering his identity as an assassin at the pinnacle of the assassin level with blood-soaked hands, this statement surprised countless people. His assertion was not exactly unfounded. When he was in his hometown, he hated seeing the rich oppress the poor, especially the oppressive attitude of officials towards the common people. When he was in foreign cities, he hated seeing his own people oppressed! He had a somewhat complicated character, no one understood the reason. Even with such a character, many clients still rushed to line up for his services. The reason? He possessed superior precision and visual ability, as well as immeasurable prowess in martial arts. He could engage in battles with fists, but preferably his fights were with swords. The reason? He would end them with one or two swift movements; he was exceptional. However, the main reason remained that his success rate was one hundred percent. This achievement was truly unprecedented. He was the assassin pillar in the realm of assassins! He was also the only one among all the top-level assassins with an unblemished record!

Surely you're wondering, Was the leader stronger than him? Why didn't he become the leader of the assassins? The answer will surprise you, there's no reason or rather there's no answer, Chisuke has not faced the leader of the assassins, not because he's afraid, but because there's an unsigned pact between them where Chisuke will be free to make his own decisions as long as he doesn't interfere with the organization

(Novel in editing, sorry if there are any errors, if you find any let me know, thank you.)