
Part 3

When Luke woke up panic suddenly shot through him and he bolted up right. He looked around and found himself in the four post bed in the expensive apartment that was beyond anything he could imagine. A sigh left his lips as he knew that everything wasn't a dream, it was real. The only thing that peaked his interest at the moment however was who or what he would need to deal with to form this new contract that would allow him to use fire magic like Miss. Bradley.

His thoughts were pulled away when the sudden smell of bacon entered his nostrils, and just as he smelled it his stomach gave a growl that would rival a bear. He stood up with a grunt from his lips, he had completely forgotten about the claw mark on his leg. He shook his head out of pure annoyance; something like this is just a nuisance. He just shrugged it off and retrieved his ruined pants. As he got dressed to devour whatever delicious meal was waiting for him he couldn't help but think of what will wait for him today.

He had no idea where the kitchen was but it wasn't hard to fallow the sweet smell of bacon that seemed to tease his ever growling stomach. As he walked into the kitchen he was greeted with a sight that was delicious to both his eyes and his stomach. Standing in the middle of the kitchen was Miss. Bradley wearing a green dress that left little to the imagination, and the rest to wonder. The dress had no back, it also showed just enough cleavage to make the eyes want to stay locked on to her breasts, and had a long slit along her leg. There she stood in all her beauty holding the morning breakfast of pancakes beacon and eggs. She noticed him staring with a giant gaze and chuckled with her coy smile, "I'm not sure that gaze is for me or the food their love." She winked teasingly at him as she set the plate down for him to devour.


They were on the drive toward the mountains and he felt himself being anxious at what to expect. Sitting in Miss. Bradley's car only left him to his thoughts on what to expect. She hadn't reviled a thing since last night. Every time he tried to find out where they were going, who they were meeting, or what to expect all she would do is just smile coyly and say, "You'll see." He was quickly getting tired of that answer. For someone who told him that she would teach him how to be a sorcerer she was being very quiet. The whole car ride he was trying to see where they were going, any kind of hint, but when they are driving out of town towards a nearby rock face it leaves little to speculate and a lot to wonder about.

As they grew closer he just eyed the massive structure with a raised eyebrow looking back between it and Miss. Bradley, and all she seemed to do was were that coy smile of hers that showed that she was in charge and knew what to expect. He just watched as they grew closer, resting his chin in his knuckle.

It was another few minutes before he was suddenly jarred away from his thoughts by Miss. Bradley taking a sudden turn. He looked between the road and her and she wore a brighter smile, like a little girl about to receive her present (he just worried what kind of present she was looking forward to). She fallowed the barely visible dirt road around the rock face till they were facing a cave entrance, this peaked Luke's interests by a large amount.

Miss. Bradley parked and slipped out of the car with a wide grin. When Luke didn't fallow she just stared at him with her hand on her hips, wearing her coy all knowing smile, "Well are you coming along?" Luke gave a sigh and slipped out of the car, staring at the cave entrance, something about it made the hair on the back of Luke's neck stand on end. It was almost like when the goblin attacked him but this time instead of having the instinct to run or duck he was drawn towards it. Miss. Bradley noticed the look on his face and smiled more widely. She rested her hand on his shoulder smiling widely, "Don't fight your instincts, they are your greatest weapon. Listen to them and they can't steer you wrong."

Luke nodded, before taking a deep breath, and just fallowed his feet towards the cave entrance, with Miss. Bradley falling shortly behind him. The walked through the cave and it was instantly dark after the first turn, dark enough that Luke couldn't see his hand. Yet, strangely enough he knew exactly where to go, when to crouch for a low ceiling, and when to take a higher step. He knew everything without seeing a thing, it was both unnerving yet amazing. He could also feel Miss. Bradley right behind him more than hear her. He couldn't help but wear an ear to ear grin.

It took them about twenty minutes or so to walk through the dark maze that was the cave until they came to a room that sent a shiver down Luke's spine. Miss. Bradley stood right next to Luke and boomed her voice through the echoing dark cavern, "How long are you going to keep hiding in the dark there Renna?"

As soon as the name was said the cave room was lit up like a candle, fire sparking torches along the cave wall all at once. Luke would have been amazed by the effect if the person sitting on the far side of the room didn't hold his attention first. The first thought that came to Luke's mind when he saw this person was Amazon, because that's how she dressed. It was a woman that was cladded in dark leather armor that covered her chest, wrists, and shins enough to protect but not constrict. The rest of her shown clearly from her dark ebony skin to her sharp angular features, even her braided shoulder length hair was visible from across the room. But the one thing that held Luke's attention was her solid red eyes that felt like they were trying to pierce right through him.

Her voice was deep, in almost a growling tone as she spoke our loud, "Bradley, I haven't seen you since our contract and now you show up with a boy who couldn't even feed a hungry wolf. Why?"

Luke wasn't sure to be offended or be worried that she was thinking of him as a meal for an animal. Miss. Bradley didn't seem to be offended at all. She just stood there with a calm collected face she stared right at Renna, "It has been a while, but I think you know why I brought him along. You can sense it yourself."

At this point Renna moved from her seat across the room and strode over to them. Within a few strong strides she was face to face with Luke, almost. Now that she was closer Luke could see the details of her features. She was much shorter than he was, maybe about 5'4, but one glance at her arms and legs showed that she was no push over, she had more than an athletic tone to her build. Here hair had tints of blonde entangle in her black braided hair. Her dark ebony skin held her angular face like a perfect statue. But, again those mattered little when his eyes locked on with her eyes, her eyes were solid red minus the pupil itself of solid black. This time with the way she stared at him he felt like he was a piece of meat that she was waiting to cook and devour.

Renna scoffed, "You expect me to believe that this boy is worthy of making a contract with me? He couldn't take down a cub."

Miss. Bradley wore her all knowing smile, "Surely Renna you must be able to tel…"

"I think I can speak for myself thanks," Luke cut off Miss. Bradley catching both women off guard. The whole time Luke watched this woman and it wasn't hard to get a read on her line of thinking, hell he'd done enough people watching at school to be able to get a good read on people. Renna was a hardcore fighter and was hard to persuade, though he had no doubt that Miss. Bradley had a silver tongue, he had to prove he could handle this himself. "This "boy," as you put it is, getting sick of hearing about being called a piece of meat." Renna was now at full attention as Luke continued to speak. "You want proof that I'm worthy? Then shut the hell up about it and let's get down to the nit and grit of the matter. You want proof? Then this "man" will show you what he's got. Just name your terms."

When he finished he just stood there with arms folded over his chest staring down at this woman. Renna stared back before wearing a deep smile, "Now that's more I like it. Perhaps we can see if this cub actually has more bite than bark." Miss. Bradley just stared at him, he couldn't tell if she was amazed, worried, or maybe both. Renna strode over to the middle of the room before turning around to face them both, "The terms are simple, fight me and I'll see if you're worthy."

Miss. Bradley looked as if she was going to argue but Luke didn't pay attention. She had given him advice before they entered the cave, "Listen to them and they can't steer you wrong." Well, all his instincts felt right with moving forward with this, then again it might just be his own ignorance (who could say at this point). Luke casually walked forward, "So what are the means of the fight? Till first blood? K.O.?"

Renna's smile widened further, "Let's make it…first blood, and I don't mean a single drop, I mean a solid slash."

Luke nodded and understood what she meant and decided to add more, "Sounds simple enough, but with the way you describe it, that means we will need weapons."

Renna only smiled, Luke guessed that this was her all knowing smile, as she waved her hand toward another section of the cave. Just like it did when Renna first appeared, the section of the cave lite up brightly revealing what was almost an army supply of martial arts and medieval weapons. Renna went to move toward them but Luke had to think fast, it was more than obvious she knew how to use the weapons, but he didn't.

"Wait," Luke's voice rang and Renna stopped in her track looking at him almost disappointed, like a sad puppy. He knew he had to think fast or he would lose his chance to gain the contract. He stepped forward moving past Renna, making sure his back was to her. He didn't want her to see how nervous he was and he hoped his voice sounded commanding enough to hide that, "You set the terms, which means I choose the weapons themselves."

He didn't see her reaction but for some reason he got the feeling she was smiling widely. Luke had to force himself not to swallow hard as he looked at the selection of weapons, most of these weapons looked like they belonged in an anime or in a fantasy collectors room. The style and form of them made them look elfish or something else. There we rows of swords, spears, axes, and every kind of weapon he could imagine and then some. He had not doubt that she knew how to use every single one of these, and he needed to pick one that he could to some degree or another. From the corner of his eyes he spotted what looked like daggers with a slightly curved blade. It was the closest thing to something he knew to use from his high school brawls, when an asshole would occasionally pull a knife on him.

He grabbed both blade and tossed one to Renna, she caught it with ease as if she was already expecting it. Luke took a deep breath and walked towards the center of the room. He took a single glance over at Miss. Bradley and she smiled back with a nod of approval. For some reason he felt more relaxed and confident. He wasn't going to argue his new found calm as he squared off against Renna who looked like a hungry wolf ready to strike. He smirked, "Let's dance."

He wanted to charge forward but, when he compared her to a wolf he wasn't far off, she crouched instantly as if she was on all fours and charged forward. If Luke hadn't jumped back she would have sliced right through his chest. He held his dagger and tried to stab her with it but she merely knocked it back and charged forward again. She was relentless and all Luke could do was dodge and block. When he got the chance he attempted to slash at her but it was as if he was trying to cut air.

He was tired of going on the defensive but was struggling to find a way to get an inch ways inside and get at her. That's when he saw it, it was a brief opening but it was there. He had to take it or he wasn't going to last long. He swung long and picked up speed as he slashed at her. A ring sounded in the cave and Luke felt like his hand was about to break. He was so distracted by the sudden pain that he didn't see her fallow through with her next move. Pain stung his cheek as he jumped back. His good hand reached up and felt a small cut on his face.

Renna stood there victorious and completely disappointed, "That was first blood cub, and your bark is all you can do. Now get out of my sight!"

Luke felt his own anger rise as he squared off against her, meeting her gaze. Then a thought, like a little prickle at the back of his mind struck a chord.

He smirked and whipped some blood from his cheek, "I thought you said a solid slash counts, this only feels like a drop to me." Renna was caught off guard and he even heard Miss. Bradley inhale a small surprise as she watched the two of them.

It was Luke's turn to get caught off guard when Renna gave a throaty laugh that rang through the cave like a haunting echo. She then looked straight at Luke with a bright toothy grin, and for the first time Luke could see her sharp canines to the point where they looked like they belonged on a serpent. He had to fight down the shutter that threatened to crawl up his spine. His eyes scanned about as he saw where his blade was, it was across the room behind Renna, and he knew it would be a challenge to get a hold of it. His hand still stung but he squared off with her anyway, hoping that his features didn't show how tired he really was. He was no athlete and most fights he had a decent advantage to take care of it fast, now all odds where against hims and he struggled to not let it show. When Renna was done laughing she stared right at him, "Now that's more I like it. Shall we dance?" She teased him with his own words as she crouched down once more.

An urge suddenly came over him, just like it had for the past couple of days, an urge that almost seemed insane. But, he remembered Miss. Bradley telling him not to ignore his instincts, and during the middle of this fight he needed every edge he could get. Luke shrugged and decided to do the insane, "I thought you'd never ask."

And, without hesitating any more he charged right for her. Renna reacted in turn by charge at him and went to slash at his legs. By the time her blade went for the slash Luke was already in the air over her when he came falling down hard on the ground. The momentum made him roll on the ground for a while and he wanted nothing more to go with it but that urge still held him tightly to reach out his hand. As he did he felt his fingers close around the blade and grip it firmly till he stopped rolling.

He would have been satisfied with that small victory if every urge in his body didn't scream for him to move. He rolled just in time to avoid Renna's next strike and blocked her second. She backed off and they stood squared once more as they circle around one another. Renna was ten times Luke's equal but he had to get at least one decent mark on her. But every part of him burned. His leg throbbed from when the goblin clawed him, his skin was scrapped from the hard roll, and his hands look like he stuck them into jagged rock wall cracks continuously.

But, something felt different, Luke couldn't put his finger on it but for some reason he knew what to expect from the fight and what he could do to defend himself. He was now holding the dagger upside down, which felt more comfortable, and was more than ready to use it. This time when he charged he didn't think about it he just reacted. He slashed at Renna, missing, and moved to easily dodge her own strike. It was a strange rhythm that seemed oddly familiar. Whatever it was Luke wasn't going to argue or focus on it. He needed to land a solid slash on Renna, and even with his new found instincts, it almost seemed impossible.

They went at it for what seemed like hours, but it may have just been Luke's imagination. The whole time neither of them got a decent slash in on the other, it may have been close but nothing made a solid connection. He even heard Miss. Bradley gasp and inhale more than once when things got even closer.

Luke's instincts were giving him the edge to stay in the fight but he knew he couldn't keep lasting long on that alone. Then an idea popped in his mind that was risky but seemed like it could work. He had no choice but to try it or tire out doing nothing.

Renna charge forward and Luke fallowed the instinct to dodge but not to back away. He stepped only to the side catching her by her wrist. He felt her other hand punch into his gut, which felt like he got hit by a hammer. The air was knocked out his lungs and he felt like he was going to pass out. But, right when things felt like they were fading he saw that she was completely open. This time it was his pure will, and not instinct, that drove him. His arm reacted with what little energy was left and his blade came down across her thigh as he fell forward. He couldn't see if he made contact or not but he felt his head, along with the rest of him, make contact with the ground. He was so jarred that he couldn't make sense of barely anything. He barely managed to look up only to see Renna smiling down at him, showing her sharp canines, before the lights went out.
