
Unforgettable nightmare.

The girl's skin slowly starts to burn. ..... Her eyes and her body flaming like a sun .....She lay down. .. She shouts in pain the entire forest has been shakedown ... Animals scared and hiding somewhere ... The birds leave their place and run off. Sky response by lightning and thunder. A water drop fell on her face ... Suddenly clouds start to rain ... The flame in her body calms down slowly. She is slowly back to normal ... Her eyes return in Blue colour.

Zandra comes near to her and says, " Alicia, You have to live a long my Sweet sister ... "

She looking Zandra with eyes full of tears.

Suddenly, Zandra vanished.

Alicia fainted.

The next day ...

Leo practices with his sword ... That time 2 nd prince Way Leon joins him. They both fight well ... Finally, Leo makes Way Leon's sword fly away and keeps the sword near to Him... With a smile Way, Leon Took a hidden knife, divert Leo and keep the knife near Leo's neck... " Oh, my brother!! Don't expect our enemies want to be loyal... "

2 and prince Way Leon Was a Strong and brave worrier. But he was a short temper... He gets angry easily...this was his weakness...

1 st prince Rowan Jenro keep his sword on 2 nd prince's throat and say, " Be alert, there are chances for the enemy to attack us from all the four directions." 1 st prince Rowan was a great planner and a Great Leader. But, girls were his weakness...

They had fun like that....

A man arrived and bring information from King... " Honorable prince Leo, the king gave you a case to solve... King's advisor Kang makes clear this thing. Mr Kang was waiting for you in the library. "

" Where is king?? '' Prince Rowan asks The informer.

" Well, I can't say anything to you, Prince. I am sorry "... The informer drifted away...

" What about the festival ???. If he will not with us.... ".Prince Way Leon gets emotional.

As soon as the festival has been going to held in the Perdian kingdom.

Way Leon said, " Sara like this festival... " everyone's facial expression changed.

With a smile, Prince Rowan says, " I heard King invite Shavion prince to the festival "

" What ?? why he ???, that means our king tries to abandon Leo, " prince Way Leon asks Prince Rowan about that.

" Hey, guys... Just leave it... I will come soon after finishing my work. Our king does all these for a reason. stop talking and be mature...". Leo pulled their legs.

Prince Rowan and Prince Leon jump on Leo and starts fighting.

" What you said ... Been matured... " Prince Rowan asks Leo.

"We will show you the real maturity...." Prince Way Leon says to Leo.

Prince Rowan, Prince Way Leon and Prince Leo friendly fight together happily.

King looks at them happily and he says to Kang, " How long it been, Looking them like this... If She was is in here means..... "

Kang intruder king's speech,

" King, we can't change the past. The tragedy that happened to her was deserved by her... Talking about that was useless... " Kang advised King. They talk about a girl Sara.

On another side.

The friendly fight ends...

By diverting the topic Rowan asks Leo, " How long you can live alone, just say what kind of girl do you want... "

Luna's face strikes his mind. He was stunned.

Rowan said I know, " Hot and Sexy, right... "

With a smile, Leo drifted away... After away from them his smile disappeared.

" Why dad did do like this??? " prince Way Leon asks Prince Rowan...

" Dad tried to solve the past..... " Rowan explain...

, "Yeah, you are right... Which was still an unforgettable nightmare for me " ... Way Leon accepts Rowan's words.

Leo remembers his childhood days. Leo and his sister Sara, are both of are same age group.

10 years ago ...

His sister Sara, Describes his future love,

" He must be strong, He wants to give his whole love to me and I will give my whole love to him. Then, he looks handsome. He never looks at other girls. And... Hmm, Then my marriage... In a natural open space and my marriage want to be simple cost. In a small village, in a small house a peaceful full life... Is enough "

" How foolish you are, " Young Leo disagrees with Sara's words. " You are princes,... How princes can choose their life partner and your marriage must be like a festival... And how a man can give his whole love for someone. You are stupid Sara. First of all, stop dreaming. I am leaving. "

Sara gets disappointed by his words.

She said, " I believe I will meet him "

Suddenly in Leo's mind.

A girl's face and her body are full of blood stains. She looks at Leo and calls him, " Traitor "

On another side,

In the same Bar, The same long-bearded man, almost looking like a beggar. He drinks more. He looks broken. He filled with tears. She saw a girl in front of him. Her face was not clear to us. She smiles at seeing the long-bearded man. He also smiles in pain. He tries to touch her. But, suddenly, she vanished. He fainted in the bar.

To be continued...