
The end

Juno wakes up...

A pleasant morning...

"Sunrises in the west..... A breeze Lullaby...... Today was a legend's birthday. Except for these reasons how a day is special...Ok, why I am here... Let's add some spice... " Juno moaning alone.

" What Sunrises in the west ?...... Stupid... Sunrise in the east. " Jeni corrects Juno's mistake And looks her down.

Juno stared at her..... And shout, "Stop acting smarter."

Jeni replied, " I am birth intelligent... And now I understand how you fail in three subjects" With a smile Jeni drifted away..

" what?? Who says? 2 subjects only fail not 3 ..." Juno tries to make clear.

Jeni ignores her. ...

A voice from Jessie

" Jeni, Scarlett get ready for the picnic ..... ". Jessie informs them to get ready for a picnic.

A 200 Walts bulb glow on Juno's face. After hearing about the picnic spot she fainted in happiness. " The lake of tears".

The name of the picnic spot is," The lake of tears."

Location: Near the lake of tears. (An tourist spot )

The speciality of the lake: Heal wounds, a magical and mysterious lake.

Jake tells about the history of '' The lake of tears ''

After the end of the war over 400 years ago between the two kingdoms... Aniezra and Perdian

That means, Humans and demons realise their mistakes and join together... That time she slowly, step into the lake. Her tears fell on the lake. After that, the lake got healing power. Now, this lake was called the "healing lake ".

Humans call the lake " miracle lake " and we call the lake " The lake of peace or lake of tears".

This was the story behind the lake...

Juno heard everything... she was speechless, "dad what happen to her finally?. How did she stop the war ??. If humans are joined together. Ok, then why we are hiding our identity?". Juno ask a lot of questions to Jake.

" If you concentrate on studies like this means... I am damn sure, you will be the first. " Jake advised and tries to avoid her questions.

Jake's mind voice," I don't know Scarlett, why we are hiding our identity??. But, I am damn sure the life she had was full of pain. But, don't worry. I will never let you like that....."

( "She " mentioning the legendary fox)

Juno still looking at Jake for the answer...

By seeing Juno, Jake answered,

"Because the world change day by day my sweetheart..."

Juno can't understand what he means ...

"What happens to her ??? " A voice reaches her...

A Women explain about the lake, to all tourists.

Topic: The last words.

No one can find the secret of this lake. Many scientists and scientific researchers try to find the secret behind the lake. But, at last, they are failed.

a story tells, A girl stops the war between two kingdoms, Aniezra and Perdian.

( Most the Humans don't know about the demons... For them, demons are a myth. )

The last words of the girl. She said," I end my life where I start " And "I am not deserved to live here ".

In the end, she dissolved in this lake.

Juno interfere and ask questions to that woman, " Why did she do that? Among these what is her native? "

The women smirk and say," it's just a story kid and I don't know. Don't take it seriously. "

"What?? " Kid."...me... Who says? If you don't know what truly happened means, then don't..... "

Jake closes Juno's mouth and silently moves her from that place.

Jeni called Juno " A childish".

Juno says," Don't forget a thing I am elder than you. How smarter you are.. That's not a matter. but, you can't be first. " after insisting on her sister. she drifted away.

Jeni gets hurt, "Dad looks at her. how rude she is. "

" Don't worry ma... She always likes that only know... .. Ok, I buy your favourite ice cream. " Jake consoles Jeni.

Jeni smiled...

Sun setting.....

Juno walking near the lake...

A Eyes watching her and follows her.

She fell uncomfortable and looked here and there.

She saw John there. He was the follower. He said to her, " The calamity starts again. Help us to solve or we have to kill all Everyone...."

"What?? Kill... What do you mean? I don't understand anything" Juno is confused.

By looking at Juno's eyes, he said "And one more thing... You look pretty. .... " John confused.... He doesn't know why? he says this to her...And looking at her fully messed up.

She understands he tries to flirt with her.

He steps towards her.

She is scared and steps backwards. She tries to escape from him...

"Shit, I already told them... This plan will not succeed." John follows her. His speed is like lighting.

Wherever she goes he stands in front of her. She shouted for help. "Dad... Dad...help me "

She said, "I know you are demon fox right. I heard they will not eat human meat. "

John laugh..." Why are you talking and acting like a human? Show me. I want to see you... "

Juno slaps him and closes her body using her hands... "How cheap you are ".

" Dirty mind... I ask you to show your original demon form." John makes clear his words to her.

She said,'' I am not the person you are looking for. I am a normal human and this was my original form ".

"What???? Don't lie. then why do you have blue eyes?.. "

A sword flies toward John... And interrupt their conversion. John dodges the sword. The sword belongs to Blaze.

After seeing Blaze, John gets frustrated. " Again he.... " His eyes glitter.

(Blaze was a cruel demon hunter. He kills more than 100 demons. So everyone in this world they know Blaze)

"You cross my line again... No one can save you from me ". With a mass dialogue, John attacked the blaze.

Blaze and John fight themselves cruelly.

Juno standing like a missing child. She doesn't know what to do. She was speechless.

By seeing Juno Blaze say, " Run.... Don't stand here.... Run...".

she slowly steps backwards.

In between the fight, Blaze's sword distracts by John and reaches Juno. The sword penetrate her arms and she finally fell into the lake of tears. She was drowning.

"I didn't expect my 16 th birthday ends like this. What about My dream... I did even not see my charming prince. But, now I am going to die... Bye, mom... Bye, dad... Thanks for being my parents and thanks for your love. I know I am too harsh to you my sister, but you are my Best sister forever..."

She slowly closes her eyes... With full of memories and dreams....

To be continued.......