

Luna breathes out and says, "When I am going to meet the light of my life.....I don't know."

That time soldiers chasing a man. While chasing, they hit and destroy some people's shops and goods even Luna's also...

She follows them... For her loss...

They're (soldiers) trap the man.....

The man was surrounded by the soldiers...

One of the soldiers named "Kai " asks his Captain " Captain Leo, what's next???? "

With a sinister smile, he looks at Kai...

"Hey, you..... " A voice...

Leo looks at the voice...

Which is Luna...

"Hey, kid... This place is not safe to play in. Go somewhere...." Kai nose cut Luna...

" What?? Me... kid..... I am 17 years old girl.... So, don't call mr kid." She talks angrily.....

The other soldiers laugh at seeing her act...

The man rolled his eyes... And look here and there...

She starts argument ....

" While chasing this brother (mentioning the man ) your friends(mentioning the soldiers) hit my sweet buns down and spoiled them...Do you know how hard my grandma prepare that... If she knows that I spoil everything. What will happen to me.?? I can't imagine that?...So...."

"What brother...". ** everyone laughed... The way he mentioning others was different.

"Oh...This is the problem aa... Ok, I understand what you want??? Yeah i know...." Leo said.

She looked at him and ask, "What do you understand?? I didn't say what I want??" She was confused.

He throws a bag of coins at her...

She gets infuriated ... "What do you think about yourself ??... Except saying sorry you throw a bag full of stones... I don't need that. By using this stone you play alone here .... ''

Leo laugh silently ....

Kai explains," this is not a stone... These are silver coins. Why you didn't see this before?? ... And this was the price for your loss.... "

" Who says?? I saw that... I am just kidding. That... I didn't ask this... These silver coins never composite my loss..." She managing the situation.

Leo asks, "what do you want??? "

"Ask apology... " She said...

The soldiers were shocked...Because he was a prince. how he can ask sorry to a normal girl like her...

The man tries to escape by pushing some of the soldiers... Leo safe luna... By covering her... She looking at him... Suddenly Leo pats the man's head and makes him faint, luna still is in his arms...She looked at him

Her mind voice :

Wow!!!! He really looks handsome. Maybe he only going to light up my dark world.

He pushes her... She fell... " Aahh... Are you mad... Why did you push me like that?? "

Again mind voice,

Never, he can't... How rude he is??..

He apologize to her ... " I am sorry for pushing you and spoiling your sweet buns... Take this money for your loss.... "Kindly.

She took some coins from the bag and return the bag.

With a bright smile, she says... " It's ok... I forgive you. This sweet buns was my life. For others in that place, they also like me. Because our life runs depending on these goods .This money and your sorry will compensate for my losses today...but, tomorrow can't "

She drifted away...

His team is still surprised...

They get the man to their place for investigation.

And Leo sends Kai to compensate for all the people's losses by asking sorry and paying money.

Kai shocked... This was the first time they think about the people's losses.

With a smile, he drifts away to his work...

In luna House:›

Her grandma shouting at her...

" What I said? But, what she did??... Stupid girl... We were displaced here, It's almost 1 year done... Daily, she brings a new problem ... Even she does not take leave on Sunday's also. Today she bothers with the soldiers. Haiyoo... What I am going to do?? If she comes home...I will break her legs and make her to stay home."

Door opening sound...

"Hey, you... Don't move. I am coming " Grandmother try to catch her and slowly walks toward her.

Luna tries to escape... She was scared and ran inside the house... By moaning, " Grandma I didn't do anything . They only hit down our buns... That's all. I didn't did anything." ...But, her grandma was not ready to listen to her and unfortunately, she was getting caught.

Grandmother beat her softly... She was weeping after getting beaten. Grandmother softly hugs her...

"You don't know...This blind old lady lives her life for you only... If something happens to you means what can I do?? ..."

Grandma talked through his heart.

"If I did not have you means... What happens to me?? I don't know grandma... Except you, there is nothing I have in this world grandma. I LOVE YOU, GRANDMA ." She wipes her tears and says,

" Grandma How long do we have to stay like this... I am hungry... "

With a smile, her grandma pats her head and went to prepare dinner...

" I am sorry grandma for makes you worry.... "

To be continued......