
Pure heart..

In the Perdian kingdom...

The workers in the castle are decorating and keep checking if everything is perfectly alright because today was the day they are going to welcome Shavion Kingdom Prince " Morgan''.

In Perdian Port,

Shavion ship reaches the place...

Details about the Shaving Kingdom.

The Shavian Kingdom is also one of the big kingdoms...

The kingdom was ruled by, King Rex melon.

The Kingdom was famous for manufacturing Ships.

Prince Morgon's ship reaches the port...

The first day of the festival was going on...

After stepping on the Perdian land...

King and another prince Welcome Morgan.

Morgan's first word, " Where is Leo?? I except I can meet the future king here... Well, I am not lucky." With a cunning smile...

Prince way Leon stares at Morgan and closes his hands tightly...

Prince Rowan signs, '' No, it's not the right time.... "

On another side,

An informer bought information from the castle...

"Captain Leo, I got information from King's advisor Kang ... A girl missing in our village, she also had blue eyes. I wish it will use for you. "

Again a girl where kidnapped...

Kai calls Leo, " Captain,.. "

" It's my mistake, I am been careless .... Ok, let's take it series. Let's find the kidnapper soon. And put an end to this... "

Leo only knows someone was kidnapped again. But, he doesn't know who is that.

On another side.

In jail... Like place.

Luna woke up slowly... The securities distribute breakfast to every girl they kidnapped.

Alicia still lying on the floor. Sweeting over her body. Her eyes start to flame. Her skin slowly glows in red colour. Her body temperature rises little by little.

Luna gets morning food, which was a bun. She asks the man for jam.

The man starts to laugh...

" If you do not have means say, why you scare me by laughing... "

She ignores them and keeps eating the bun.

For Alicia's eyes, everyone looks red. She can see the Sins of the man who distributes breakfast to everyone that he made in his life Not only the man behind the man. She can see everyone's past and their sins...

Luna noticed Alicia awake... She gets the bun and comes near to her...

Alicia see luna and wondered... She can't see Luna's Past and her sins.

Alicia confused...

Alicia understands Luna is a pure-hearted soul.,

Alicia keeps trying to control her power not to exist. She tries too hard... She vomits blood. A fly flies near her... Suddenly it burns and turns into ash.

Luna was almost near to Alicia...

Alicia warns Luna, " Stay there... Don't come here, .... "

Luna stops walking and looked at Alicia.

For Alicia, The memories of the Joulton village incident flash... She hears the screaming sounds of innocent children and people... She closes her ear not to hear the voices, but it is useless... And start to cry because of guilt. She hides her face by turning to the other side Alicia begs Luna, " Please don't, Stop

keep moving towards me ... "

Alicia's eye colour changes second by second. She tries too hard to control her powers.

By seeing her, Luna understand that she was in pain... By ignoring her words she moves near to her.

Alicia tries to control her...

Alicia was scared, A hand touch her shoulder... Which was Luna...

" Are you alright... "

Alicia wondered .... Her power, doesn't hurt her a little bit...

By sitting near Alicia and she checks her temperature... The temperature is too high... By using a wet cloth she tries to lower her body temperature.

Alicia asks, " Who you are?... Why you are hiding your identity? "

Luna was shocked, she wondered how she finds that she acting like someone.

Alicia again asks, " Who you are?? "

Luna said, " no one will believe me if I tell them the truth... So I have to hide my true identity.... "

Alicia can't understand what she meant...

Alicia's temperature keeps rising...

So Luna decided to ask the other to help her... But they do not care about her...

For Alicia's eyes, Luna looks like her Sister Zandra...

Instead of Luna, she saw Zandra...

With a smile, Alicia said..., " Sister, I am ready to accept my end... "

Zandra shows her hand to Alicia..." Welcome, Alicia. Mom and Dad are waiting for us for too long... " Alicia hold Zandra's hand and decided to move to her.

Luna crying about her death ...

Zandra asks Alicia, " Who she is?? Why does she cry for you? "

With a smile, Alicia replied, " I don't know exactly. But, her heart is pure... I saw that. I saw you in her. "

With a smile, she went to Zandra...

In reality, Alicia died...

Luna saw that and broke... She hopes that she finds her sister. But, she broke down...

To be continued...