

In bordello

The Cold hearted man locked luna alone in a room.

Luna starts moaning... " Oh my God, if it's not enough that I got stuck in this timeline alone..., and wherever I go, some of them kidnap me and lock me inside of 4 walls, is this fair?? I don't know what to do, or what I do. I want to use my brain to escape from here because they have kept the pole vaulters in custody. I don't know what else I'm going to experience for the sin of coming here.... "

" Well, juno stay strong... You have to bear these for a few days until you find dad... Stay strong... " Luna motivating herself... But, she can't control the water overflowing in her eyes...

On the same hand...

dolion stays in bordello and drinks with the girls...

A man wearing a mask and watching Dolion...


Luna started screaming... Because of stomach pain...

The guards come inside to see her condition...but, it was her trick, runs out and lock the room door...