
Plan inside a plan.

Alicia died,

Luna was broken down...

The others find out about Alicia. They decided to dispose of her from that place. They took her body out of the place. Luna tries to stop them... But, she can't. She sat in a corner and cried.

They come out from a cave. The jail was inside the cave. Serpentine Linanthus flowers were grown.

They were buried near the cave.

on a nighttime...

In another place in the village,

He looks nervous... He looks back and runs fast. He moaned, " I have to inform you this... ". The man was Kalastin...

That time, He saw a thing and he was stunned... Which was the boy's spirit .... Kalastin was scared and run the opposite side of the ghost. The ghost boy looks like a mummy. Because he was wrapped in white cloth like a mummy.

The boy ghost follows Kalasin.

Unfortunately, the ghost boy catches Kalasin. The ghost boy makes him choke... Luckily, Leo entered and fight with the ghost. He took his sword out. It disappeared from one place, and suddenly appear from another place, it confuse Leo and attacked. But, Leo casually defends against the ghost attacks... Unexpectedly, a stranger appears and cuts Kalastin's throat in front of Leo within a second... Everything finished within a second and the stranger escaped... These all happened within a second. Leo was distracted. The ghost uses this chance and disappears from that place. Leo missed everything. Leo confirms, that someone is behind the ghost. Someone triggering the ghost.

As like the ghost boy reaches the cave and goes inside the cave using another way... The way tends to A man.

The stranger also assembles their... And bow his leader...

A man in a red dress, he wears a weirds black mask... He looks like a head.

He looks at the ghost and says, " Good boy... "

The ghost boy looks scared... Suddenly the boy tries to attack, the masked man...

The masked man took a stick out, and show to the boy...

. The ghost locks himself into a room silently. He wept by calling his mom by keeping his finger in his mouth. The ghost looks pitiful. The ghost's expression is like a child...

" Good bog, ... Don't forget this stick, So act a good boy ".The black-masked man insists on the ghost. The masked man threatened the ghost boy using the stick....

A man looks nervous he reaches the black mask man and informs an important thing, " Boss, boss... From the 9 girls, a girl died... "

The black mask man got angry... " What?? You can't do anything properly, Tomorrow was the day I waiting for ... ". He suddenly took his sword out... His sword looks different, in that sword, near the handle, A line was written. " Duty is first.. "

On another side...

Leo looks sad. He misses both of them... That time Leo remembered a smell from the ghost. He understands they are in that cave...

And he guesses there must be a secret path. Because once Leo checks the cave. When he finds the Serpentine Linanthus flower grows near the cave. That time he went, but. There is no clue and there is no path inside the cave.

Now, present time.

According to Leo's list...

They are 8 girls who were kidnapped, They want a girl for the rituals... That means they want to find the last blue eye girl within tomorrow.

Alicia was not on that list. Because no one complain he missed them and no one know about her. So, they don't know they already got the 9 th members.

Kai understands Leo's plan and tell to him, " Captain, I got your plan... We are going to find the blue eye girl and make a trap for them... They will put the girl with other girls that time we intrude and save all girls.. "

With a hesitant..., Leo answered, " You are right... But, two changes in that plan ".

Kai asks," What?? "

"The girls were kidnapped and kept in the cave near the forest... Our plan is not to find the other girls. Is to trap the culprit. We are here to find the culprit.. "

" What?? Why?? " Kai was shocked.

Leo says, " It's an order, "

Kai understands, that Leo was sent here for dual work. Finding the missing girls is not their case.

, Leo and Kai planned and work hard to execute their plan...

The man begs for his life,

Finally, the masked man gives a chance..., " Find a new Blue eyes girl for me... "

Fortunately, The masked man sends his workers to find a blue-eyed girl. on another side... Kai and Leo decided to secretly execute their plan. They join the head of the villager Vinjohan for their plan.

In the jail like a cave.

She didn't eat anything and lie on the ground...

The kidnapper insists her to eat ... But, she refuses... She stay too strong and refuses to eat.

The man leaves that casually, " If you didn't eat a day you can't die. If you eat this or not... Tomorrow was your last day... You are going to die... "

As Leo's plan, they arrange a blue eye girl.

As their plan after kidnapping the girl, they will follow them secretly and so on.

The girl looks pretty, she looks nervous... Kai signal the girl, " You will be safe.. We are here.. Captain watching you by hiding. Don't worry ".

With hope, she around the village...

Vinjohan and his servants also help Leo.

As their plan, the girl was kidnapped. Kai and others Follow the girl secretly. But, someone hit Kai behind him...

He fainted.

The girl was kidnapped and put in Luna's Cell.

The girl looks afraid...

She asks the girl pitifully, " Why you are crying if they beat you??.. "

Luna slowly rise her head up she was shocked...

After seeing luna... The girl was also shocked too ..

To be continued...