

Leo still watching her. He don't know why she was crying. His heart says, " go near to her.... ".

A hand touch her shoulder...

She wondered... with a nervous she turn back.

He is Ancient John.

He wipes her tears and says " The rain hides your tears. Not a bad idea..... ".

Leo doesn't know why he feels like this...To avoid that feeling he drifted away.

" Hey..... " She tries to warn him...

" Hey not, Heyden it's my name call me by using my name. Do you understand my sweetheart .... " Heyden... Kindly make her understand.

"I am off " She ignored him and ran on the way to her home.

Heyden With an evil smile stands there...

Two men whose not look like humans.

Their appearance: One member has a rhino horn on his head. He looks like a half rino and half-human structure. Another one put a bucket on his head. They look like that.

They stand behind Heyden. The bucket-headed man shows his mouth near Heyden and makes him faint.

Heyden fainted....... The rhino man carries him somewhere.

In the Aniezra kingdom..... It looks like heaven. No one will say which was the living place of demons full of mountains and valleys... It looks like heaven.

Aniezra was, one of the big kingdoms... the living place of Demons...

In King's castle...

The rhino put Heyden, in front of the Anizera King Neyden Griffon.

Heyden slowly awaking... " Who are you?? "...an unstable voice...

The king orders them to pour water on him.

After pouring water...

He got consciousness and he stare at the Rhino horn man and the bucket-headed man. The king orders all others to leave... And stare at Heyden...

"Dad why did you do this???? " Heyden call The Aniezra king in the name of dad.

" Heyden Ezra... The future king of the Aniezra kingdom. I was supposed to send off some soldiers to kidnap my own son, This was the future of Aniezra's kingdom. How funny !!! If you did like this means. How our people hope you... And how do they accept you as their king?? " King tries to make clear about the future king's responsibilities...

Ancient John's real name was Heyden Ezra and he was the crown prince of the Aniezra Kingdom...

( Author notice: The prince Heyden and the John are not the same persons... They look similar that's all )

Heyden replied " however, I don't care. If they accept me or not... I will be their future king no one can change that. " With a sinister smile, he replied.

King, give up his try and asks about the Joulton Village

" Did you hear about the Joulton village? " King was too excited to know about that.

." YES, dad... This was the hot news. The girl who burn the entire village and I saw fore in her eyes... "

" A girl... '' king shocked. He can't believe it...But he was happy because a girl like them (demon)...burn a village of humans...

And heyden says a shocking thing ...

"I saw her.... "

" Really '' again king is shocked and too excited to know about her. " What type of demon does she is?? ".

" She was a nine-tail fox and she had blue eyes... "

King was stunned. He can't believe that... " No way for that... These are just a myth. No way for it exists. " The king starts blabbering about something.

King was scared he can't believe his words... He talks about something weirdly.

"The girl I saw she does not have blue eyes... I prank you. She has eyes like us. " Heyden Prank her father.

" What ???... I am scared to death. Get out of this place " King shouted at Heyden.

Now king calms down. He Scolds Heyden " You, Bloody punk... You scared me..."

Heyden moving out cunningly. He says, " These are not a Myth Dad... I saw her, she had blue eyes. It exists "

Hayden also speaks about something weirdly.

With a suspicious conversation, this episode was going to end.

What happens to Joulton village,

A week ago,


Two sisters we're living in that village. The younger girl's name is, " Alicia " and the elder girl's name is " Zandra ".

Zandra has a burn mark on his forehead. She covers her forehead with her hair.

Alicia and Zandra went to the market At that time the villagers call Zandra '' A witch ".

Some young girl was missing nearby villages .....

The villagers blame Zandra for that. Zandra's face looks clumsy so th call Zandra a bad of luck, a witch, and so on...

They say, " Near our villages, young girls are missing, if we didn't stop that, tomorrow our village even we will lose our daughter also. So we have to punish the witch. "

In that village, A boy Godwin.

Godwin - The son of the head of the village Joulton.

Godwin had a crush on Alicia. Alicia was the prettiest girl in that village. Godwin tries too hard to marry Alicia. But, She didn't care for him as a matter. She always ignores him, because he treats Zandra like a dog or something for his face.

Alicia got angry,

Zandra holds Alicia's hands and says, " No "

Godwin interferes and shouts at them, " What you all are saying, do you have any evidence for that. How can you blame her for her face... She is also a human like us. so stop doing this '' Godwin supports Zandra and orders them to get lost.

Alicia got respect for him.

The villagers moved by obeying Godwin's words.

By looking at Godwin she says thank you. Zandra hugs Alicia tightly... Zandra cries, her heart was too heavy.

What's next? See you in the next episode friends bye...

I wish you will like this episode,

To be continued.....