
Messed up

In the maid's room,

Everyone sleeping except Luna...

Leo flashes in her mind... His aggressive eyes, the fire from his swords... Her hands shiver in fear..." Why my hands are shaking? He is not a bad one?? , he does this all for saving people... Like the legendary fox, Like my dad, right?? ... then why do I feel something bad. And what was that smell, when my nose start sensing smell?? Something fishy, I am totally confused... I think I want to come out and start searching for my dad. According to my research, here everyone knows my dad as, " The forest spirit " No one knows his real name, even her daughter too... Yeah, I don't know my dad's real name. I heard, there is something hidden in this castle ... Hush... I am messed up... I never use my brain this much. Well, Juno, focus on Dad... " Scream and moaned herself...

The other maids, wake up after hearing her screaming... They were scared and sat in a corner.