
I love this day

An afternoon time...

Juno sat Under a tree, She wear an ancient dress. the wind blowing softly. A handsome man sits near to her... She smiles. A leaf stick in her head. He slowly goes near to her to take the leaf. After taking the leaf. The both of them look at each other without blinking their eyes... Suddenly he goes near to her to kiss her.

The Man and the kiss were her dreams.

Footsteps towards... Juno's bed. She sleeping well...

Rolling on the bed and moaning in dreams...

A long hand moved towards her...

Suddenly she awake... Juno was Shocked by seeing the tall man.

A tall man. The man has no eyes, no nose... He has a big mouth. No..... No...no too big mouth. Sharp teeth . He stretches his hands and walks toward her...

"Who are you.....? Dad?.. mom... uncle?.. Dad?. mom... help me... A slender man in my room...Mom dad... "She shouts in fear.

The slender man took a knife out and And say "ssshh.... "...

"Daddy... mommy... Please help me...," juno Whisper by obeying the slender man's order.

The slender man Gives the knife to her. .....

She shockingly looked at the slender man.

The slender man says, "Happy birthday, Scarlett "

"What's going on here ...How does this creature know about my birthday?" Juno wondered.

The slender man laughs and turns into its original form...

Which is her father... He pranks her... The Hidden family members also came out of that place... Her mom, sister and her uncle..

They wish her....."Happy birthday, scarlett

she looks at them with tearful eyes...

She was scared ... she get emotional and beat her dad...

"Ouch, it's hurting ma...". Jake shouts in pain.

Juno cried in front of them..." I hate you all... you make me scared... I thought I am going to die... Like that. I hate you...I hate you all... "

Jessie (Mom) Console her..." Juno looks at me.. ma... Stop being afraid and crying like a kid.... you are 16. That means, now you are old... You have to be strong.... did you understand. First of all, stop crying for simple things... Ok "

She says cutely" hmm.... yes.. mom " Juno smiles a little bit and she thanks her mom and hugs her.." thank you, mom, I love you soo much... "

She hugs her dad...

"Thank you, dad.... for the surprise wish... And I am Sorry for all... dad...."

Jake smiles and says, "Now only you talk like a woman..... "

"Where is my present dad?..." Juno was too excited to know the present they bought.

"th....that... the... Now within a second, you became a kid. " Jake tries to avoid the topic.

Juno stares at him ...

with a smile, Jake took a box outside....

Juno was curious to know the present.

Jake slowly opened the box. "This was your gift...scarlett. " Presenting an Amulet.

A platinum chain with A blue crystal was placed. It looks amazing.

Juno was stunned after seeing that... She was happy ... She says," I will always wear this chain dad... Thank you soo much for your gift. "

Jake explains the shocking history behind the Amulet.

Juno... Keep this present carefully, In this amulet... you can see a liquid right. which is not a normal liquid. Which was the tear of the legendary fox. By using these tears you can give life to the dead person. For single use only. So use this carefully. han... one more thing...That...In this world, it only exists. A precious present for my precious gift (mentioning juno).

"A precious gift...." Jeni feel jealous.

Seeing Jeni Jake said," you are also my precious gift...."

"I love you, dad...." Jeni hugs her father.

Juno was happy about the gift .... And her father confirms the legendary fox is true....and she has another doubt.

"If I am drunk this means what will happen, dad? I can be an immortal "

"That situation will not come juno. How long we are living is not a matter... How we are living in the matter ..... Now the choice is yours..." Dad explains clearly.

She smiles... These words glued in her heart.

Her mother presented a camera for her ....."This was your present... Juno... "

Juno is happy..

Charlie presents a bracelet...

This is also a unique one...Because it was designed by me... I specially designed this for the special one...,

"Heeeeeee Thank you, uncle......I love it...I will keep it safe. "

Jeni presents a pair of shoes. This was the limited edition. So, use this carefully.

Juno voice-over,

We are the evidence, that humans and demons can live together happily. I love this day...

I love my family...

the day ends happily...

At the end of the day. the face of Jake and Jessie Became sad. They sadly look at themselves for something.

On another side...

A man fleeing away by seeing someone. The man looks nervous. He Tries to save his life from someone.

The man was followed by a Black mask man, named "Blaze ". Blaze locked the man.

Blaze took his sword out, His sword looks amazing, His sword glittered in the moonlight.

After looking at Blaze's sword, the man was stunned ... He says," no way..... this is not true. This sword ...." The man knows something about the sword. So he can't believe it.

Blaze swings his sword...

The man Beg for his life." I have two children, please leave me... I have a small family. they are waiting for me Please..."

Blaze was not ready to leave him alive.

suddenly, The man transforms into his original form like a demon. He was a demon. He loves a human, marries her and lives a happy life with her....

Blaze was a demon hunter. Hunting demon was his job.

Blaze and the demon fight together. A cruel fight was going on between them.


The cold-hearted man, Blaze cruelly uses his sword and kills the demon.

Blaze's original identity, as well as his face, was not revealed. He always wears a mask.

By seeing the demon's dead body he says, "Humans and the demons can't live happily together. Don't worry, as soon as.... you will meet your friends in hell..." His face was full of bloodstains... He says, "I love this day... "with a sinister smile.
