
Help for Nosy Juno

grandma calling her granddaughter ... " Luna, luna... Are you getting late... Come fast. "

" Grandma... ... I am coming " A familiar voice.

Finally, her granddaughter comes out... She looks like Juno same blue eyes... . The same smile... ... Same height .... Everything looks like Juno.

With a smile... She follows her grandma.

Luna voice-over...

Hi, My name is luna. I know my name is nice right. That... You may find my real identity. Yeah, I am Juno, I don't know why? and how? I am here.....

Flashback :

1 year ago...

When I awake ... I saw a bright sky blue sky. I am near a river. The river looks so calm. But, it's not. The river makes me feel scared. I was completely alright. No scar, no wounds even no scratch on me. The lake of tears heals my wounds, heals my pain. But, I don't know where I am ... The place was different. What type of place is this. No people, trees surrounded me. I don't know where to go. I search for my mom and Dad everywhere... But, I can't find them... I walked alone in the forest ... Finally I found a village... I was shocked... Because their dressing style and their hairstyle were different. Even, Their boys also have long hair than me. They wore old civilization dresses... At that time I understand I was get travelled from the ancient timezone by the lake. I am getting time travelled. I only saw this in some dramas and movies... Well, I don't know where to stay, and I don't know even anyone of them in this place. Normally in this time, if a girl gets time travelled then, She will meet his love. I saw it in many dramas. But, for me, I can only see some monkeys... Which timeline is this.

Hey wait, " Dad ".... Hee hehe... You... I can find him. But, how I can ... Who knows?... Ok, if I found him means then how I can clear about these things. If he believes me.

( Juno's father was a nine-tale fox and immortal and he lived in this place for over 1000 years. So there was a lot of chance for her father to be alive. )

A man looks at Juno weirdly ...

Not only he, does everyone looks at me weirdly... Because of my dressing style... Which is not belong to this timeline. With a puppy smile, I silently move from that place ...

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh... "A lady's screaming sound. Someone steals her dresses...

Juno walking on the streets... Now their way of seeing was different. all of the eyes were on her pretty face. She wore an ancient dress. But, the dress was a little bit bigger for her... It's ok I will manage.

Days Runs...

She reaches the way of the forest, where her father's lived once ... ... She remembers her father's tale, " I remember that day in Dildo forest, In Perdian Kingdom ... I meet your mom for the first time... I can never forget that day..... "

Juno's voice-over...

Wow , I am wondering. I am in the Perdian kingdom. I can't believe it. May I have a chance to meet the legendary fox?

She reached the place where her dad lived. My dad and mom meet... If I had the luck I can see both of them here ....hee-hee... Jolly.

With more expectations, she walked... But, The thing she saw... Makes her break into pieces.

The forest was completely destroyed ...... She runs into the forest. She doesn't know anything... This forest was maintained and protected by a forest spirit. Her father was the forest spirit. He never leaves his properties like that.

With a broken heart and tearful eyes, she drifted away...

Present time...

A man looks like John... He says to luna ...., "How long can you hide your identity from this old one. Once she was going to find that and sends you off "

(Old one - mention the grandma )

Again she remembers the past...

As the same as 1 year ago. She was standing in front of the forest. With a broken heart.

"Aaaahhh.".. Again a screaming sound. But, now this was different.

Hmm. Really, Because she didn't steal any dresses...

She runs towards the sound.

In that place... Some robbers try to steal food and goods from a girl and her blind grandmother.

"What's going on luna?.. " the girl's grandma asks,

" Nothing grandma... I will handle it " With a confident voice.

But, one of the members of the gang stabs her... She slowly fell.

Someone in a tree eating an apple and watching them. He says .... " Disgusting humans... " He decided to move...

(His identity was not shown. )

Juno makeup and dresses like a ghost and shouts in front of them.

They scream at seeing her (Juno)

" This was an old idea... I think this timeline was too older than my idea... So it works.... " feeling proud of herself.

The man in the tree laughs at seeing her ... He wore a black dress ... He says... " how stupid she is ... She can't understand they (robbers) are acting "

The robbers laugh seeing Juno... " what do you think about yourself. If you can fool us by using this joker getup. "

" What joker getup .... '' She doesn't know what's going on. She was surprised.

On other side, the girl luna dying The blind grandmother fainted ..

" Dad ... I need your help... please help me. And help them ". She calls her father with eyes full of tears.

The man in the tree, "He can't understand, " If she is an idiot , without running . Why the hell she is in here? "

One of the robbers raises his knife,

She closes her eyes tightly. , " I didn't expect my second chance of my life was going to end up like this.

To be continued......