
Flaming girl

Leo's mind is full of Luna's thoughts...

He remembers his first meeting with Luna...

With a half-filled heart...

He stands near the river...

( In the ancient timeline it was River The river was decreased... Decrease and became a lake... After 400 years. the lake is called as "lake of tears... Which connects two kingdoms Perdian and Aniezra..., ")

Leo's voice-over...

A beautiful climate... A warm breeze... But, still, an empties covered me...

I have everything... Money, position, etc... Etc.... but, my heart craves something... Why do I feel like this?? What do I want???

Leo saw a girl, she stands near the river. Her face was not clear.

The girl looks sad and stands there...

Leo feel suspicious and looked at her. ....

" What she is doing there??"

Suddenly, The girl jumps into the river...

With a shock, he looking the river.


Leo jumps into the river and saves her...

The girl was luna...

The person who save luna was Leo.

He gives first aid to her...

She starts to cough and spit the river water she drank...

After seeing her alive Leo feels relief.

Leo advised her,

"Death is not a solution for your problems..."

Her body trembling in cold.

He keep her safe and went aside to pick some woods... To make fire...

After picking up of woods... He came to the spot and get shocked...

She was not there... After that, he saw her while chasing Dolion... And then in his castle...

In the Perdian Kingdom...

Some village people arrived to see King... To solve their problem... In that village... Young girls were missing... Nearly 7 girls missing for over 6 months. They ask for King's help... On one side.

At night time.

A girl looks poor... She has blue eyes... She even can't walk properly...

The girl's appearance...

A cute and round face... long hair... She exactly looks like Jeni, Juno's sister. But, she is not Jeni.

She feels too hot... Her skin slowly turns into the colour ... She can't bear the pain she shouts and cries in pain...

Now her eyes turn red... She controls herself...

She says, " I can control myself..... I will never allow you to exist."

She shouts in pain.

her skin slowly starts to burn...... Her eyes and her body flaming like a sun.....

Her screaming sound makes others tremble.

The animals run here and there to hide somewhere for saving their lives......

Birds start to fly over the place.. After hearing her screaming sound.

Villagers .... Hide their children inside their homes safely..... Became of feeling bad.

Luna feels sad about the sound, she says," The sound... I can feel the pain of someone. "

The girl lay down... In her eyes... She saw her sister Zandra ... With eyes full of tears... She calls Zandra, " Zandra "

Zandra smile at seeing her... And call her name, " Alicia.... "

Yeah, the girl was Alicia...

The balance flashback continues...

Zandra hugs Alicia tightly... Her heart was too heavy.

At midnight...

Zandra and Alicia sleeping in their home...

Some of them get inside and kidnap Zandra, they close Alicia's mouth... They bring Zandra out. They tie Zandra to a pillar. Using a rod they hit Alicia. She slowly closes her eyes. Her blood spread everywhere. Zandra begged, " Please leave us... We didn't do anything. Please leave us. Hereafter we will not show our faces. We go far away from you all. Please leave us. " A man again tries to hit Alicia using the rod.

Zandra shouts... "Please leave her... She can't bear the pain.... Please "

Alicia opened her eyes after hearing Zandra's voice.

Godwin enters and kills the man...

He got frustrated , " How dare you hit my women... Die... Die..... Die... " Godwin behaves like a psycho.

The villagers ask about Zandra, " That means, we are not going to Burn this witch. "

Godwin answered harshly, " do whatever you like... But don't touch her... She is mine "

They set fire to Zandra... Zandra remembers the villages did her in past... By looking at the scar on her face, they treat her like a dog. Unfortunately, a man died after visiting her... They conform to Zandra as a witch. If whatever bad happens in that village they blame Zandra. For Zandra, her sister was her world. Zandra was a normal human.

Alicia burns in front of Alicia. She can't lift her body.

She saw and hear everything.

Zandra burning, she saw Alicia and smiled.

Everyone wondered because she didn't shout in pain.

They said, " The Witch even didn't scream She deserves it !!! "

Zandra finally died...

Alicia shout... " Nnnooooo .... "

Godwin casually talks with her like an innocent,

" Alicia come on... I am sorry I can't save you, sister. They are monsters. We have to leave this place. Otherwise they will kill you also... "

Again Alicia shout...

Her spread blood gets into her body.

Everyone wondered by seeing that.

Godwin was afraid and steps back.

Her wounds are healing. Her eyes are blue...

Dillon accidentally saw that... But, her face was not clear to him.

He was afraid and run away from that place.

Her blue eyes turns to flaming red colour. Her hair turns into golden colour.

Prince Heyden watching everything by sitting in a tall tree... He even saw her transformation.

She transform into Nine tale fox.

Her 9 tales are started to burn.

She finally transforms into a Legendary nine tale fox.

Heyden can't believe his eyes. He said, " The myth is happening "

Her power burns the entire village... She said, " you all deserve it "

She burn the entire village....

The flashback is over...

She smiles... And ask Zandra " Why did you leave me alone??... I can't bear the pain. It's hurting ..... It's hurt me too much. I think it's been better to die.... "

She cries in pain......

She says, " I miss you Sister .... Please get me with you ... I don't like to live in this place. "

Finally, she lay down like a caterpillar and Starts to burn.

To be continued...