
Falling off human empire...

Leo removes the mask and runs towards her, Memories and days with her... Suddenly a blue figure appears behind him, grabs his heart...

In Leo's chest, he has a born mark, and it starts glowing.

The blue fog girl says - " Can you feel pain, it's amazing right? Feels like dying. I warn you to go back. but, you don't. "

Leo- "Now I understand what you are trying, it will not work on me... You can't stop me anymore."

Leo Scream in pain...

The blue fog girl - Idiot, still being an idiot. Do you think she needs you, An idiot... Then your wish.

The blue fog girl presses his heart hardly.

" This is happening because of your karma, I warn you several times, but you are not ready to hear me. So enjoy the pain. "

" Ha ha ha ha a.... " ~the blue flame girl starts laughing.

On the other hand.

Luna looks broken and assists her grandma in cooking.

Her activeness, smile, energy, and naughtiness are all gone.

Living like dead matter. A heartbroken girl.