
Broken Heart...

Luna said everything about her to Mr. Fox,

For him her words are unacceptable... But, something bothers him, and she asks for help to find her dad.

Her heart was broken after hearing about that...

He said, " He died... 4 years ago. " She can't understand what's going on... How does it happen? Hold her chest and lay down, hah... Cry in pain... Words shuttering ... She asks " H-H-H How?? "

" The great mistake he done is loving a human, that was the cause of his death. "

A lot of questions revolved in her head... How?? Who??

"How he died?? "

He answered, " A human kill him... "

" Impossible... How someone like a powerless human can kill my dad... How?? He was a forest spirit. One of the powerful demon foxes."