

The girl Alicia lay down... Her eyes turn blue. She can't get up. Some of them surround her and look at her with a sinister smile ...

In a sun setting time...

Luna lying down on a grassland...

She enjoys nature

She starts to sing songs ... And suddenly started to dance.

Leo gets overwhelmed.

He again forgot himself.

She saw him and stop singing and dancing .

She feels embarrassing and Leo too.

With a smile, they saw each other.

She asks apologising to Leo, " Ophs, sorry for disturbing you ... "

Leo said, " No ... I lost myself while hearing your voice... "

Luna smiled , " Oh, really "

Luna remembers Leo, " Hey it's you... That day... " She talks about the Dolion incident.

" Yeah, it's me... " Leo agrees.

" My name is Luna " Luna introduced herself.

Leo was reluctant to say his name. Because no one has permission to call him by his name. But, finally, he says, " Kadan , it was my name. "

She asks him, " Did you like this place too... "

" Yeah, I feel something that .... " while Leo talking luna intrudes and completes his words, " That makes me comfortable. "

They both chuckle.

Suddenly a thing struck her mind, the day she went castle for work, at that time some girls were talking about 3 rd prince.

She asks Leo, " You are working in the Castle right ".

" Yes, why ?? "

" That... What do you think about 3 rd prince... "

" Why?? "

" Just say, I am just curious "

" He was a strong and kind-hearted warrior... "

" What kind??. You looks kind, but, i didn't he too " she started to laugh.

Leo asks her, " what makes you hate the 3 rd prince. ?? "

" nice question. " She starts to explain, " Because I heard, he was a killer. I heard they killed many of them. "

" What ?? Did you saw him while killing innocent people?? " Leo was Suprised by hearing her words.

" No.. " she said no.

" that's way you are talking like this. He was a good one. He even Kills a lot of demons and saves humans from the demons ... " Leo explains.

" Killing demons, killing others how terrible place and timeline is this. I hate this one... Why they all are doing this?? . I want to get back to my place... '' with eyes full of tears.

Leo mid voice, " What I said ?? Why she is crying ??... What happened to me?? Why I can't bear her crying ??... . What happens to me?? Why do I lie to her? Why do I try to clear things with her?? Why did my heart starts beating too fast?? I hate this. Maybe, if I like her. But, how it's possible. I don't know anything about her. Even I met her maybe 3 or 4 times. It may be an Infatuation. This was not love. Yeah, right. " After a too-long conversation.

He said to her, " We can't change anything. Someone was supposed to do that. Not only you In this place eyeryone was stuck in this place and timeline. Until accepting the truth, we can't adapt to life in this world happily. "

With a smile, she said, " You are also right. I don't know if I can. But, I try to adopt this nature."

Both of them were dismissed.

Eyes watching them silently.

In the market, (In Perdian Kingdom)

As usually, Luna sells sweet buns...

The villagers who meet the king and admit their problems, in their... The head of the villager Vinjohon and another one he was also an important man in the village Kalastin they both of them surrounding the market...

Kalasin said to Vinjohon " I believe, King will solve our problems... And he will punish the man who did this heck... "

" You are right.... " With a smile, the head of the villager Vinjohon agrees his words.

They're an old lady beg for food... The shopkeeper refuses to give food to the old lady.

Luna gives a sweet bun to the old lady............ The old lady blesses her, " You will have a long and healthy life, my child. "

She replied with a small smile.

After crossing someway the old lady's eyes blinks in red colour. (An strange old lady )

The head of the villager saw her kindness and get impressed.... he said, "If my son is alive, I will make sure she will be my daughter-in-law..."

With a smile, Kalastin said, " Why we can't eat sweet buns...??? "

Both of them buy sweet buns.

Vinjohon asks luna, " where are your parents?? Why you are selling sweet buns... ?? "

"My parents are far away from me... Here I am living with my grandma... I do this job. Because, I want to, By telling stories to kids, selling my sweet buns...I am fulfilled in my job. That's enough for me... "

" Your answer was beautiful as like you... " with a smile, The village head drifted away...

Leo meets King's advisor Kang for his work file...

Kang explained all to Leo,

Within 6 months there are 7 girls were missing.

After hearing that Leo was shocked... " What 7 ??? Ok, what about their bodies ??? "

" That, no dead bodies, still there is no clue about the girls, if they are dead or alive no one knows that. These are the girl's details.... "

After viewing the files, Leo smiles. he finds similar things about the missing girls... "Mr Kang, The girls those who all are missing, they all had blue eyes...."

" What??? " Kang was shocked and again watch that file... "How did I miss that?? "

With a smile, Leo said," BLUE EYES"

To be continued.....