
An foolish act

Luna stands in front of the castle gate... She hesitates to get in.

"If you do not like means don't do that. " A voice.

Which is Ancient John.

(His real name was not revealed. So we call him in the name of "Ancient John")

"It's my wish MR. John"

"Why did you call me with others' names... My name is ' Heyd....'...." He tries to say something.

But luna is not ready to hear his words. " We are not close to introducing each other "luna's nose cut him. And she asks... ... What you are doing here? did you follow me?"

"No... Maybe. I am interested to know you. Because I have never seen a beautiful and brainless girl like you... " John replied with a smile...

"What??... Get lost" **luna ignore him.

Luna voiceover.

(She shared an incident in this timeline. )

Well, my life changed upside down. Why I am here? What I am going to do? I try to get back to my world. Because this place makes me feel weird. I feel alone. I lost my family, my friends. I thought by using the lake I can get back to my timeline. I try, I don't know to swim, but I try. Yeah, your guessing is right. I decided to kill myself. I jump into the river ..." In 400 years ago (Ancient timeline) the Lake of tears was a river.. And called as "Nosy river "... "

I was drowning, within a second I can't breathe. my nose, my ears, my eyes, and my mouth are filled with filthy water. I thought I am going to die of my foolish act. I don't want to die. I would like to live. Please someone help me.

That time I saw a light... I am going to die. I am just a 17-year-old girl. I am going to die without seeing my love. How unlucky a girl I am.

A hand took her out from the lake... I feel so comfortable in his arms...

He asks," are you ok... "He pats my cheek and tries to wake up me. Finally, I slowly open my eyes. He said," Death, is not an answer for all questions." I can't see his face properly.

He is right, if I died means also nothing will change. I am here, because of some reasons. I finally decided to live and adopt this place and timeline. I hope I will find my dad, he will help me to get back into my world.

Present time :

A lot of girls are there, They also came to work in this palace.

I will tell you a thing... This castle was really awesome... It's really big and beautiful. After seeing the castle, I also got interested in working here.

The girls talking about the 3 Rd Prince Leo.

Girl 1: He was a handsome, brave, smart and strong warrior. He stole all young girls' hearts And he was the dream boy of all young girls in these kingdoms.

Luna was too excited to see 3rd prince... And he asks them... "Did you see him??"

Girl1: Nope... No one saw him... He always wears a mask...

Luna disappointed...

Girl 1: But, I heard about him... He has long hair... He always wore a headband on his forehead. Sharp nose. Pink lips... Dimples while smiling... Hot eyes... If he chooses me as his maid... I will have a chance to see him.

Girl 1 started to fly in the sky...

Girl 2: Do you know a thing. He almost kills more than 100 demons... And he was the death of an angel for demons...

Luno was shocked, "What??, that means we are going to serve for a murderer "

Girl 1: what you are saying?? he save all of us by killing the bloody demons...

" Bloody demons..." ** luna got angry.

Leo looks at them on one side. He wore his mask also... And he asks kai about the new maids... "What they are doing here?? "

Kai wondered," what you don't know... Why??"

Leo stares at him...

Kai answered his question," they all are newly appointed maids ".

" That I know, why they are standing there, without going to their respective works and why I am here???" Leo didn't like to stand here like a puppet

And he can't refuse the king's order.

King orders the newly appointed maids to stand in front of the castle... And Leo to not getting out of the castle...

" That king only wants to answer your question ..." Kai replied to Leo.

On another side...

Luna decided to move... " How cruel he is? How he can kill others?? That means he was a bad one. I will not work for him. I am leaving. " She blabbering and reach the front gate.

Soldiers at the gate didn't allow her to get out, "Hello kid, you can't get out without the king's permission

" I am not a kid ." luna frustrated...

Leo saw her accidentally. he ask Kai," what she Is doing there...?? "

(Leo remembers luna... While catching solution... She asks him to apologise...... )

Kai sends off a soldier and knows what's going on? He informs Leo,

" Captain that, she wasn't interested to work here and especially she 's not willing to serve you?"

"What?? '' Leo was shocked after hearing that.

To be continued........