
3 days

On the next day...

Prince Rowan's death penalty was fulfilled.

Rowan's Last words... " It's not my end... a starting point for you all to die. "

The persons who all supported Prince rowan their death penalty were also fulfilled.

But, fortunately... His family's death penalty was offered. But, their royalty was taken away. They want to spend their balance life like normal people.

King suffered a lot inside.

The evil fake Shavion Prince Morgan enjoys this..... his mindvoice

" I like this... " By looking at Leo his expression changed and he said, '' You are not worth it, bloody low-level damn shit human. "

For Leo a glance at memories with Rowan flashes.

1 week runs...

In Leo's study room...

Leo studying books about war...

Kai entered, "Captain..."

Leo staring at him...

" Han... Han... Prince Leo " Kai can understand he pretending like well but, he is weeping inside...

"Hmm, what?? " with a cold voice.

With hesitation, kai asks Leo " Are you alright?? "