
" You are ugly, you are not deserved to live "

Leo getting ready for Kanso village with his partner Kai.

On the way to the village,

Kai tells a weird incident which was happened once in Kanso village,

A family of two members living in a village. A mother and her son. The son was not like a normal one. He was mentally challenged and he has a burn mark on his entire face. So he always covered his face with a mask. Everyone in this village treats him badly. One day the youngsters in the village, tie him to a tree and show his face in the mirror.

And they shout to him, " You are ugly, You are ugly and you are not deserved to live.... "

He cries after seeing his face. He felt ashamed to live his life with this clumsy face. He was broken down. He ran into his home and he kill himself.

the mom returns home happily. She bought his Son',s favourite sweets. But, her mom didn't know, he died. She searches for him son everywhere. Finally, she saw the boy's room and broken down. He died by hanging. His eyes come outside. He looks terrible. She looking his son without blinking his eyes.

Leo interferes and says simply

" Oh... "

Kai said, " these all truly happened, captain. Trust me... "

"I will listen to you later... My friend. " Leo answered...

The both of them entering into the village.

The villagers look at them weirdly.

They chat about Leo and Kai.

On another side :

The places keep decorating for the festival in the Perdian Kingdom.

Each and everyone was eagerly waiting for the festival.

On Kanso Village,

Leo and Kai stay in Vinjohan's house who was the head of the village.

In that village, A old grand lady was there. She can't walk and she even can't move her body. Because her body was fully paralyzed.

She weirdly looking Leo and kai. Her way of seeing is like, " I am eagerly waiting to eat them... Leave me. " Like that

Kai was scared by seeing the old lady.

Vinjohon apologises for his mom's act.

They enter their room.

Leo and kai enter the village for investigation. But, in that village, no one was ready to answer. After looking and knowing about Leo and Kai the people fled away. They scared.

So, Leo and Kai dressed like normal people and mix with the people. They get separate to collect information.

In every home in that village, a line was written, " You are Ugly, You are not deserved to live ".

By looking at that Leo feels weird. He asks about that,

A lady was in there,

The lady said, " didn't talk about that, no one here will answer for that. If we talk about that, it will kill us . " after instructing, she hide inside of her home.

The day ends full of questions, but no one here is ready to answer.

Leo and Kai gathered at vinjohan house.

They directly ask Vinjohan about the slogan, " you are Ugly, you are not deserved to live. "

Vinjohan explains,

The story of The mother and her son.

The boy died. The mother can't accept her son's death.

The villagers live their life usually without any guilt.

But the smile and their happiness didn't stay too long. The curse of a mother was very powerful. A mother can go to hell for her children.

on another side,

The mother keeps skeletons, and blood and makes some rituals.

The lady knows black magic.

As soon as the youngsters in the village were dying one by one suspiciously and cruelly. Their eyes come out. They died like the boy. Died by hanging. Not only that... Girls with blue eyes are got missing one by one. No one can stop it.

On a full moon day,

The lady sat under the moonlight. She keeps her son's body in a circle. She covers every girl's face with a cloth.

She kills them one by one, by slaughtering their head. Their soul gets into the boy's dead body. His wounds are healed and getting his life.

Finally, she was ready to kill the ninth girl. That time the villagers find out about her and arrived. They save the girl... The boy is slowly awake. The villagers decided to kill the lady. The dead body slowly awakens. He tries to save his mother... He kills some of them. Those who all are trying to kill his mother. The mother laughs. She was happy to see her son alive. He was not fully recovered. But, he can't let his mom die. He kills some of the. But, unfortunately, they kill him. Again he died in front of her mom. The mom saw his son dying, she can't do anything. She looks at her son. The son looks at his mother.

She said, " I will come again, I will kill you all... You all will regret your actions. "

Almost 7 months done.

The Vinjohan said a shocking piece of news,

How did his son die?

Vinjohan lost his son in the lead ritual incident.

Leo and Kai look at each other. They are pissed off after hearing the stories. The villagers believe the girls were kidnapped because of the lady. She returns for her words. Everything happens how she says.

Leo asks vinjohan, " What about the lady and her son? "

Vinjohan said, " We don't know? They vanish. I thought they died. But, after these happened only we understand she was alive and kidnapping blue eyes girls. "

Kai asked, " Then why you didn't inform them, about this, to the king "

Vinjohan replied, " If we tell about that means, You will not accept to help us. Even the girls were missing nearby our villages also. We can't say these all happened because of us. You only have to help, Captain,... Please help us "

Leo and Kai again look at themselves. They have no other choice. They are appointed here to solve the problem. So they say " yes "

On another side,

At the end of the village, A cave is there... It looks scary.

Inside of the cave, in one place. An open is there. The moonlight passes through the Open source and the moonlight fell on a body. The body was fully wrapped and covered by a cloth.

To be continued...