
The Legendary Doragon

The story is about a dragon.

Deep_Sabre25 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Ty vs Wanderer!

Ty runs to the person and tries to strike her with the sword. She dodges swiftly with ease and fires the needles she's holding at Ty. Doragon, being the loyal little dragon he is, flies over to swipe the needles that would reach his human companion.

"Thanks, bud! But you don't need to worry about me. You should focus on Rampage for now."- Ty.

Doragon nods and flies to Rampage, who lunges at him. Doragon catches the wolf with his bare claws and tosses it into a tree hollow. Rampage, who is struggling to get out, gets torched by Doragon's fiery breath.

Doragon cheers for his victory. But not for long as Rampage finally managed to pull its own head out. The wolf's eyes turn pure red with rage, and the glowing aura surrounding its body is evidently showing its boosted power. Doragon gets a little nervous at the sight of it. So nervous that the poor dragon didn't have enough time to react before Rampage lunged at him with great speed and power. Doragon is sent rolling on the ground. Rampage steps on his stomach, preventing him from escaping.

Back to Ty's fight, he tries to strike the woman but misses every single time. She goes into hiding by jumping from tree to tree. Ty has no idea where she'll string from. But a sudden purple lightning strikes him from above leaving him charred for life.

"Ow! What the-"- Ty, looks to see that the lightning was her doing along.

"How do you like it? It's my favorite spell, Zapra. It can deal major damage to those with armor. But in your case, all it did was made you flinch. You'll never know where the attack is coming from. And you'll never defeat me, kid."- the stranger.

"She's right. I don't know who she is. But she and her pet wolf are on a whole different level compared to me and Doragon."- Ty, thinking in his head.

"I'd love to play with you a little longer, boy. But sadly, the fun must end. I need to get my hands on the Eclipse Scale, and you will not stop me! ZAPRA!!"- the stranger.

Ty dodges the lightning spell three separate times. He swiftly runs over to the stranger with his sword in hand, but she dodges it and sends his blade flying with a simple kick. Now Ty is tackled to the ground by her.

"Who even are you? And why are you after the scale?"- Ty.

"Should be the one asking you that, twerp. You should explain your reasoning."- the stranger.

"Yeah well, ladies first."- Ty.

"Hmph. If you must know, our king is suffering from an illness. Because of that, he is dizzy and cannot walk properly. I've heard from some foreigners that the Eclipse Scale can cure any ailments at night. So, that's why Rampage and I have come here to Ake Woods in search of the one thing that could cure him. And that's the Eclipse Scale."- the stranger.

"I see. Well, I was using going to use the scale out of profit. You see, the village has a poor orphanage. I was hoping to use the money bought off the scale for donation."- Ty.

"It seems you possess a kind heart."- the stranger getting off of Ty.

"And you sure care for your sovereign a lot."- Ty, getting up.

"However... I still need that scale. Or else the king will die."- the stranger.

"Can't we just share the scale?"- Ty.

"No. His majesty will need all of it to recover. Therefore, I can't let you have it."- the stranger, begins to cast another spell.