
The Legendary Doragon

The story is about a dragon.

Deep_Sabre25 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Doragon Is Born!

While mourning their deaths, the murderous lizard appears behind them with red, glowing eyes. It's hastening its desire to do more carnage. But Ty doesn't look at all intimidated by it in the slightest.

"You will pay!"- Ty.

"T-Ty?"- Lora.

"K-Kid, you okay?"- Grant.

"Oh, I will be. Once this thing dies!!!"- Ty, swiping Grant's arrow and bow and firing at the black lizard.

"Die! Die! Die, you worthless piece of trash! Die!!!"- Ty, going insane while firing those arrows.

The lizard felt pain from the shots. But this makes it angry as it goes to slash Ty with its claws.

"Ergh!"- Ty, feeling the pain.

"TY!"- Lora and Grant, worried.

Ty gets back up and tackles the deadly reptile, only to be caught by its two hands.

"Let my son go, you monster!"- Lora, running to save Ty only to be stopped by Grant.

"What? Get out of the way! Ty's in trouble!"- Lora, seething.

"I know. I'll save him but you need to get somewhere safe, Lora!"- Grant.

Ty is about to feel its fangs. But it is stopped by something. Something that is glowing...

"Wh-what?"- Grant.

"Fetch me the satchel!"- Lora.

Grant does what he is told and hands Lora her satchel. Lora takes a peek inside and sees the object where the glowing is emitting from.

"The Dragon Egg! It's hatching!"- Lora.

And the egg didn't just crack, something flew out of it at high speed. It looks angry and ready to fight off the lizard. The black thing just tossed Ty out of the way so it could deal with the newborn dragon, who has awaken in a glowing shimmering form.

The dragon bounces on the lizard's head with a hard thump. The lizard slashes at it with claws but the pain didn't stop it from fighting back by launching a mean fire breath at its opponent. After being barbequed, the deadly lizard goes down in defeat. The newborn dragon collapses as well after using its awakened power.

It decreases to its natural form. The small, red dragon was picked up by Ty. Lora runs to hug him and so does Grant.

"Ty, are you okay?!"- Grant.

"Let's just go home. I've had enough for one day. We need to get this little guy some help too."- Ty, concerned.

"Alright. But I need to treat you as well."

At night back at the house, Ty is being tended to his wounds by his mother. She places an ointment on the stomach so that it will heal and not get infected. The same goes for the tiny dragon as well.

"Alright, it will heal eventually. Now get some rest."- Lora.

"Alright."- Ty, overwhelmed by everything that just happened.

"And thank you, Doragon. You saved my son's life."- Lora, turning to the dragon.

"Doragon? Not a bad choice for a name but... I thought I'd name him."- Ty.

"Oh, sorry. I just happened to have thought it up myself. We can change it if-"- Lora.

"No. Doragon's cool."- Ty.