
The legendary Demi-Humans

Two brothers had miserable lives because of their parent's constant work to the point that the only way for them to be happy was to be together One day after Nick came back home from school his brother Ryan came back from college to visit. Their parents turned Ryans' old room into an office so he slept on the floor of Nick's room. once they got to sleep a light flashed and they only heard a voice once he was done talking they opened their eyes and found themselves in a different world.

Sniper_Space · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Once he finished talking, the boys were brought back to their room. Once the woman put the boys on the bed she left, and when she was gone the boys fell asleep.

A year passed...

This time the man came in and got the boys. "It's finally time, my boys," he said with a grin. "Time for me to teach you two survival" he continued, a proud look forming on his face.

He took them outside and into the woods. "I'm going to teach both of you what is poisonous, what is good to eat, how to collect herbs, and how to set traps."

"WHAAT!?!" the boys exclaimed, trying to sound exited.

"Okay boys, first I'm going to teach you how to find herbs!" he pulled a green herb with weird curled leaves. "This is a common herb. It's used for making basic heath potions. I want the both of you to separate and look for herbs, whoever brings me back the correct herb first will get more meat for dinner."

Andrew wanted to act excited so he said "Whoa really?!"

Their dad said "Yes really," while chuckling.

"Ok on your marks, get set, GO!" their father yelled.

The boys took off, deeper into the woods. They noticed that they were faster than they were in the other world, and their senses were sharper. They could hear almost anything around them, and they could smell all the wildlife roaming the woods.

Then a thought stuck Andrew. I should try to tame some animals, he thought, didn't that voice say that my class was "beast tamer"?

He ran through the woods, looking for animals to tame. He saw a rabbit and tried to get near it, but it hopped away. He then looked for another animal, and soon enough he found a squirrel. He decided to try something else and held his hands out like he was trying to cast magic, when suddenly something popped up….


Taming animal.…

Animal level too high for tamer ability, must try weaker level animals in order to increase tamer ability.


"WHAT IS THIS?" Andrew jumped back in fright but it followed him. He then tried to touch it, but his hand went straight through it. "How do I make this close," he said but once he did it closed. So it's activated by words? he thought but when he tried to open it again it didn't work.

He then heard the mysterious voice "The system only listens to the player class my boy hahahaha!" He jumped back and yelled "Who are you!" he looked around but no one was there.

He decided to give up on taming animals for the day and started to look for the herb.

At the same time, Hunter ran deeper into the woods thinking How do I even start with the player class? He wandered around, looking for the herb.

"There it is!" he yelled as he was running towards it he picked it and something popped up:


+11exp from foraging, 89 more exp needed to level up.


"WHAT?!?" he yelled and jumped back.

"What is this?" He stared at it, mesmerized. He tried to touch it, but his hand went through it. Then something else popped up:


Hello player, I am the system. I will guide you on how to get stronger. Here are some commands that you can use: Inventory, Shop, Skill tree, Level, Class upgrade, Open interface, Close interface, Quest menu, Alarm, and to-do-list. In order to level up, you must forage, hunt animals/monsters, enchant, forge, and fish.


"Whoa I got a good class" he said, excited.

"Wait I have an inventory," he said while holding the herb.

"Inventory," he said out loud and a panel with little squares popped up. He reached out with the herb in his hand, sticking his hand into the panel, but this time his hand disappeared. It didn't go through it like before. He pulled his hand out as fast as he could, but his hand came out perfectly fine with the herb. He stuck his hand back into the panel, but this time dropped the herb in it. He took his hand out and the herb appeared in one of the little squares. He reached his hand towards the square that the herb was in and grabbed it, and the herb came out. He then said, "Close Inventory" and it closed. He was barely able to contain his excitement. "I'm like a real life game character!" he yelled in excitement.

Then he ran back to where his dad was and handed him the herb. His dad then said "I think we have our winner!" Right when he said that, Andrew came running from the woods with an herb. "Ohh looks like we have two winners! You'll both get extra meat tonight," he said with a laugh, and they headed back home.

On their way home, their dad said, "Tomorrow I'll teach both of you how to make traps."

Sorry for the long wait for the 4th chapter, I'm a high school student and have been dealing with a lot of stuff, but I should be able to start putting out more chapters. and hopefully school won't interrupt my book even though it's exam week.

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