
The legendary Demi-Humans

Two brothers had miserable lives because of their parent's constant work to the point that the only way for them to be happy was to be together One day after Nick came back home from school his brother Ryan came back from college to visit. Their parents turned Ryans' old room into an office so he slept on the floor of Nick's room. once they got to sleep a light flashed and they only heard a voice once he was done talking they opened their eyes and found themselves in a different world.

Sniper_Space · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Survival part 2

Once they were back in their house, their parents made food, giving them both extra meat, and they started eating.

"This meat is really good!" said Hunter, trying to be happy about the extra meat.

"Yeah it is, what kind of meat is it?" Andrew asked.

"It's venison, the type of meat from a deer," said their mother. "Your father caught it in a trap early this morning."

"Whoa really!" both of them said.

"Yes really" said the Dad.

They all finished eating. "Okay, now time for bed boys."

"Okay," both of them said, and went to their room.

Once in their room, Andrew started talking in the language from their old world. "I heard the mysterious voice again today."

"Really?! What did he say!?!" asked Hunter.

"He was laughing at me because this weird panel popped up and I said 'How do I close this thing,' and it closed. After it did, I tried to re-open it but it wouldn't work, and then I heard his voice. He said that only the Player class can control the system."

"You saw the panel too?" asked Hunter.

"Yeah, I did, but I can't control it. It only comes up when I try to tame something," said Andrew.

"Speaking of that, I want to see you tame something." said Hunter.

"If you can find something weaker than a squirrel then I'll tame it."

Hunter looked around in thought and spotted an ant.

"Do you think you can tame an ant?"

"Oh I didn't think of that."

Andrew walked towards the ant and held his hands out.


Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 90 more exp to level up taming


The ant started walking towards Andrew, and once it gets there it bows.

"Whoa so cool," Hunter quietly says.

"Cool! I have a tiny warrior," Andrew says, amazed.

"Guard us while we sleep little buddy," Andrew says, and the ant walks in front of the door and waits. When the boys saw this, they decided to go to bed.

The next day...

Their dad walked in the room to wake up the boys. The guarding ant tried to charge him, but the boys, seeing this, yelled "Dad!" and the ant, seeing that he wasn't a threat, stopped.

"Today I'm going to teach you how to make traps," the Dad said enthusiastically.

"Cool let's go," said Hunter trying to get Dad out of the room so Andrew can grab the ant.

"Wow, you sure are excited today, Hunter. Let's go."

Hunter and Dad left the room. Andrew ran and grabbed the ant and put him on his shoulder.

"You know what, ant? I'm going to name you Antonio," and he ran out the room.

When they got to the woods their Dad said "Ok, there are several different kinds of traps, but my favorite is the pitfall trap. What you do for this is dig a pit, "then you get sticks" he went and found some good looking stick's "and lay them over the pit." he through them on top of the pit "And then you cover it with leaves" 'he threw leaves on it' "and there you go! Now, later you come back to see if you get something."

"Okay, now that you know how to do it, I'm going to go make lunch. You can stay here and make traps or collect herbs, I'll be back soon."

He said as he left.

"Hey Andrew I got an idea," Hunter said.

"What?" Andrew asked.

"You go tame ants and level up, and I'll go and collect herbs for both of us and level up!" said Hunter excitedly.

"Good idea."

And they took off. Hunter ran through the woods, looking for herbs. "Oh, there's one." He ran over and picked it.


+10exp from foraging, 79 more exp needed to level up.


"What? I got 11exp last time? Is it the quality of the herb?"


Answering questions...

Depending on the quality of the herb you pick, you may get more or less exp


"Ohh, thanks system!" He put it in his inventory and ran, looking for more, after a while he found three herbs next to each other, he picked them.


+11exp from foraging, 68 more exp needed to level up.

+10exp from foraging, 58 more exp needed to level up.

+12 exp from foraging, 46 more exp needed to level up.


He put the herbs in his inventory. "Just need four to five more," he thought.

He ran deeper into the woods looking for more, but when he got there he saw something weird. It's a plant that looked a little like the herbs he was picking, but it had more leaves, and it had flowers on it. He decided to pick it.


Rare herb found...

+50exp from foraging, 171 more exp needed to level up.



You have leveled up

+1 to all stats

+5 stat points

+ skills unlocked in shop


He put it in his inventory

"Whoa I leveled up that fast? Let me use those stat points."

"Open interface."


Name: Hunter

Level: 1

Race: wolf Demi-human


Strength: 15

Agility: 17

intelligence: 12

vitality: 11

Stat Points: 5


No current skills, buy them at shop or make them by doing certain actions.


"Hmmm what do I want to level up?…. I guess I'll do strength and agility."


Name: Hunter

Level: 1

Race: wolf Demi-human


Strength: 15 +3

Agility: 17 +2

intelligence: 12

vitality: 11

Stat Points: 0


No current skills, buy them at shop or make them by doing certain actions.


Then he started to run out of the woods. Once he got out, he put the herbs in a pile because he didn't want his father to see them randomly appear, and he waited for Andrew.

Andrew's POV

When Andrew ran into the woods, he started to look for ants. He then found a colony of ants. He tried his taming ability on them, but it wouldn't work.

"Maybe they need to be separated for it to work," he thought, so he grabbed an ant and tried


Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 80 more exp to level up taming


"It worked, ok I'll just do this on 8 more ants."


Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 70 more exp to level up taming



Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 60 more exp to level up taming



Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 50 more exp to level up taming



Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 40 more exp to level up taming



Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 30 more exp to level up taming



Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 20 more exp to level up taming



Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 10 more exp to level up taming



Taming animal...

Animal Taming: 5%..25%..75%..100%

Animal Taming successful.

+10exp. need 175 more exp to level up taming



You have leveled up taming

You need 4 more levels to tame rodents


"Nice! I leveled up," he thought while running out of the woods to where Hunter was.

"I leveled up my taming ability," said Andrew.

"I leveled up too. I got stat points and I put them into my strength and agility!" Hunter said, happy.

They then saw their dad coming over the hill with lunch.

hahaha Antonio get it?

Sniper_Spacecreators' thoughts