
The legendary Demi-Humans

Two brothers had miserable lives because of their parent's constant work to the point that the only way for them to be happy was to be together One day after Nick came back home from school his brother Ryan came back from college to visit. Their parents turned Ryans' old room into an office so he slept on the floor of Nick's room. once they got to sleep a light flashed and they only heard a voice once he was done talking they opened their eyes and found themselves in a different world.

Sniper_Space · Fantasie
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New world

Once they realized what happened and that it wasn't a dream the two brothers looked at each other and tried to talk but all that came out was weird sounds. Then out of nowhere, a woman walked in, but she wasn't your normal human. She had wolf's ears, a tail, and sharp teeth. She was talking in a different language, but the two boys could understand her.

"Aw, you boys are finally awake! I thought something was wrong, and I was just about to take you two to the Doctor," she said as she picked up Ryan.

"Come on Andrew let me take you to your father. I'll come back for you Hunter," she said

WHAT!? WE HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES?! Both Ryan and Nick thought. 

My new name is Andrew and Nick's new name is Hunter I guess. This will be hard to get used to, though Ryan.

"The woman took Andrew to another room where a man was sitting next to the fireplace. He was no normal human either, he had wolf ears and a tail as well. A thought immediately popped into Andrew's head 

They're Demi-humans. 

The woman handed Andrew to the man and left to go get Hunter.

"Well you're looking better," the man said with a strong raspy voice "you will make a fine adventurer just like your old man," he said with a smile on his face. "I'll teach you and your brother the way of the sword once you're old enough," he said and his eyes started to sparkle, like his dream was coming true.

The woman entered the room with Hunter. "I'm going to teach you two how to enchant weapons and armor," she said when she stood near the man "if you have a magic aptitude of course."

"After the man and woman talked for a while, they put the boys back in the original room. Once they left the room, the two boys tried to talk to each other again, but we're not able to form words. Fortunately, they had an idea of what the other was thinking.

A year passed, but nothing changed. The boys would sit and wait as the days passed.

Another year passed, this time they could form a few words, so when no one was around the two boys would talk in the language from their old world so that no one could understand them if they walked in.

"Did you hear that strange voice?" asked Hunter.

"Yeah, I did, but I couldn't move, talk, or see, so I don't know what happened or why we ended up here," Andrew said.

"Me neither. He said it was like time itself was frozen but only the mysterious person was not affected," said Hunter.

"I agree. Do you know what he was talking about with classes?" Andrew asked.

"It may be like a video game where you have a class and are only good at what that class is."

"Well that's the only thing I can think of as well," said Andrew.

"It's weird that we are Demi-Humans now too, I'm probably never going to get used to ears and a tail as well as these sharp teeth."

"I got to agree with you there!" Andrew said enthusiastically trying to cheer up Hunter.

Then someone entered the room. The two boys immediately started to act like they were play-wrestling, because in this world they were technically 2-year-olds. The woman walked in and started laughing "Hahaha you guys are quite hyper today," she said with a smug expression on her face.

After living there for two years, the boys found out that this woman was their mother. Her name was Lorenda, an extremely feisty person who was known for her enchanting skills.

"Well, time to take you to your father," she said happily as she put both of them in a basket that she made. It was a perfect fit for them. She walked out of the room and brought them to the same room with the fireplace.

"They learned that the man sitting by the fire was their father, a famous retired adventurer whose name was Roland. He had quit being an adventurer so that he had more time with his family.

Once the boys arrived he looked at them with a smile on his face and said "Just one more year boys, and I'll start training both of you not with sword techniques, but with survival techniques. Learning how to use a sword doesn't do any good if you can't survive," he said.

He then frowned and said "I wish I didn't have to put you through this, boys, but our wolf Demi-Human race won't last long…"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know!

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