
The Legend of Zefer

Forsaken by his peers, used as a stress reliever by all, and cursed by the Goddess herself, Zefer finds himself at wits' end. Alone and lost, he loses the will to continue until he receives a gift one day. Not one, but two. What will he do with these gifts, and would this change him for better or for worse? The Legend of Zefer all started with these two gifts.

R_V_R · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
39 Chs

Chapter 19 - Level Up!


[Level Up!]

[User level is now 2]

[Parital system unlocked...]

[System Skills unlocked!]

[System Currency unlocked!]

[System Exchange unlocked!]

[10 Skill points received!]

[User has obtained 1000 Coins!]

[User has received 6 EXP]

[EXP till next level: 17 EXP]

So many notifications appeared before Zefer's eyes. Zefer skimmed over the messages to see what they said before he decided to move out of the way to the Medical Team could pick up Alex.

Murmurs and gossip came about saying how Zefer got lucky with his blows and how his fight was most likely fixated. Truthfully, no one wanted to admit that Zefer was no longer a zero. However, a select few had no choice but to accept it. One of those was Ruth, and another was Katie. They witnessed not once but twice what Zefer was capable of doing.


[Please finish Main Quest to unlock Diabella's Gift fully!]

Another notification popped up with a lovely but starting to become annoying ding sound. Zefer had seen the messages earlier about the partially unlocked system, but he didn't get time to think about it since he had to move out of the way for the Medical Team.

"So, I won't be able to fully utilize this Gift, or whatever it is, until I destroy Falter? Well, I suppose things are never that easy." Zefer made a mental note. He didn't care if things were easy or not. He was forced to do things the hard way from the get-go. Besides, destroying the city was his main goal right now. So, it will get unlocked in the end.

"Well, that is interesting. Diabella's Gift, eh?" Ina's voice peered inside of Zefer's mind.

"What is? Do you know something about it or Diabella?" Zefer inquired. He was surprised to find out this Gift was supposedly from the Overseer of Demons, Diabella. He was even curious to find out why she gave him this Gift but figured he would find out later. Figuring out the why wasn't part of his main goal, bringing this city to ruination was.

"Well... From what I know, Diabella is the Queen of all Demons. She rulers over them and foresees everything within the demonic realm. She was the allies to the Rune Warriors during the war against the Goddess and Gods." Ina explained.

The information Ina gave Zefer would probably shock many since it was the Demons who wanted to enslave humanity throughout history. The Demons were always trying to take over the mortal world. However, Zefer wasn't shocked by this information. He saw firsthand what humans were capable of and always thought there was something more to the war between the humans and the demons.

Zefer did not believe for a second that the humans simply minded their own business, then one day, they were attacked by demons. He researched it through many documents and found certain scriptures about old religions with one God and one Devil. Some even had multiple. In the end, none of these scriptures helped with his research on how the war came to be other than the demons invading Peccatum.

There had to be a reason for the invasion, not simply because they were blood-thirsty warmongers. Yet, everything he researched always said the same thing about the demons and their attack. It was almost as if all of the documents were fixated, made solely for one truth to be known.

"Well, I figured as well. I highly doubt any angel would rise against the Gods or Goddesses." Zefer said with an internal scoff. "I suppose I should look into the new things I unlocked," Zefer added afterward, but before he could even return to his seat, the intercom came on.

"Zefer Zillian, please report to the principal's office immediately."

"Oh? A little late on the calling, aren't they? Although, I suppose waiting until the break period would be the best time considering the day was over after the Rank Up Test." Zefer said to himself as he made his way out of the classroom.

"You were expecting this?" Ina inquired.

"Yes. Do you really think a student who exhibited powers beyond what he was capable of not to be called in for questioning?" Zefer replied.

"I see... This school thing is weird. Do you think you will have to kill anyone?" Ina asked.

"I would like to refrain from doing so until I gain enough information. I need to know how many Hunters are here and the highest-ranked Hunter. That way, I can prepare for my battle and other things that I will need to do to bring this city to ruin." Zefer replied to Ina.

Ina was impressed and speechless. She had met many wielders of the Rune of Destruction. Most, if not all, were never as careful as Zefer. Sure, only one human became a Rune Warrior, but even she was not as cautious as Zefer. Rational, yes, but not as careful when it came to planning. It was almost like Zefer was thinking into the future, what battles he would end up undergoing, and the outcome of his actions as a whole.

It was impressive, but at the same time, frightening. Zefer had the potential to become something greater than she imagined. With his wits', Diabella's Gift, and the Rune of Destruction, he could become the mightiest Rune Warrior ever to have lived.

A mere human, becoming the strongest Rune Warrior. Now that was frightening.

"I see. You are rather... patient, I suppose, is the proper word to use here." Ina said after many moments of silence.

"I have to be if I want to get out of this alive, Vermillion. One mistake and everything comes to an end." Zefer replied to her just as they arrived at the door. "I'll talk to you later. I don't know what they want, but I need to be ready for anything." Zefer added, then knocked on the door.

"Zefer Zillian, reporting." He said.

"Come in." A feminine voice said, and Zefer opened the door. As he did, he was greeted with the sight of two people. One was a blonde woman who looked like a secretary, while the other was the academy's principal, Gill Henderson.

"Please, have a seat Mr. Zillian." The woman said, and Zefer nodded before taking a seat in front of the desk. The blond woman was standing beside Gill as if waiting for any order or command that he might have. If anything, she looked like a bodyguard.

"Do not worry about Ms. Vixen. She is my secretary." Gill said before placing his hands on his desk, with his posture relaxed. Zefer could see that he still maintained a dignified aura around him, one that demanded respect. "Now then, you might be wondering why we call you in here, right?" Gill decided not to beat around the bush. It seemed as he progressed towards the reason they called Zefer in.

"Because of my match yesterday?" Zefer responded bluntly, not caring to show respect to Gill. Of course, this did not go unnoticed, but no one said anything about it or took action with Zefer's attitude.

"Partially. Your match has piqued the interest of several people in the student body. Your name has been floating around as of late. Everyone is wondering where you have obtained your power. We have no recollection of any magic that has a dark purple or neon blue aspect." Gill began.

"Many of my staff wonder if you have been hiding your powers. Some believe you have found a way to trick the system and faked your Mana Pool. Both of these are impossible..." Gill paused before moving his hand towards the blond woman.

The woman had been holding a folder this entire time. When Gill motioned towards her, she gave him the folder, and he opened it. Zefer was curious, but he didn't show it. Before entering the room, he placed on a mask, one of apathy, an expression of not caring.

Gill set the folder on the table and opened it, revealing several documents that looked like grades and tests. "When you first started at this academy, you had excellent grades. You excelled at every subject and put many in your year to shame." Gill took out several papers with Zefer's grades to show Zefer what he was talking out.

"Oh wow... so they even have printouts. Even with our vast technology, there is still a reason for pen and paper." Zefer said to himself as he looked over the papers then back to Gill since he continued talking. Mocking the way the government and the system worked since they are all about power and technology.

"Many believed you were cheating since you had no Mana Pool. No Martial Talent or Martial Skill. Not to mention you are an F Rank, the lowest of the low." Gill seemed to have this agitated tone of voice when he spoke about this as if he was annoyed with this kind of thing.

"So, the staff forced you to retake the test. You passed, then they forced you to take higher grade level tests which of course you passed. Were you aware, that the tests they had to you take were collage level tests?" Gill inquired.

"Yes and no. The first few, I believe, were part of our academic curriculum, but the final one I believed was not." Zefer answered.

"See, this is why the higher-ups are all idiots. Power this... power that..." Gill muttered to himself, showing that he disliked the way the system currently was. Gill believed that power was not everything. Gill thought that knowledge played an important role in many things, not just warfare.

However, his remarks were shut down since the higher-ups only cared for power. Who was the strongest? What were they capable of? When could they go out onto the field? Blah... Blah... Blah... It agitated Gill, and Zefer could see this.

It came as a surprise to Zefer since the man always preached about power and whatnot. "Was this who the principal was? A man who was frustrated with the system, but couldn't do a thing about it?" Zefer wondered to himself.