
The Legend of the Yellow Haired Butcher (Namikaze Minato Self insert)

A Young adult dies and reincarnates as Minato Namikaze. Shenanigans ensue. This is not my fanfiction . All the credits go to Divyansh Kundu

DioBrando666 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Orochimaru 1-1

[1 day after the 3rd Session]

I am in my lab alone reading and comprehending stuff from a child's diary. God that sounded weird even in my head. While my morals are significantly lesser than that of Jiraiya or even Tsunade, even I draw a line at pedophilia.

While that Namikaze boy would remind most people of Nidaime sama, I see myself in the boy. Death of ninja parents at an early age(although mine did die when I was about 10), an unnatural obsession with power and that GENIUS. In spite of whatever Jiraiya tells others, I know I have a HUGE ego but I have the results to show my ego for.

I am first and foremost a Scientist and my ultimate goal is to gain all knowledge available in the world. Immortality is just a medium to that. The boy's notes are revolutionary. While I know that I am too late into the carrier to change my entire way of thinking and reacting, the benefits gained from his notes will be outstanding. Maybe then Jiraiya and I could break through the barrier between S class and SS class. The weakest out of our team is Tsunade even if popularly she is considered the strongest out of us. Tsunade before Nawaki's death was not spoiled per say but not that dedicated as well. While compared to the average shinobi and even many Jonin, Tsunade has undergone harsher training, she wasn't comparable to us.

I have my obsession with immortality to thank for that and Jiraiya, his dream of peace. We had been in the war front as an official team for about 5 months. It was horrible. I know I have done much worse things to my opponents by now but the death, the tragedy, the suffering in the civilians was heart wrenching. We had seen children eating food from the gutters before we provided food, we had seen so much death during that time. We may not have fought in the war but we know that tragedy, that pain and that horror very well. Jiraiya has always been a simple guy. He is head over heels for Tsunade and after seeing that tragedy has dedicated himself to not witness that ever again.

Of course Tsunade had seen that as well but she had mostly been desensitised to such things due to her being a Senju and being conditioned to feel little empathy towards civilians. Oh she was heartbroken by those sights but she considered them an acceptable casualty to save Konoha at that time. While we were under the propaganda at that time, me and Jiraiya were still very much horrified and couldn't justify such war.

Jiraiya has made it his life long mission to achieve peace since then. Though, that goal has somewhere along the way been forgotten. We didn't just become Jonin because we are Jonin level in strength although that did make it easier. We became Jonin after doing and seeing some sick things. Oh we haven't killed any innocents till now and I would hope I never have to do so but we have killed genins, we have killed some ninja in the worst possible ways if they were vile enough and so on. Somewhere along the way, Jiraiya lost his target. But I don't blame him. Even my obsession with immortality has dimmed to just a major interest instead of the frantic obsession it was before. It was why I fell in love with Jiraiya after all. Me being a gay is known by most of my acquaintances but who I became gay for is not known by anyone, not Sensei, not Tsunade and certainly not Jiraiya.

While I am an anti social guy, Jiraiya brought me out of my shell along with Sensei after my parents' death. I was largely asexual before that. Then over time I discovered that I had fallen in love with my best friend but sadly Jiraiya is straight. I don't want our years of friendship to become awkward because I couldn't control my mouth. My type since then has been white haired guys. Sakumo and I had an one night stand but it didn't work out as he was straight. He gave gay sex a try but he couldn't bring himself to enjoy it. I would have transformed into a woman(God knows there are many techniques for that as Shinobi are kinky as hell) if I didn't know that Jiraiya would never be truly in love with me.

Even now he is just recovering from Tsunade's unexpected relationship with that Dan. He has slept with hundreds of women. He has even given 2-3 women a try for a relationship but he couldn't do it. Of course, no women were unsatisfied with him as he is quite gentlemanly outside of that perversion he shows unshamedly with his close friends. Oh how I think of having that big dick inside me but I really can't as I want a genuine relationship not a facade as that would only damage our current relationship.

I have largely been asexual since that try with Sakumo. I don't really need sex in my life when there are better things to do. This system of using handseals by that Minato kid is very good. While it is quite rough and is mostly unrefined, it still helps me get the correct results for most combinations of hand seals and the resulting Jutsu. It is a safe way to make new Jutsu without risking any kind of permanent damage. It would cut down years of research if properly implemented. Thank Kami that Sensei allowed me to take the Namikaze kid as a research assistant. We both can discover so many new things with his genius and creativity and my genius and experience.

Now only if Jiraiya trains him well, we both could be instrumental in producing a future Monster. Fufufu...

Honestly speaking, I would have been jealous of the kid that would get to spend so much time with Jiraiya even without a sexual relationship. That kid seemed so much like my replacement in mine and Jiraiya's relationship that I would have been extremely envious of him but as of right now, the kid's 'programming' skills have very much impressed me. I at least have the honour to recognise the name of kid's methods. Fucking Danzo! Fucker gets me bodies to experiment on but instead labels most of my newly developed jutsus as his own in front of the world. I won't do so. The kid is worthy of at least a little respect. Had he just built up on someone else's work or just developed a new Jutsu and hailed as a genius for just that much, I am sure I would have been very offended but the kid has done his work, he deserves respect.

Let's just hope that he completes the academy faster, I want him in my lab fast. Till then, lets get this hand seal system working. I will definitely become a SS class and show who the greatest genius of Konoha is.

For now, I have the Hachibi Jinchuriki's chakra to experiment on. That was an interesting mission. Releasing the Eight tails without being caught and leaving any evidence was a hard job but a fruitful one. If Sensei had sent Jiraiya or god forbid Tsunade then the mission would have fucked sideways. I just hope that I get more opportunities to experiment. Danzo should continue fulfilling his role otherwise that old bastard can and will die. Nobody likes Danzo...well maybe except Sensei but that's because they are old friends...

Let's just get started on the research to assimilate various bloodlines into the body.

A/N: A short chapter but this is a turning point in this journey. This chapter will be the basis of actual change in the future. Orochimaru is gay, yes. I am perfectly straight and no yaoi will be shown but I can and will write some characters as gay because it would make sense. Orochimaru didn't kill Jiraiya when Jiraiya chased him out of the village because he loved him. Orochimaru is recovering from that but hasn't recovered yet. Also a paragraph shows all the possible problem my Orochimaru could have had with Minato if he was the Original one. Orochimaru has shown so many things over the years that I don't really believe that he wouldn't get offended that a pint sized brat is told to be a better genius than him when Minato only built up on Tobirama's work- Hiraishin or just made a new Jutsu- Rasengan. Orochimaru has done that as well.

Also we see what kind of relationship Orochimaru would have had with Kabuto *wink wink*. We finally see why Minato's seal programming is so important. It makes researching new Jutsu very safe and cuts down years of research. Anyways, This chapter finally puts my fic in the 50k words category.

BTW All of the story credits go to Divyansh Kundu

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