
Clan of the mercenaries

It's past midnight. The combined schedule. The moon is as bright as ever. The birds have gone to sleep and the flowers have already closed. I already found the clan camp of the mercenaries from the east. Counting all, there are 25 men armed with swords, beasts and knives. 10 of them are around a campfire, 10 are guarding the outskirts of the forest and there are 5 men around an armored tent in the center of the camp ... I must presume Arthur is being held hostage there. I need to create a plan fast, otherwise I do not think Arthur and I will leave here alive.

"I should just hand over that stupid parchment, but I think even then, they would not let us go."


I circled the woods near the camp to make sure there was no trap around. All in all, I've found 10 bear traps, I've deactivated them all, but I think they'll serve some purpose. If I want to get Arthur and I out of here, I'll have to be smarter than these guys.


Get away from there. In the camp where Arthur was being kept...

"You little shit, tell me where the damn parchment is! We know he's with you. My spies saw his little friend, Esdra, receiving the parchment from that merchant. "

"I don't know where that damn parchment is. I swear."

"This is your last chance. Tell us where the parchment is, and I promise we'll let you go. "


"Okay, enough. I'm tired of it."


"Please, Esdra. Save me."


"A shout!!! Shit!! Arthur!!! I will not have time to do anything else. I need to save him!


In the camp of the mercenaries ...


"What was this!!??"


"Boss, it looks like there was an explosion in the forest, we do not know what it was, we sent our men to check the place!"

"It seems the kid will not deliver the parchment that easy, does it?" *Evil grin*

"Go after him! I'll take care of this little shit. "


In the forest...

"Great! They were attracted by the explosion. Good thing I still had that magic bomb I stole from the old wizard, now I only have two more bombs left. Better not to waste it. There came about 20 men, which means there are 5 more watching Arthur. I must go now!"



"All right! I'm come to their camp. Now I just need a way to get into the cabin ... Think, think ... Oh! I already know!!!"


A few minutes later, at the mercenary camp. A new mercenary appears...

"Hey!!! Who are you?


I'm disguised as a mercenary. I got some clothes and armor that I found lying on the floor. Someone probably took them off and didn't have time to wear them back when the explosion occurred. There are 5 men here. I just need to find a way to get everyone out.

"The Boss asked you to go and help find the person who caused the explosion. You go on the right side. We're already covering the left. Quickly go soon!!! You will not want to leave the Boss angry, will you? "


They murmured a little, but they left. That! I got it. Now I just need to save Arthur.

*entering the cabin*

"My God! What they did to you. ARTHUR!!!"


He's covered in blood. He can barely speak. It's all hurt. Shit!!! This is all my fault. I shouldn't have gotten that damn parchment. Damn it!!!

"What did they do to you, Arthur? Sorry, dumb question. Let me untie you soon. SHIT!!! Are you alright? Sorry, another stupid question."


I untied him. We need to get out of here fast. It's strange not to have anyone here, but I think everyone went to look for me in the forest. Anyway, we need to go.

"Arthur, can you run?"

He nodded. I Hug him.

"It's okay, Arthur. I am here. And we're going to leave here and when we get home, we'll eat that meat you love so much, okay? But now we need to run."


"O...k , Es.."


Those bastards. All those bastards. What they did to my friend… IT IS UNFORGIVABLE!!!

"Come on, buddy! But first ... Let me warm this shitty place."


We've been running for about 10 minutes. Even so, we could see the smoke from that hut here. Yeah, those magic bombs really are pretty powerful. But there's something bothering me. Though I thought their Boss will came to hunt me along with the rest. It's very strange not to have anyone to watch over the hostage. Unless...

"Arthur, what happened after the explosion?"

"I… don't… know… Esdra… I… Unconscious… Explosion… woke… me…"

"All right, buddy. Does not matter."


We finally arrived at home. But we can't stay here for long. Those mercenaries will not be long in finding us.

"Arthur, pack your things. Fast! We can't stay here for long. Those guys are sure to come after us."


I think I'll take off that armor. She is very heavy. How can anyone fight with such a thing?

"Okay, Esdra. I got it all. "

"Okay. Let's go."


"Hmm ... Esdra ..."


"What is it, Arthur? You forgotten something? "


"No ... Armor ... Boss"



"Y-yes ... Armor ... Boss"


"Shit. We need to go now, Arthur..."

*door broken*

"Where do you guys think you're going, Brats?"

SHIT! He found us!


He is without armor. So, I was right. He took off the armor and left it so I could use it. The armor probably should have some location magic. I brought him to us. Shit.

"I have the parchment. Arthur has nothing to do with it, let him go. Please. You've already hurt him too much"


"Es..dra… what… you ..."

"Shut up, Arthur. I got you into this mess even though you didn't know anything and look how you are now. I don't want you to get hurt anymore because of me"

"Well, well. It seems that even among thieves there is honor, right? But for mercenaries like me, all that matters is who pays more. And for the bad luck of you kids, they paid us to get this parchment, even if I have to kill two little shit for that."


I need to think of something fast. Arthur is very hurt, even if I could escape of this guy, Arthur would not be able to accompany me ...

"Okay, okay. Here's your damn parchment, take it and get out of here."


"Hmm. Thanks for this, boy. Now, I'll have to kill you both. Hahaha" * Evil Smile*


"Wait, what? You said you would leave!!!"

"I didn't say anything, boy. YOU DESTROYED MY CAMP... DESTROYED MY CABIN WHERE ALL MY THINGS WERE... Did you really think I'd leave peacefully after that? Get ready to have your heart ripped out, boy. "


Shit, shit, shit. I need to calm down and think. He only has a knife and is without his armor. I still have one more magic bomb of fire, but to be able to defeat it with it I'll have to get very close, and I'll probably take a lot of damage as well. Damn, this is the best plan I have. It has to work.


"Arthur, hide."

What are you whispering over there? YOUR PIECE OF SHIT!!!



Damn it! Here he comes. He is advancing on me with the knife. I need to get the armor and protect me.

*take down*



Shit!!! I'm holding your knife, but this bastard is very strong. I couldn't get the armor in time and I can't hold it with one hand so I can get the bomb in my pocket. Damn it! This way I'll...




I got the armor. Now there's only ... Damn it! Here he comes!!!


"SHIT!!! Careful, Arthur!!!



*take down*




Damn ... It hurts like hell...

"Hahahahaha. You have balls, kid. If I had known you before, you would surely be in my clan. NOW... DIE!!!"


I took his hand. The knife didn't go too deep because of the armor, but it still hurts.

"I don't need your damn group. I already have everything I need here. Now ... let's see who's going to die!"


I pull the magic bomb from my pocket and place it inside his mouth.



Hi guys, I hope you enjoy the new chapter.

Calebatariocreators' thoughts