
The Legend of Su Chenyu

Morningstar Continent, Grand Tai Dynasty: Su Chenyu is the eldest young master of the ancient Su family, one if the most powerful families in the entire continent. And his life changed the day he discovered a broken artifact in a forest. ' Did the system come from that artifact? The system is an existence that has never been heard of in this world.....how powerful is the person who created it...and is it safe to use it?... also where did those memories come from? ....is it connected with gaining the system?.....most importantly were those my memories?.....my previous life?.....in that case the blue planet exists?.... His world view changed since that day . Follow Su Chenyu as he faces challenges more dangerous than the previous ones, see him face dangerous opponents and seek answers to his questions......his goal is to be as power as an existance that created the so called system..... NOTE: 2 chapter daily will be published From the Author : Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible. If you are enjoying the novel please support by adding it to your collections , and commenting below the chapters. I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

Beyond_the_wall · Fantasie
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22 Chs


FROM THE AUTHOR - One important thing I would like to share is that the first 12 chapters of the story, which I have listed as Volume 1, is kind of an introduction to the world and to the life of the Su Chenyu and the people around him.

The plot in the story begins from chapter 13, which is the start of Volume 2.

Before you get into the story, let me introduce you to the world in which the story is set.


The story is set in a fantasy world where Qi energy is present everywhere.

Humans and other lifeforms are able to absorb the QI energy and become stronger.

▪︎Humans are able to absorb Qi energy from the age of 10 years.

The humans sit in a meditating posture and through a special breathing technique, they are able to absorb the Qi energy from the surroundings.

The rate at which a person absorbs the Qi energy depends on two things.

1) the constitution of the body of the individual

2) the concentration of the Qi energy in the surroundings where the person is cultivating. ( Artifacts can be used to increase the concentration of Qi energy in the room which increases the cultivation speed of the person cultivating in that room. Such things are generally owned by strong families and sects. )


The story begins in the Morningstar Continent. [ There are other continents too which will be revealed later in the story.]

The Morningstar Continent is divided into many Dynasties.

Many kingdoms are also present however generally each kingdom is generally under the rule of a certain Dynasty.

The Su family is located in the Grand Tai Dynasty.

The Grand Tai Dynasty rules over 22 surrounding kingdoms.

The Grand Tai Dynasty is known to have many Skyscraping Realm Cultivators ( the 10th realm of cultivation). However it is unknown if they have any Empyreans (the 11th realm ).

The Grand Tai Dynasty is divided into provinces which are further divided into cities.

A province is governed by the " Province Governor " who is appointed by the Grand Tai Dynasty. Generally a province governor is in the Firmament Cloud Realm ( 9th Realm).

A city is governed by a city lord. Generally important cities have city lords in the Void Realm (8th Realm) and the less important cities have city lords in the Essence Realm (7th Realm).


In the Grand Tai Dynasty, everyone has information regarding the breathing technique which is required to absorb Qi energy fromthe air. Hence everyone cultivates to get stronger. ( It's a world where the strong rules, the weak doesn't have any say. There is no such thing as fairness.)

So there is almost no one in the Grand Tai Dynasty who doesn't cultivate above 10 years old.

Generally, most people in the Grand Tai Dynasty can only cultivate upto the Golden Core Realm (4th Ream) in their lifetime.


The Grand Tai Dynasty has many sects present in it.

The sects in the Morningstar Continent is classified into first rate sects, second rate sects and third rate sects.

A sect is qualified to be a first rate sect if they have at least one Firmament Cloud Realm (9th Realm) cultivator.

A sect is qualified to be a second rate sect if they have at least one Void Realm (8th realm) cultivator.

A sect is qualified to be a third rate sect if they have at least one Essence Realm (7th realm) cultivator.

A sect which has a Skyscraping Realm cultivator (10th realm) is known as a Great Sect.

A sect is known as a Sacred Land when it has at least one Empyrean Realm cultivator ( 11th realm) present in it.


The Seven Star Sacred Land is located in the Star Province in the Grand Tai Dynasty.

The Province Governor of the Star Province is selected by the Seven Star Sacred Land.

Although the Grand Tai Dynasty is the ruler of the entire Dynasty in name, it does not interfere in the Star Province.

( The strong rules in this world. Seven Star Sacred Land is known to have an Empyrean. The Grand Tai Dynasty is not known to have any Empyreans yet .)


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