

Mohammed was a boy of serious boy of serious nature he did not play with the boys of street, he kept himself aloof from idolatry and never took wine. his character was exemplary simple human and straight forward. He would never tell lie or use the dishonest means in anyway.


Arabs and Quraysh in particular were traders since ancient times. Prophet's uncle Abu Talib was also a trader, the holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam also adopted trade as his profession his first journey with his uncle got him a lot of experience. when the Prophet started business the people found him an honest person in his dealings and they started investing money in his trade. As he was righteous, honest, fair in his dealings and kept his word, he was extremely respected among Quraysh. The people started calling him saadiq(truthful) and Ameen(trustworthy).The prophet made several trips to Syria, Basra and Yemen for trade.

It was one of such journeys that a noble and a wealthy woman of Mecca was impressed by his character and honesty and offered herself to marry him.


There was a noble and wealthy lady in Makkah named Khadija. She was perhaps, the wealthiest woman in the city.

According to the practice of those days she used to send her merchandise to far off lands; and this merchandise of Khadija alone was equal to those of the collected merchandise of the rest of the Quraysh.

It was one of such trade that a nobel and wealthy women of mecca was impressed by his character and honesty in his dealing and she offered him to send her merchandise through him Syria. The prophet accepted the offer and went to Syria accompanied by the ladies slave Maisara. The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was fair and honest in his dealing and earned a great profit by that trade and returned Mecca with a great profit. This slave told her mistress of the honesty and his fair dealing of the prophet and and khadijah was impressed by the honesty of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and decided to marry him..

The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with the consent of his uncle agreed to the proposal and marriage was solemnised...

During the marriage prophet Muhammad (pbuh) at that time he was 25yr old and whereas, khadija was 40yrs old and a widow. She had two sons and one daughter from former husbands.. Khadija, was a lady of noble character and people used to call her "Tahira"- which means chaste and virtuous.

Khadija was a very helping and loving wife.. Prophet used to remember her even after her death with love throughout his life.

He used to say: " When I was poor she enriched me and when they called me a liar, she supported my mission ".