
The Legend Of King Daniil And Queen Kira.

He's the great dragon king who lives luxuriously in the faraway immortal realm. She's just an ordinary girl who lives wretchedly in the mortal realm. He's adored and worshiped by all, both mortals and immortals. She's looked down upon and ordered by all, both nobles and those of almost the same status as her. He's thousands of years old. She's just 25 years old. He's King Daniil Ivan Andrei. She's Kira Inessa Leonid. For thousands of years, the heavenly palace has remained without a queen, as everyone is eagerly waiting for the rebirth of the Phoenix Queen. But what happens when King Daniil gets tired of waiting?

Racheal_Dennis_8008 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

"Ew, no" Kira answered Ruth's question.

Ruth raised her brows at her, obviously she did not believe her.

"How can you say such a handsome man isn't your boyfriend? Then what is he doing with you?" She pressed further.

Kira was about explaining things to her, when she suddenly gasped as a thought crossed her mind, and judging from her widened eyes, Kira could already guess it's not a good thought. "Are you owing him money, and he's here to collect it?" she whispered.

Kira rolled her eyes at her friend's question. "Of course, not. I don't owe him any money"

"Who is he, then?"

Not knowing how to explain things to Ruth because she as confused as Ruth, she sighed and explained it as simply as she could.

"He's just my new boss"

"Oh" disappointment etched on Ruth's face as she glanced at King Daniil. "It's a pity he is not your boyfriend, he's such a handsome man"

Kira scoffed. "He might be handsome, but trust me, he's not normal at all" Kira glanced at King Daniil and flashed a dry smile at him, then turned back to Ruth. "He's a delusional man, who lives in a delusional world".

Unknown to both of them, nothing could be considered a secret when King Daniil is near, since he has sensitive ears and could hear their whispers very loud and clear. He looked between them, and wondered why they're talking about him as if he's not there.

"Hm. I don't think so" Ruth replied. She turned away from Kira as she approached King Daniil. "Hi, my name's Ruth and I'm Kira's best friend" she reached out her hand for a handshake.

King Daniil stared at her outstretched hand with a small frown, without accepting it, he took a step back and replied. "I'm King Daniil"

Embarrassed washed Ruth away as she released a nervous chuckle, and withdrew her hand. Kira gave her the 'I told you' look as she bite back a laugh.

"Er, it's a pleasure to meet you" Ruth said simply, she quietly headed to the kitchen to get herself something to eat. "Have a bonding time with your sister, I'll give officer Decker a call later and inform him you're back" she told Kira.

"Okay, thank you" Kira responded.

Now it's just Kira, Yulia, and King Daniil. Not wanting to make the atmosphere awkward, Kira lifted Yulia's chin and wiped her tears.

"It's alright, Lialia, you don't have to cry so much, I'm here now" she comforted Yulia.

"I was really scared, I thought I'd never see you again, Kira"

Kira laughed softly at her kid sister's cute behave. She placed a kiss on Yulia's forehead, and stroked her hair fondly.

"You must be tired from all the crying, come on, let's help you get some sleep"

Yulia only nodded. Kira pushed Yulia's room door open, and they entered, but she turned around with a small confused frown when she felt another person entering the room after them.

"Hello? What are you doing?" she asked after seeing it's King Daniil.

"I'm following you" he replied.


"I'm not sure if you won't try to run away" he replied with a small shrug, his arms folded on his chest.

Kira facepalm herself, and lets out a tired sigh. "I don't even have energy for you right now."


It's been more than fifteen minutes since Kira's trying to put Yulia to sleep, but to no avail. Yulia refused to close her eyes, and wouldn't stop holding Kira's hand.

"I'm not going anywhere, Lialia" she tried to persuade Yulia.

"I don't think I believe that" Yulia grumbled.

King Daniil who's been standing in a corner quietly observing the whole scene, couldn't help but speak. "Even your sister doesn't believe you" he said.

This statement of his earned him a glare from Kira. "And whose fault is that?" she snapped at him, referring to how he had kidnapped her. "I promise I'm not going anywhere, just close your eyes and get some sleep. You know stress isn't good for your health"


"I will be right here when you open your eyes" she assured her.

After much assurance, Yulia finally fell asleep. When Kira's made sure Yulia's finally asleep, she gently removed her hand from Yulia's death grip, yawned tiredly and stretched her numbed limbs.

"You said your sister is sick" King Daniil's voice startled her—she didn't realize he's already standing so close to her.

"Damn" she exclaimed, placing her hands on her chest and threw a scolding glare at him. "Why did you stand so close to me like that?"

"What is she diagnosed with?" he asked, ignoring her question and not feeling the need to apologize for startling her.

Kira's chest rose and fallen as she tried to quench her growing anger, after all, he is a strange man who can transform into a dragon, and she doesn't stand any chance against him.

"What is she diagnosed with?" he repeated his question.

"What she is diagnosed with is none of your business, you obviously can't help her in any way" she answered.

"What. Is. She. Diagnosed. With?" King Daniil asked again in a slow, and dangerously low tone.

Kira could not explain what it was, but she shivered when he spoke in that tone, and her body began shaking slightly as fear suddenly swallowed her form—it's almost as if there's a force behind his voice that she just couldn't disobey.

"It's a heart infection, endocarditis." Her voice wavered slightly as she spoke.

King Daniil's brows raised, a deep frown etched on his face as he looked confused, this is the first time he's ever heard of such an infection, and he does not have any idea what it is.

"I've never heard of such a disease" he said.

"Yeah" Kira found herself agreeing with him.

"But I can heal her"

Kira choked on her spit immediately he said those words, she coughed a few times. "Heal her. How? Are you an experienced medical practitioner of some sort?"

"What is that?" King Daniil's frown deepened.

"What is what?"

"The medical pra..." he trailed off, hoping she'd understand him.

Kira laughed as she shook her head. "You don't even know what a medical practitioner is, and yet you claim you can heal Lialia." she scoffed. "You're a joke"

"I said I can heal her"

"No, you can't" Kira said firmly. "Now if you don't mind leaving my sister alone to rest, I want to go get something to eat because I'm starving"

"You are the one to leave"

"Excuse me?"

"I want to heal her and you staying here is a disturb. I don't have the time to explain myself to you"

"Listen, Mr. whatever your name is, this is my house, and you don't tell me what to do and what not to… "

King Daniil couldn't take Kira's ranting anymore, he snapped his fingers across her face and her words were muted. Kira's eyes widened, and fear flashed when she realized she's talking but can't hear herself.

"Go to the living room" he ordered.

Kira wanted to argue, she wanted to stay behind but her body and legs seemed to be under a spell, she could not stop herself from turning around and leave the room. King Daniil cast a spell, an invisible shield covered the door, and he faced Yulia when he's sure Kira wouldn't break in.

King Daniil raised his hands and Yulia's unconscious body sat up, he sat behind her, closed his eyes, placed his right hand on her back, his left hand on his chest and started reciting some incantations. Soon, they were both covered in a thick fog, Yulia began sweating and the veins from her forehead to her neck appeared.

After reciting incantations for almost twenty minutes, King Daniil got up and laid her back on the bed. The nail on the forefinger on his right hand transformed into a claw, he used it to stab his left palm very deep and let some amount of his blood drop in her mouth.


Meanwhile, Kira was with Ruth in their small living room, and although Ruth was telling her about her conversation with officer Decker, her (Kira's) eyes were glued to Yulia's room.

The spell King Daniil cast on her has been lifted immediately she left Yulia's room, but she couldn't go back into the room since he's cast a shield spell on the room.

"Kira!" Ruth banged on the table to get Kira's attention.

"Yeah?" Kira finally shifted her gaze back to Ruth.

"You spaced out" Ruth stated.

"Oh" Kira cleared her throat. "What did you say?" she asked.

"Please, pay attention, I'm not going to repeat myself again"


"Good. I said, officer Decker called, and I already informed him that you're back, and he should stop searching. I even did a short video call with him while you were putting Lialia to sleep, to convince him that you're really back"

Kira simply nodded, hoping she'd finish her explanation soon, and she'd go check on Yulia — she doesn't trust King Daniil at all.

"Also, they've released Mr. McBroom, but he's insisting you caused loss to his company, and you must make up for the loss"

"That isn't a problem, I've got some savings, I'll settle him before I leave" Kira said.

"Before you leave?" Kira nodded. "Didn't you just come back home? Where are you going?"

Knowing this won't be easy to explain, Kira reached for Ruth's hands and held them tightly as she inhaled deeply, preparing herself for Ruth's reaction after what she's about to say.

"You're right earlier, I am owing my new boss"

"No. I asked you earlier and your answer was no, right?"

"I lied earlier because Lialia was there, I don't want her to know I'm going through a lot of shit"

Ruth's narrowed eyes softened as she felt her friend's pain, but what she did not know is that, her friend didn't lie before, but she's lying now.

"I have to go with him to repay my debts, or Yulia's gonna pay with her life"

"No" Ruth's eyes welled up.

"Sadly, yeah" Kira sniffled. "You know where my piggy bank is, break it and use the money there to buy Lialia's medications. I will be back in no time, but please, take good care of Lialia until I'm back, and I'll be indebted to you"

Ruth couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she moved closer to her friend and pulled her into a hug.

"Is the debt so huge that we can't pay them up with your savings?" Ruth cried.

"No. I don't even know how much I'm owing as we speak, but don't worry about me, I'll be fine"

A clear of throat startled them, and they pulled apart. In front of them stood King Daniil with a neutral expression, his gaze fixed on Kira.

"What did you do…" Kira was about lashing out on him, but stopped and quickly changed her words when she remembered Ruth's still there. "How is my sister?" she asked instead.

"Fine" he answered curtly.

Kira nodded slowly.

"You've sorted everything, it's time to go back" King Daniil said.

Ruth was offended by the tone he had spoken to Kira, she pulled Kira behind her and looked straight in King Daniil's eyes.

"You can't talk to a lady in that manner" she challenged him.

Ignoring her, King Daniil grabbed Kira's arm and effortlessly dragged her out with him. Ruth wanted to rush after them, but Kira signaled her to stay put and assured her that she's going to be fine.