

Son to a murdered father, mother, and siblings, he swore to take his revenge on the Caribbean Ruler; Sir Philip Morris. Lust for blood increases the more, as he is closer to his goal of avenging his family, and village. Full of epic battle scenes and action. Join in the REVENGE!!!!!!

JOElijahSkull · Aktion
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52 Chs


Leaving the room, Jason headed towards the cafeteria to have a quick meal. The next class he was supposed to have was the Spiritual combat class.

But, unfortunately for him, it was recorded that he lacked an ability do therefore wasn't qualifed to go there. But, his mind was made up, he was going to go there, but not before having a sumptuous dish.

" Hey pimp" a boy said to Jason. The boy had just arrived at Jason's table while he was eating. He was accompanied by three other boys. He looked like a strong person with the long scar mark on his face.

Raising his head, Jason was pretty annoyed. He had just ended a fight with Prometheus giving him severe internal injuries although all external injuries had healed up.

" Yes, what do you want?" Jason asked.

" I want you to stand up from this place and eat somewhere else quickly" Anthon said ( that was the name of the boy).

" So that's what this is all about" Jason thought " Bullies huh? I never really thought it would happen here" Jason said to himself.

" Are you deaf, I said stand up" Anthon more sternly.

Jason stood up from the chair he was sitting on ready to teach the boy a lesson.

" Alright, I'll stand up, I'll stand..." Jason said. He then lifted the chair and smashed it right into the boy's face.


Anthon unprepared for this received the hit which threw him backwards.

" F**k" the boy cursed totally bewildered at Jason's actions. " Do you know who I am...." Anthon shouted.

" Who cares" Jason replied, this time throwing his food to Anthon's face.

Unprepared for this hit again, it hit Anthon right in the face. This time Anthon was so annoyed.

" You dare humiliate the son of One" Anthon shouted. " Boys, teach him some manners" Anthon commanded his boys.

At this time, most of the students started walking away because they didn't want any trouble in the academy.

The first boy rushed towards Jason with a huge club and swung it to Jason. In a quick succession another boy threw a punch towards Jason. The gloves the boy wore amplified his strength.


The two boys were so shocked, Jason caught both the club and the fist of the other boy.

Wasting no time, Jason smashed the boy's hand he held and brought his stomach to his own knees before flinging him away. This of course sent the boy sprawling on the floor and groaning in pains.

The whole cafeteria erupted in laughter seeing the boy wailing.

The second boy on realising his club was gone activated his ability. Heat waves suddenly erupted from his body forcing Jason to retreat. The boy then formed a sphere of fire ball in both of his hands and launched them towards Jason.

This was easy for Jason to dodge but this was a ploy. The boy then released his true attack. Out of his hands, slashes and swipes of fire were then thrown at Jason at an incredible velocity.

Jason was finding it hard to dodge this as a result of the heat waves the swipes were releasing.

" The fire ability is one of the strongest, because of this, that boy is in danger" a boy commented referring to Jason.

Jason decided to end this, taking a leap, he bolted right through a barrage of fire swipes and reached the boy. His extended hand caught the boy's neck before releasing an energy blast sending the boy backwards and knocking him out.

The last boy was scared witless and just fainted. Anthon just looked straight ahead and rushed towards Jason with a kick.

Jason parried his kick with his own kick. The whole cafeteria shook at the sheer force of their kick.

Jason retracted his leg, and energizing his fist, sent a heavy punch towards Anthon's face. To this, Anthon threw a punch.

The shockwaves that resulted was earth shattering as both punches were tough.

The waves finally subsided, and Davis was seen in between the boys holding their hands.

Jason was shocked at how Davis was to catch his punch.

" Fighting isn't allowed, the next time this happens, you'll both be punished" Davis said sternly and visibly angry.

Turning around to look at the cafeteria, Jason and Anthon saw the mess they created. The cafeteria was trashed, everything was turned upside down as a result of their fight.

" Now, you guys can leave" Davis said. Watching them leave Davis then held his chest tightly. The attack from Jason's side had caused him severe internal injury of which he didn't expect.

" Anthon is the son of one of The Thirteen, so I understand his power, but what about the other boy, how was his punch so mighty. I guess I'll have to meet Beatrice again" Davis said to himself before walking away.




Jason arrived at the Spiritual combat class only to meet the instructor half done with her teaching.

" What was the teaching about?" Jason asked a student.

Turning around, the student replied him " Increasing energy level".

" That's impossible!" Jason said shocked...

Happy Reading.

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