

It was the last day of middle school, and I was an 8th-grade loser. My name is Namari, Namari Starr. I have a twin sister, and Her name is Azani Starr. We live in a two-story house in Connecticut with our Mom and Dad, Lily Starr and Zahari Starr.

"Hey Nari!" yelled Azani, knowing I hate when she calls me that.

Azani was a short girl, only reaching 4'11. The doctor says she will only make it to 5'2 if she's lucky. She bears honey skin and a short, black, and curled hairstyle with bright yellow highlights. She had on her neon pink cat shirt, with black jeans, pink light-up shoes, and a matching neon pink cat backpack. Me, on the other hand, I was 5'5 at the time. I had a caramel skin tone and I rocked my Blue streaked Hi-top fade. I had on a plain red hoodie, black sweatpants, a pair of worn out black tennis shoes, and a generic black backpack.

"Hurry up, or you're gonna get left," shouted Azani, as she dashed past me to the empty car.

"Where's dad, isn't he supposed to pick us up?"

"No, moms' picking us up, now hurry up unless you want to walk home."

"I'd rather walk," I mumbled.

My mom isn't exactly the best person in the world. In Fact, she's not even my mom, she's my Stepmom. For years Azani and I have been convinced that she was some evil witch.

"Well if that's the case," my Stepmom said, out of nowhere, "Then you will walk home."

"Wait, What?"

"You heard me," Said my evil Stepmom, looking as intoxicated as she usually does when she gets the chance to punish me.

I was quick to apologize, mostly because the walk home was a couple of miles home and I wasn't in the mood to spend the next hour or so walking to my house when I didn't want to be there in the first place.

"Please Mom can we ride with you?" Asked Azani, knowing that if I had to walk home she would have to walk home as well.

"Fine get in," sighed the witch, reluctantly.

My stepmom drove a charcoal black 2003 Toyota Camry. Well it technically wasn't hers it was mine and Azani's, but seeing as neither of us can drive since we're both only thirteen, she gets the car until we get our permits.

"So what are you gonna do for your summer vacation," asked Azani

"Well, I-" I was cut off by the horrendous sound of the evil witch's voice.

"You're both going to spend the summer at Aunt Millie's house."

"What!" yelled both Azari and I.

"You promised us that we would get to spend this summer the way we want" exclaimed Azari, as I silently agreed with her.

Azari is a lot louder than me, so whenever we find ourselves in an argument she usually takes the lead.

"Yeah well I changed my mind," said the witch, ecstatically.

She then turned around and smacked Azari on the lips.

"And if you raise your voice one more time I'll give you something to be mad about"

"I wish you would,'' mumbled Azari, sarcastically.

"What was that?" said stepmom

"I wish you would!" Azari shouted, putting both me and the witch in shock.

"That's it, I've Just about had it with you kids thinking you can do and say whatever you want. You don't pay the bills, you don't help around the house, you don't-"

"And you do?" yelled Azari, "Please explain to me what you do to help out!"

She turned back around again and attempted to smack Azari's mouth again, but she was blocked. The two started fighting and yelling at each other, while I sat back worrying. I wasn't too worried about their fight, as this kind of thing happens all the time. but I was worried about the fact that no one was watching the road anymore.

"Um… girls?" I attempted to intervene, but they ignored me and continued to get louder. "Mom," I continued, "Mom, MOM!"

"Don't call me that" she screamed at the top of her lunges, "I am not your mother and you are not my kids! My kids died in a fire thirteen years ago with you mother, and its all your fault!" she pointed at me and stared into my eyes.

It felt as if she was staring directly into my soul. Like she was reading everything I had done whether it was good or bad, an accident or on purpose. It felt like she had defiled my brain and watched everything I had ever done in just mere seconds. Still, both Azani and I knew that she had stepped way out of line. We both were too young to remember our mom but our dad told us a little about her. He told us how Azari looked just like her, and how mom tended to stay out of conflict just like me. He also told us about how she died. Apparently, the night Azari and I were born a fire broke out in the hospital and killed our mom and two kids. Everyone assumed it was Azari and me because it was our mom's room that burned down. When people found out that it wasn't us they started calling us demons. I never understood why they called us that and honestly I didn't care why, and yet one question stood on my mind. What did she mean when she said it was all my fault? How could it have possibly been my fault, I was just born I couldn't even crawl let alone start a fire. So I opened my mouth to ask her but I was too late. The car was hit by a semi-truck and our car flipped, before I could process everything that just happened a shard of glass was sent flying into my throat. I blacked out.