
The Lazy Sixth Hokage, Nara Yoshio

Mc died after saving a future scientist and got change to get reincarnated in Naruto world with two wishes. He gets born in Nara clan as Shikamaru's older brother by two years. With his extra large chakra pool and perfect chakra control, he was natural genius but cannot let go of his special trait which is being lazy..

Gursimran_Singh_8817 · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs


In the evening Yoshio exited the academy in a good mood as he had met a new friend unexpectedly who could at least have a chat with him. In fact for an adult soul like him to have a chat with a 5 year old is torturous so he was seriously glad that Uchiha Miki was at least a little mature.

For a clan heir, Yoshio's allowance was not that much as his mom was very strict with money matters. Still he had about 50,000 ryo saved now because he did not spend his weekly allowance ever since he started getting it from the time when he became 3 years old. He only bought some toys and food to Shika, Ino and Choji which was not a great expense at all..

Today his mood was good so he decided to visit Ichiraku ramen. Instantly the figure of little Naruto came in his mind whom he had not seen for three days now. It was not difficult for him to gather information about Naruto's orphanage so Yoshio had already started meeting Naruto twice every week since last year. The kids grew very fast in this world so even 2 year old kids were capable to talking in a broken tone.

Yoshi changed the direction to Naruto's orphanage and started jogging there. It was a two story wide building located near the market area. Yoshio reached there in under a minute because even a jog for him was dash compared to other kids.

There he saw a kind middle aged woman playing hide and seek with seven little kids and oldest of them seemed to be a 3 year old. The scene was peaceful but Yoshio frowned because he could not see Naruto anywhere. He could not even sense him inside the orphanage. Yoshio feared that some dumb civilians may try to harm Naruto so he used some chakra and increased the range of his chakra sense.

In few seconds , he found Naruto's chakra signature and sighed in relief because he was only playing alone in the playground near the academy. Yoshio clicked his tongue in annoyance because if he knew before then he could have avoided jogging here as he came from the direction of academy in first place.

In next minute , Yoshio reached at the playground and his heart ached while looking at chibi blonde who had loneliness written on his face. He had talked with Naruto some times now and knew that the kid had bottled up many emotions inside him. Yoshio cursed Hokage a little now because it was his fault for preaching his twisted will of fire to Naruto, that the blonde kid always tried his hardest to smile in front of others. Kids should cry when they want to as they dont have to hide their emotions like adults. Yoshio shook his head and formed a smile as he approached Naruto.

Yoshio - Yo blondie. What are you doing here alone ?

Yoshio sneaked up on Naruto from behind and flicked his head.

Naruto - Ah.. its Yoshio oni chan. Why did you do that dattebayo?

Yoshio chuckled as he looked at Naruto cutely rubbing his swollen forehead.

Yoshio - Forget that. I'm asking you that why are you here alone while other kids are playing at the orphanage ?

Naruto - I dont know. They call me demon and dont talk with me anymore..

Yoshio - Did you tell the Matron about this?

Naruto - I told her but she hates me now and also stopped talking with me. * sob sob*

Yoshio was angry now but he tried his best to smile outwardly as he ruffled Naruto's hair. He had known that he could not stop this shit for good but did not imagine that he could only delay it for a year only. Only by telling his dad, Naruto's problem wont be solved. He had seen hundreds of people grieving for their dead loved ones after the Kyuubi incident himself. Yoshio could only say that Danzo was truly vicious because he was the one who leaked this S rank secret. Hokage was also an idiot because he did not do anything to stop this shit. The worst shit was that these two idiots held most power in the village. One was a power hungry delusional bastard and other was an ignorant old man with twisted sense of will of fire. Yoshio was having a real headache now. He could not wait to become strong and at least eliminate Danzo from the face of this universe..

Yoshio - Naruto, when you feel sad it's okay to cry. Are you hungry right now?

Yoshio gently said while hugging little blonde while he was crying on his shoulder.

Naruto's stomach coincidently growled the next second.

Yoshio did not say anything and wiped off Naruto's tears.

Yoshio - Yosh.. big brother will treat you best ramen in the village and then we will go and tell Hokage jiji that Matron is treating to you badly.

Naruto's smile was like a sun when he heard about ramen but he instantly started sulking after hearing the last part.

Naruto - But.. then.. wont Matron hate me more if I complained about her?

Yoshio - Silky boy. She already hates you so it doesn't matter if she hates you a little more. Naruto tell me , did you do something bad?

Naruto - No. Etto.. I wake up on time , brush my teeth on time and.. and..

Yoshio gently smiled as Naruto started remembering and telling him his daily routine.

Yoshio - See! You are a good kid who has done nothing wrong. So Matron and other kids are the bad people who hate you for no reason. There are many people like this and the best way is to ignore them. Do you understand me ?

Naruto - * sob sob * Hai. I'm not a bad boy..

Yoshio's heart was aching more and more while thinking that what has become of the only child of 4th Hokage who died protecting this damn village. His rage was also spiking by the second and Danzo will definitely pay for this in future.. He still maintained a gentle smile outwardly though as he could not scare little Naruto now.

Yoshio - That's right. You are a good boy so there is no need to feel sad. Come on let's go and eat nice ramen and forget all the sad things..

Naruto - Yatta!

Yoshio smiled widely as he gave a shoulder ride to 3 year old Naruto and jogged towards Ichiraku ramen stall while chatting with the boy. The scene looked a little weird because Yoshio himself was not that taller than Naruto. Many people gave them hateful glances while some thought that the 5 year old kid had great strength and stamina for his age. Yoshio could sense their emotions but ignored them completely while feeling happy that the blonde kid was finaly smiling genuinely..