
007-jackson comes to rescue

2 months passed by since that day, the Canadian prime minister's death and his wife and daughter's disappearance has circled around the news William did not pay this issue that much attention, but instead was focused entirely on Zoe's training.

In 2 months' time, her strength has reached the 6th stage and with exerting 0.1% of his effort, Zoe was still able to touch William which impressed him so for the remaining 1 month he decided to let her rest and meditate.

William left Zoe to rest, while he walks outside. " Any news ?"

Jackson was standing outside their training area " It was easy to find the identity of the murderer, but I insisted on not doing any action since this will only hinder ms Zoe's and your time together.

" But, yes I found the location of the daughter and wife of the Canadian prime minister, and if you want I can go myself or dispatch the black dragon group."

(The black dragon group was the students directly under Jacksons' guidance they are all young people with great strenght and determination handpicked by Jackson and William.)

" The Canadian government must have sent someone, but failed to find the murderer if I am correct the murderer must have something to do with an Asian country since the martial arts competition is soon coming they would do anything to cut the other countries out."

Jackson nodded " The Canadian government send some people to investigate but for some reason, they all died. "

" How about the Canadian aristocrat family, actually they could not afford to waste any martial artist just for a prime minister especially now how clever."

" very well since there is a month left before the next meeting, go and see this through if they can still be saved."

Jackson nodded " As you wish."

In a matter of seconds with Jacksons' cultivation, he arrived at the target vicinity.

The beautiful daughter was now all rugged up, her beautiful face was all roughly beaten up, on the other side was her mother who was lying naked between more than 5 naked men servicing them she seems to have been continuously abused and raped her eyes showed almost no signs of life.

"Trash," Jackson said.

" the boss has been really good to us she gave us this beautiful milf the moment he has no use of her and to make it worst he forcefully gave her birth control pills so that she can continue being used, it's only a pity that her daughter is still a virgin even now because the master has other plans for her, but we beat her funny " The 5 men laughed as they slap and abuse the mother.

The warehouse was filled with more than 40 men, Jackson was able to estimate their power most of them were at the upper limit of human the typical thugs, but there were at least 3 1st stage Qi foundation realm cultivators and 1 2nd stage Qi Foundation realm cultivator. " the 2nd stage must be the leader, I better save the daughter and the wife first."

The daughter was lifeless after being beaten every day and only given food once sometimes never. Her previous beautiful face has now started rotting and she was about to collapse, but she continued to stay alive for revenge. Her room was guarded by 5 grunts with guns.

A grunt was bringing food he opened the door " hey here's your food trash." He threw the small bread and a small plastic bottle of water inside before leaving."

Just after he left he heard a large bang and his head quickly exploded. All the men except for the masked man and the 2 other cultivators head exploded.

The masked man was quickly alerted and ran towards the daughter.

The mother's eyes were full of shock as 5 large bodies fall one after another and blood covers her body. She quickly stood up not caring about her figure towards her daughter.

The daughter who was chained saw a handsome young man open the iron-steeled door with breeze. Jackson destroyed the chain and freed the daughter." Please save my mother !" she cried.

The masked man arrived he saw Jackson silhouette and a century of stored anger was released. Jackson placed the daughter down "Stay put".

" be careful I saw him kill all the soldiers back in my house, he is not an ordinary man."

Jackson smiled." He hasn't heard those words for a long time."

" You, I have been waiting for you." the masked man said.

" Hiding under a mask. well it is better to hide that huge scar I gave you a few years ago, haven't you or your country learned your lesson?."

" I am no longer the same man I was 20 years ago" he moved his body in a weird stance and started charging his energy.

" Oh you have reached the 2nd stage, but still trash."

The masked man was shocked by Jackson's appearance he arrived very quickly and in the next second his body that he thought was impenetrable had a large whole.

he coughed a mouthful of blood still in disbelieve.