
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Page 12

Here's the thing:

Point A, I kinda messed up the third floor... 

And Point B, I don't know how to fix it. 

I'm in a tough spot here. I know it's my fault that this occurred but... I blame it on Valentyn. He suddenly appeared out of nowhere, causing me to panic and destroy half of the third floor. Didn't I tell him not to enter the third floor until I gave a visible and clear indication?! No... wait. He's technically not on the third floor, just calling out to me from the second floor. 

I might require assistance from one of the World Creation guys to undo my mistake, but I must first scold Valentyn. Gosh, he's such a high-maintenance subordinate. 

So what happened was... 

Super focused on work → Valentyn suddenly said my name from behind my back → Flinched → Lost concentration → Destruction of the third floor due to the misuse of the dungeon's energy. 

I'll do what I can in this situation, but I doubt any ideas of mine would prove useful. And then—

"We got company, master," Valentyn said. "Human challengers approaching the dungeon's entrance." 

"How many?" I replied. 

To my surprise, Valentyn said they were numbering in the hundreds. Three hundred to be exact. I was impressed by the sheer number of challengers coming to my dungeon at once, however, Valentyn wasn't fazed. 

He simply looked at me with his sparkling eyes, like a loyal dog patiently waiting for the order to go attack. I sighed and agreed. "Fine, go rampage. Just don't use magic that would shake the ground or kill any of the challengers." 

"As you wish." Valentyn answered before disappearing. 

I got back to work. I have no doubts that Valentyn would come out victorious unless there are some "heroes" among the challengers (wink, wink) so he should be fine. I don't have to fight them, right? 

Well, in any case, how am I going to fix half of the third floor? If I don't attend to the matter now, the destroyed parts of the floor might spread to the second or fourth floors. And I certainly do not want that. It's more unnecessary work for me to do. 

Righto! I'm going to find another person to deal with this. Off to the World Creation guys I go!

In the Overworld where angels reside, it is divided into smaller sections known as "Areas". The Overworld itself is massive, much larger than the human brain could process, therefore, even the smallest of Areas would be the size of some large universes. How do we travel across the Overworld? That's simple. Angels, spirits, demons or dragons could all fly at speeds past the speed of light due to our divinity, otherwise, it wouldn't be possible. 

I'm talking three times, six times or even a million times faster than the speed of light. Although it drains quite a bit of energy depending on the duration and the speed, it is the best way to travel around the Overworld and the other Realms. 

Sure, there are teleportation pads, but those things are the same thing, but just in a machine with a set speed; 5 x 10^25. It's a pretty large number. I'm pretty sure it's 1,670,000,000,000,000,000 (1.67 x 10^17) times faster than the speed of light. So what powers them? I have no idea. The higher-ups in the Transport Role heavily guard it, so yeah. 

Now, the World Creation Area is around twenty-five times larger than the universe where Arula is located, and just slightly larger than the multiverse where Arula's universe is located (like 1.3 times larger). 

It is one of the largest Areas present in the Overworld, (I believe) only behind the Reincarnation, Entity Design, Materialisation and Production Areas in terms of size. 

However, the World Creation Role does have the most amount of angel (by a long shot) workers (roughly 16 x 10^400 employees), so it shouldn't be hard to find someone willing to take my request. Heck, I'm willing to pay them as well. If I don't get the floor fixed, I'm going to be in big trouble. 

To get to the Overworld, you must break the fabric of reality and go into the Imaginary Realm. What is the Imaginary Realm? I have no idea. But, it's a space where only divine creatures roam and the laws of reality do not apply to the Imaginary Realm. 

Thanks to the unique property of only being accessible by breaking reality, it's the most convenient and optimal space for places like Angel Stations or Demon Stations, a place where mortals should NEVER find or come across. 

Luckily, there has been no recorded case of a mortal stumbling across any of the stations, so there's that. All worlds would have an Angel or Demon Station as they are necessary for the world's functionality. Therefore, all stations are equipped with teleportation pads that could assess any other teleportation pad in the system. 

And taking advantage of that fact, I could go to the World Creation Area without much suspicion. I also had to sneak past Iona, who was welcoming another group of students from Earth (same school as well, funnily enough). He had his hands full dealing with them, so I took the chance and teleported myself to the outer regions of the World Creation Area. 

I immediately got spotted by one of the workers nearby and he flew to me. 

"What brings you here?" the angel asked me. 

"One of my subordinates destroyed one of my dungeon's floors so I'm here to request the help of someone who can fix that." I replied. The angel did react with surprise and thought about it. 

"The misuse of a dungeon's energy?"

"Correct. Is there anyone available?" 

"Hmm. Hold on, come with me. I do know an angel who can freely manipulate a dungeon's energy but he has a strong personality... to say the least." he said while looking away. 

Huh. Strong personality, eh? Maybe my "Ten-Thousand Moves of Begging" would convince him to help. Anyway, we travelled at thirty times the speed of light for around a minute until we arrived at a little cloud hut in the middle of nowhere. Apart from the hut, simply... nothing around. 

I'm not shaming the angel for living in this remote and desolate location, I would happily live out here if I could. It's just a little bit interesting, to say the least. Zuriel once told me about this kind of loner, but this was the first time I was interacting with one. 

Again, I'm not shaming them, I would be a loner angel if not for my job as a Reincarnation Angel... well, I'm a Dungeon Master now, so a former Reincarnation Angel? 

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic again. The Creation Role angel entered the small hut without knocking and guided me through the house's interior. It was small and cozy, as you would expect from the size, and as I scanned the cloud flooring of the hut (it was pretty messy), my eyes connected with another pair of eyes. 

Their eyes were a light blue colour but with an overlay of grey, and the texture of their eyes was like crystals. My eyes are bland in comparison to these stunning eyes. "Who is this, Azuriel?" the angel with the beautiful eyes asked the angel who was guiding me. 

I was kind of surprised, who would have thought that the angel who was guiding me had a similar name to my friend, Zuriel? Now, this is rare. Both are a part of the "Riel" family tree, which is uncommon. I guess the "El" family tree is also uncommon, but there's Lord Raphael, Uriel, Raziel, and many more of the powerful, famous angels in this family tree, so perhaps some kind of unspoken rule was made between angels not to name themselves from the "El" family tree. 

I don't know. I'm going to sleep now. I'll continue later. 

I'm not going to contract this work. I do not want to make money or profit from this hobby of mine.

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