

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasie
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59 Chs


"We're good! Good. If you need me, I would be by the pool side". Saucy said

"I'll be in my room". Anita said, dragged Pricilla.

Laughing…. "Can't believe this, we have them under our roof. Something every girl has been trying to do". Anita said. Gesticulate widely. Staring at them continually

"I don't think I would be able to stay here". Richard said

"Stop looking at him like that, you are making him feel uncomfortable". Pricilla whispered

"How do you know that".

"I just know. Let's find something to do". Pricilla said

"Something like what?". Anita said

"To…the museum".

"Okay". She said in a constricted voice. They left room

"This is going to be a long vacation".


"What's the rush for?". Saucy asked

"Anita needs to give Richard space, so I brought her here".

"Whatever, want pedicure?".

"No, I need a massage".

"You're going to pay me". Saucy said

"Sure!". Anita replied'

"Ahh this is the best movie I've watched, let's watch another one". Mariana said

"I barely survive. If we are going to do this again, it's going to be a horror movie".

"Am tired, off to bed good night". Juliana said

"Yeah me too". Justin said

Walked into the room, everywhere dark. Missed her step

"Arrh….". she screams

"Careful". Justin turns the lights on.

"Finds her way to her bed. Groaning in pain

"You're bleeding".

"No, it's not so deep but it hurts".


"Thanks anyway". Staring at each other quiet a while. Breaks the stare when she walked in

"Oh! I didn't…. know you guys were….".

"We weren't doing anything. Actually, he helped me, stop thinking stupid am going to bed".

"Whatever". She said

Later that night, heading to their room

"Oh my god!". Pricilla yelled

"What happened?".

"Anita I kind of did something". Pricilla said

"What did you do?".

"I kind of book a date for you".

"What! When? how? why?".

"So many questions! well I opened an account, and I used your…. Pictures. So yes, he wants to see you, this address. And oh! His rich". She walked away

"You're not serious". She hissed

Next day rushed in

"You are not dressed your date is calling me".

"What date?".

"Didn't you hear what I said last night".

"it's real! You were not joking. How could you Pricilla, how can I go on a date with someone I barely know". Anita said

…. Arguing seriously. While Anita blames Pricilla. She tried to tell her to put on her shirt

"You have too….". cut short again by Anita loud talk

Walked in talking. Pricilla and Anita turned around, placed her two hands on her boobs, screaming

"Oh…. gosh uhm…. David, lets". They quickly stepped out of the room

"Gosh, what was that. Did you see anything, I didn't see anything".

"Mean either".


"Oh, my world. Why didn't you tell me. I completely forget that we are sharing the room with boys".

"Hmm! Where are you going to? Ain't, you forgetting something". Pricilla said, took a while

"Ooh my shirt". She said

Open the door, staring at each other

"You can come in now".

"Right!". They entered the room

"So Anita get dressed, this is the address, love you". she rushed out

"Hey wai…. wait! shit she's gone, now what. Meyan is not here, how would I find a dress to wear". She said within. Turns around slowly, looking at the boys, big smile

"Boys…mmm I need you guys to help me...". not able to complete her statement David walked away saying he couldn't

"Hey wait". Smiled back at Richard

"I know we have our ups and downs but I need…". Quickly put on his head phone

"Serious! You're so mean". She angrily walked into her dressing room.

"Just about to pick a dress

"Doesn't match". Turn around, full smile

"Thank you".

"You're welcome. Now what do you have here, mm. wait is that my jacket!".

"Yes". Hesitated

"Girls' you guys are weird. Here try this…what are you doing?". About to take her shirt off

"You said I should…".

"Not here you fool, gosh".

"Sorry!". Left to try the dress

"What kind of temptation is this".

Minutes later she walked back in

"Wow am good".

"You like it".

"Stop asking dumb question and get off my space". He walked away

"Weird! What so bad if you say you look good, crazy". Came outside

"Wai…wai…wait you're wearing slippers".

"Yeah, any problem". He chuckles

"You are so stupid. Don't you have heels".

"I have some". She said. Staring at each other

"Lets go and see". Got up from his bed. "Just so you know, you owe me".


"Where is it?".

"It's right here".

"This…ah just wear that …that one".

"Ok thank you".

"You can stop me here". She said paid, walked into the restaurant.

"What kind of restaurant is this". She said within

Immediately she entered everyone started staring. Just in=gnored, staring at her phone. Waiter walked up to her.

"You can sit here ma'am".

"Am waiting for someone". She said quite confused

"Yes, I know you". he said


…. minutes later mystery date walked in


"Hi, good evening".

"You look beautiful".

"Thank you".

"Ahh you are too beautiful I can stare at you all day". He flattered her.

Not even a single fuck was given". She said within, weird smile.

"You know this is not actually the place I planned, so if it's fine by you, can we change location, please".

"What's wrong with this place?".

"You are too beautiful for this place".

"But am not complaining".

"You don't have too. I insist". He said, sigh

"Fine". Chuckled

"That's my baby girl". Trying to act gentle

"Don't worry am fine I can walk on my own".

Entered the car and they drove away

"Why do I feel so weird, I don't feel good at all". Looking out the window and at her weird date, smiling at each other weirdly

"We're here. No…. no, I would help you". rushed down, open the door for her

"This is a hotel, what are we doing in a hotel?". She heaved a big sigh

"Shall we". She nodded with a weird facial expression

Walked in staring at the security guard

"Uhh bae, mm…I want to ask this man something I'll be quick". She said walked away

"Damn look at that ass, so sexy! Am going to enjoy myself, can't wait!".

"You done".

"Yea…am done, shall we".


Open the door, walked in wondering

"This is a bedroom".

"I know". Shut the door. Moving closer while she moves backward. Pushed her down on the bed

"What are you doing?".

"Shhh there is nothing you can do now, this room is sound proof we are going to make the best love of our life, so scream all you want no one would hear you". Took his shirt off. Entered the bed, trying to force her to be still.

"Shut up".

"So you are a rapist". Anita said loudly, he slapped her.

Zip his pants down about to bring his dick out ready for sex. She was able to free her hand reached for her pocket, brought out a lighter and light his dick up

"Arrh". Quickly rushed down, rubbing his dick

"How dare you". Coming closer in range. She uses the vessel on the table to hit his head so hard

"You are messing with the wrong person". She steps on his groan walked away

"Thank you so much". FB

"Hey good day sir, can I… borrow your lighter, this guys wants to rape me". she whispered

"Why don't you call the cops then".

"I want to teach him a good lesson".

"Fine then, you can have but bring it back".

"Sure I will! Thank you so much". FB ends

"You're welcome". Security guard said. She rushed out

"I need a taxi". She said walking along the road

"Mm this cake is so good…". Fredi said

"Yea meyan is good".

….Doorbell rings

"Am coming".

"Anita, what happened to you". she said so loud got everyone's attention

"Get her water". Emma said


"Why are you looking at me like that what did I do".

"Well your stupid date try to rape me".

"What show me that person".

"There is no need I've sort myself". She went to her room

Staring at the mirror

"I was so lucky today, what if he had actually raped me". Parked her hair, got up and entered her bed