

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasie
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59 Chs


Woke up, everywhere so dark.

"Mommy, am scared". She opens the door slowly.

"Richard, liya anyone. They left me, I can't believe they left me, I felt like this was not so serious, but he really hates. I don't Have my phone with me, what would I do?". Lisa laments.

She stepped out of the class room, checking if Mena was in her office, but the school was completely empty. she moved from one class to the other, until she got outside, it was really dark and cold.

"Mommy!". Walking on the main road, trying to find her way home.

"I can't believe am going to work home, am scared. It's so obvious, am not home by this time and no one is even worried".

…. engaged the reverse gear, pulled to a stop.

"Who are you? What do you want". So frightened

"This is exactly what we want, carry her".

"Just imagine, Richard actually leaves her, what then, because the way they treated her today after the others left was so bad".

"Well, that's only imagination, he doesn't hate her that much, so that is way off". Saucy added.

"If you say so". Continue with what they were doing.

...Covered her, put her in car and drove away.

Dropped the glass.

"Anita are you okay?". Her friends asked her. She didn't answer them, she hurried up to get her phone. Calling Jackson.

"Who are you calling?".

"His not taking his calls. Why do I feel so worried?".

"What happen Anita you are confusing us with your reckless behavior. what is it?".

Richard walked in with lyia on his arm, Havana made a face, looking outside, no sigh of Lisa

"Where is your sister?".

"What sister?". Richard said playing with liya

"Liya where Is your twin sister?". She said pretty loud

"I don't understand ask Andy; we are not Lisa fan".

"Exactly! Did I hear you say that just now. Andy left, your dad called him, and you were told to pick her up". Havana broke down

"What have I done to you Richard, what, what have I ever done to the both of you?".

"Mum why are you crying?". Andy and fredi walked in

"What, just to bring her home, you felt too diguste to take her with you, what did I do to the both of you, what!".

"What is going on here?". They asked even more worried as Havana's tears increased

"Where is Lisa?".

"You guys forgot her! Richard I called you twice! why, mum calm down".

"So where, ah gosh, this is disappointing, really".

"Oh, I think this is it"

"Who owns that phone?".

"It's Lisa's phone".

"Go ahead pick up".

"Hello, who is this?".

"Oh yes! Wait lyia, give the phone to Lisa".

"She's not with you". She asked so surprised

"No, I told your brother that's she's…... oh my god, you guys left her. Quickly, to school they left her". Call ended

"So, who is that?". Havana asked. Mena walked in

"What is going on here?".

"It's Anita"

"Why did she call?".

"T-to ask if, Lisa is home".

"You see, a total stranger cares about your sister more than you. Do you know how many wishes they were twin, no".

"What is going on here?".

"Richard forgot Lisa at school".

"What, and you guys just realized now, oh my God, wow, this is disappointing".

"Now you are crying, no don't cry, you are not fans".

"So what are we waiting for then? Let's go to school".

...they left to school.

"She's not here".

"I can't believe, what we laughed about moments ago, saying that it was not possible, actually is".

They walked outside wondering.

"I can hear her".

"Where is she?". They asked so worried.

"She's not here, but I her can hear her scream. They've drove far, come on". She started running, her friends followed her from behind.

"Quickly, if she stops screaming, I can't hear her voice and if I don't hear her voice, we lose our chance, so hurry up and pray that the kidnappers don't shut her up". They kept on running.

Got there

"I can't believe I messed up" Richard said

"Well better believe it". Andy snaps at him.

"Is she there?". Fredi asked.


"Great". Havana added. Wait". Picked it up.

"Is this not, Lisa's bracelet.it is! They've kidnap my daughter".

They went back home, worried

"Calm down".

"Don't tell me to calm down, don't, I can't believe I lost my child today, all because, her siblings don't like her. Mena, you are a strong woman, I admire my sister Stella, Marien, all of you that lost your child to that fire, I admire you all. You didn't go through with suicide. And you lost three, you are still alive and healthy. My child is missing, just one, and am already considering suicide".

"Don't say that".

"What have I done to deserve this, why! why don't, the kidnappers, call, we would give them all the money they want, they should just give me my gem, Lisa where are you? Mommy loves you".

…she screamed continually.

"Shut up!". She was frightened and she screamed even louder

"Shut up". Got pissed, pointing a gun at her. She screamed, anyway.

"Shut that girl up".

"Yes boss". Used his hands to cover her mouth, she bit his hands. "ouch".

"How cheap can you be?".

"Keep quiet or I would splash you brains on that wall".

"You would do no such thing".

"I said shut that girl up, shut her up or make her sleep".

"Am trying boss, she's playing difficult".

"You fool, you can't handle this little kid".

"What do you guys want to do with me?".

"Shut up, we are going to sell you?".

"Ain't you all foolish, even if your brains are not well developed, at least, don't disgrace yourselves in

front of a child. Who doesn't know me around the world, my parents would find you, you guys are so


"Shut her up"

"But boss she's right".

"Are you crazy, now do the needful".

"Why did you stop?".

"Look around". Annabel said

"We are here? Guys we are here!".

"Keep it down, this place looks dangerous, let's go in".

They went in.

"Careful, you guys should be quiet". Saucy whispered.

Anita mistakenly, stepped on something, that ruined all their plan, due to the noise. They tied all of them up

"When I felt like I was saved, but seems like they would sell all of us". Lisa whispered

Worried so much although the night

"Come on Havana, you need to sleep".

"How can I sleep; my daughter is missing and you expect me to sleep".

"Havana am here for you okay, so you can sleep, everything would be fine okay".

"Damn, these girls are pretty, we are going to fuck them before we sell them, right?".

"Sure, we can't let this beauty go to waste, we are going to fuck them so hard, let's just leave them till tomorrow".

"Hear that princess, tomorrow is the D-day". Touch their faces

"You fool, I wish my hands are free and I cut does little peanut in between your legs, rubbish". Saucy whispered

Next morning, got to school no sign of their annoying classmates

"Whoa, they are not here, this means they won't come, freedom". Justin said aloud

"What's wrong? You guys are not happy, seem like you didn't sleep the whole night, what's wrong?".

"Lisa is missing".

"What! Oh my God! You left her didn't you, you did, shit"."

…liya started crying

"Stop crying. I won't tell you she's fine".


"What do you want me to say? Lie to her".

"Bro, you messed up big time".

"I know, I know, and I regret it now".

"Now what?".

"Don't know, just hope we get a call soon". Andy added

"Alright ladies, get ready".

"We have to come up with a plan, we need to take this girl back to her parents, safely". Saucy said

"See girls I know we made a promise not to go back to our old habit of beating people, but now violence is the answer, for this girl".

"You are right Saucy, violence is the key". Anita added

"See guys". She shows them her hands, they are untied


"Create a distraction, while I free the rest".

"OK, Pricilla and I would do that, but be quick".

"Heyy, want us, come then".

"Whoa, they are ready for us, we would take this two, they look spicy".

"Let's go have fun". They untie Anita and Pricilla. Walking slowly to the room

… pray in their mind "Please, Saucy be quick".

"Now!". Saucy said out loud

Immediately they punched them hard, right on the face.

"Cramp that was hard". Touching her fist.

Saucy carried Lisa, holding her so close, they run as fast as they could. Getting to the entrance of the building, thugs came from different angle surrounding them, with loaded guns

"You think you can run, huh".

"They think they can run boss, but we show them".

"We would fuck you all, including the little kid, then sell you". They started laughing at them

….. Creating a circle around them, everyone watching out

"Now what saucy, they out number us, and more of all, they have guns".

"We are going to show them the jungle style". She put Lisa down.

"Look at me, you are a strong girl, for you to survive a night, you would make it back home ok, don't be scared. Now you are going to do something for me, we would start the fight, you would run as fast as you can okay, don't wait for us, promise you won't wait for us, just run as fast as you can".

"No, I can't!..... am not that brave, please come with me am scared".

"You have to, okay".

"What if something happens to you, all of you, what then?".

"You would find your parents". Saucy got up

"we didn't die then; we won't die now".

… fist set, looking at each other. Saucy went first as she punches one right in the face, throwing his gun away

"Lisa run!". They scream

Anita, use both their head to hit each other. Use the back of the gun to hit her on the back of her neck, she kicked him hard in between.

The fight, became more tense at the first fire. Shooting the air, struggling with the gun. She got hold of it, hit him right on the head, fell down

"Wow! That was a fight, quickly". They all picked up guns, rushed outside.

Running as fast as she could wiping her tear, she fell down and hurt herself. Trying to get back on her feet, one of the thugs, right in front of her, about to carry her. shot him on his left arm.

"Arrh!". She was more frighten, turn around

"You guys made it".

… saucy carried her on her arms and they ran further. Soon enough Juliana, turns back and notice they

are still chasing them

"They survived; they are after us". Increase In speed.

"Am out of bullets".

"Here!". pass her another gun.

Run further came across an old truck.


"What!". Breathing fast.

"This truck, they are chasing us right? we gat to drive".

"But you don't know how to drive". Anita said.

"There is always a first time for everything and now is the first time, get in all of you". Saucy instructed

….. They entered inside.

"Hold on tie". She started the truck and took a quick turn.

"Whoa you are going to kill us even before they do, reckless driver".

"It's better I kill you, than them, they would sleep with your dead bodies". They laughed at her statement

"Shit, they are shooting at us". She did same

"I think I got their tyers that would give us time". Meyan said

"You are going home, lovely". She kissed her on her forehead

"This baby is loaded; it would take us a long way". Saucy said

Drive along way close to town

"Wow! They are back on track, and they are loaded, saucy please step on that thing, we can't die, who would tell the story". Her friends freaking out

"You think it's easy, fine". She steps on it and she increased her speed.

Pass the market place, destroying goods.


Gunshot; everyone runs for their dear lives. They continued with the reckless chase to the main road, almost hitting the upcoming vehicle, quick turn. Police try to stop them, the more they continue shooting at each other.

"Oh my gosh susy they got Juliana".

"Oh my, Juliana holds on, I would make them pay". Saucy said in a fit of range.

"Juliana stay with us please". Teary, adding pressure to the wounded place.

"Juliana, look at me, nothing would happen to you okay".

"Am taking us to school".

"What! are you crazy, Juliana needs hospital". They snap at her

"That is way too far, we are almost there".

…Still on the chase, involving the police, while the girls are ahead, thugs and police are behind.

The school gate is lock, saucy now what, we are losing Juliana, she's bleeding seriously.

"Hold tight". She broke the gate open, driving through it, alarm rings.

"On my, what's going on?". Rushing out, move back at the sound of the gun.

"What is going on?".

… students were outside for lunch break. Everyone's scared.

"What is going on, Lisa is missing now this". Havana couldn't cry any more

"Mena what are we going to do? we would have to use magic".

"No, no that's too soon".

As they think of what they would do for all student's safety, saucy drove, right into the middle of the school

"O.M.G …..blockbuster". Students said randomly

"Get out of the way". Meyan yelled as they jump down one by one. Anita carried Lisa down from the truck.

Big relief when they saw her. She hands her over to her mother.

"Mommy". She rushed to hug her


"Thank you so much". For the first time in their life, they appreciate someone with tears on their eyes

"Thank you so much, I really mean it". Richard hugged her so firm

… standing like lifeless body watching how much her family miss her

"Thank you, thank you so much". Havana said, with a kiss on her face. Everyone started clapping for them. Anita rushed back to the truck, join hands with her friends to bring Juliana down. Everywhere became calm when they saw her dyeing.

"Juliana please don't do this, stay with us please".

…. Saucy came down pissed, as soon as the thugs make their way to the school, she started shooting all of them till she ran out of bullets, then the police walked in and take them all away. She drops the gun forcefully, rushed to her friends

"Juliana!". Breathing hard.

"Today was the best day of my life, we've known each other for 5years now and, and, I, I would have never pictured this as my last, but am still grateful. You guys are the best friends anyone could ask for, I love you, I would join mom in peace, tell Mr. Dunne I love him, and that am grateful for all his support".

"No Juliana shut up, you are not dying, you cannot tell, you didn't leave that terrible place to come out here and die okay! so get well soon". Mariana said in pain

.... Mena rushed in she won't die, let's take her to the hospital".

Quickly, with full speed, they drove to their own private hospital, immediate attention, Mena couldn't attend to her because she was overly emotional, but the rest of her friends and grandma attended to Juliana's case, which was so tense.

Her friends were up all day, tips of their fingers, praying, saucy is still calm, trying to keep her friends together.

"She would be fine okay". Jackson tried to be positive

"She would be fine". Anita telling herself.

…. she would be fine, became a recitation for the rest of the day.

Doctor came out, tension increase as Elena's face told the result

"A-a-am, Sor-sorry".

"For what doc?". Mariana moving closer

"We- we lost her". Elena fidgets Mariana held her dress firm

"Noooooo…. It can't be Juliana cannot no, noooooo". Cried bitter

Meyan fell on her feet, crying, saucy couldn't move although she felt this impact, she couldn't express hurting, by crying. They rushed into the room where she lied dead, while they watch them lament over her death outside.

"Juliana no you can't do this, why would you die, our empress of beauty, please come back, take your position, I don't want to be number one". Pricilla said

"Juliana, I didn't predict this, so, this is just a movie, so you have to wake up".

"Juliana, my friend, the one who always makes us laugh, ever hungry Juliana, don't do this, you can't leave us please, Juliana, you once said regardless you die, but you would never die hungry". Mariana said

"Yes, Juliana yes you said that and you haven't eaten since yesterday, remember". They all said

"Just wait". Anita rushed out

While saucy remain speechless, her friends tries to give her reasons to just wake up.

Anita walked in an hour later with foods on her hands, everyone except her friend were surprised. She opens the food, shift them close

"Juliana wake up and eat, you can't die in hunger, just say food one more time please". Anita said

…minutes later, lost hope.

"She won't really make it, is this our reality". They said, so weak.

...Things change. Zyron appeared, they could all see her except the people outside, dumbfounded, she walked further and she stand on Juliana's body and she entered her. Immediately, powers transferred, connects from the ever first Zyron.

... 'All Zyron's died with their power, fegrance couldn't take them away, but Zyron gave hers willingly'.

"Food!". She screamed and her eyes open, but were no longer blue, but green same as Pricilla's, but no one noticed

"Oh my god, Juliana is awake, saying her best word …..Food!". said unison.

They rushed to her while she grabs the food. Big relief. Anita kept on looking at Zyron till she disappeared. Still lost, till saucy touched her and showed her "Juliana!". A big smile

"You got us all worried".

"Why, I couldn't die right. Anyway, how did you know I was hungry? by the way, the food is good, but am still hungry". Everyone burst into laughter

"Juliana is back baby". They screamed and celebrate for joy.

Two days later, she was discharge, and they were given two weeks to rest, while Richard gives them notes for those two weeks.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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